What Story would make the best Movie?

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Re: What Story would make the best Movie?

Post by Mark_Reed »

Andygal wrote:Movies based on books are never (or at least very seldom) as good as the books themselves.
*Nods* I agree. The one glaring exception that I know of is The Hunchback of Notre Dame. That book was so bad that even the cutesy Disney movie was better.
Sbudda wrote:Tarrin's stuff would make the finest anime ever created. I'd like to see a series done by the Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust people. I would love to see a Peter Jackson version of it too, no one else (that I've seen) can pull off a fantasy movie so well.
I don't think Peter Jackson will be trying anything so spectacular again. The impression I got from watching interviews and assorted other LoTR stuff was that he put way too much of his life into the movies when they were being made, and he doesn't want to get that far into it again.

Then again I could be wrong. I'm not heavily into the 'behind the scenes of LoTR' type stuff.
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Re: What Story would make the best Movie?

Post by Fiferguy »

Mark_Reed wrote:*Nods* I agree. The one glaring exception that I know of is The Hunchback of Notre Dame. That book was so bad that even the cutesy Disney movie was better.
Bruwhaaa?? You didn't like the Hunchback of Notre Dame? It wasn't the best in the classical literature, but it's not the worst either. And it's certainly one of the better books ever written.
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Re: What Story would make the best Movie?

Post by Mark_Reed »

Fiferguy wrote:Bruwhaaa?? You didn't like the Hunchback of Notre Dame? It wasn't the best in the classical literature, but it's not the worst either. And it's certainly one of the better books ever written.
*Shrugs* Naturally the subject depends on personal opinion, for which everyone has at least one. Maybe it's just me, but when you're reading a book and you can skip paragraphs (regularly), half a page (frequently), or an entire CHAPTER (*THREE* different times) without a single hiccup in the plot, something is wrong. I'm a reader, and I'll read Charles Dickens, Robert A. Heinlein, Ed Greenwood, and Laurell K. Hamilton with equal interest. Hugo is the worst reading experience I've ever had. I finished Hunchback disgusted with myself that I had wasted so much time. I kept expecting it to get good at some point, but even the ending was dissapointing.

Then again, the book is a gift from On High if you happen to be fanatic about the scenery of Paris.

Of course, I happen to think Alexander Dumas and his 3,000 ghostwriters is high literature, so it probably is just me.

Nevertheless, Hunchback sucks. :p