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Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:59 am
by Spec8472
michaelsuave wrote:whats her number by the way...? :roll:
Touch my sister and die :P

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 2:34 am
by Lochar
Texfire wrote:What a disarming attack on our hero!
Is this the end of the Legion, or is it the beginning of something larger?
Has Trillaine cleaned Doc's clock or is his block still ticking?

Tune in next week for:

"Myleena Makes Trillaine Tremble",

or "Can I Get A Hand Over Here?"

Don't miss another episode, it'll blow you away!
Same bat time, same bat channel!

Tex :twisted:
Minus the bat time, bat channel, this also reminds me of Mr. Peabody. I think that's the old cartoon anyways.

Jeeze, we get off subject so easily around here. :P

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 2:54 am
by Fiferguy

Ok first a comment on the comments. The United Kingdom is technically a country, with the former countries of England, Wales, Scotland, and a piece of Ireland being something similar to U.S. States. Politically sovereign unto themselves, but still answerable to a higher authority on a national scale. For them to be separate countries, you'd have to show your passport to go from one to the other. But in the last 4 or 5 times I've been over there, they didn't need that at all. Also, the U.K. didn't technically exist in its current form until 1927, at which time the majority of Ireland broke off from English control.

Ok, now for the story.

Fel, you are an evil, sick, cruel, inhumane, masochistic, sinful, iniquitous, depraved, villainous, malicious, demonic, diabolical, fiendish, monstrous, atrocious, barbaric, beastly, egregious, and otherwise just a mean person. How can you leave us on so much of a cliffhanger? It's evil. Pure and simple. And here I am, sick as a dog, and you go and do this...

Ok, enough of that. :twisted:

Great, great chapter Fel. I can't wait to read the next chapter... Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! One question though, and maybe I just missed it. Why aren't the Sidhe and Fairy pictures in the books blue? Did the Faey alter their skin color to match the humans to attempt to blend in? Or was it something that the humans did? I know it wasn't a lack of pigment, because woad has been around for a very long time...

Great chapter Fel! Keep'em coming!!! :twisted:

Edited for a stupid mistake...

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:00 am
by Lochar
Did the Faey alter their skin color to match the humans to attempt to blend in? Or was it something that the humans did? I know it wasn't a lack of pigment, because woad has been around for a very long time...
Do remember, Fel said that the blue skin was a mainly recessive gene. The Faey in the pictures may have been second generation, already crossbred once.

Or, the Faey could have politely asked the artist to not use blue.

Or any number of reasons.

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:08 am
by Wingsolution
jason can't spread the tailored bio-weapon, the vacine eradicated all traces of it, and it's continued presence will keep it at bay in the future, the only way myleena could get infected is if she travels to moridon where it's been replicating itself... and the likelihood of that is... well, obvious...

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:10 am
by Spec8472
Lochar wrote:Or, the Faey could have politely asked the artist to not use blue.

Or any number of reasons.
Duh, the answer is obvious. It's before colour TV was invented, so everything was in black and white. :D

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:42 am
by Lochar
Wingsolution wrote:jason can't spread the tailored bio-weapon, the vacine eradicated all traces of it, and it's continued presence will keep it at bay in the future, the only way myleena could get infected is if she travels to moridon where it's been replicating itself... and the likelihood of that is... well, obvious...
And all it would take would be to introduce the vaccine into her as well. Hell, even swapping blood would do it, if they're both currently injured. Lord knows Jason is pumping plenty of blood out at the moment.

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:48 am
by michaelsuave
Yeah, it looks like Jason is going to need some new limbs. Good thing the faey can grow them.

I think it is fitting that Jason's rebellion and personal symbol is the pheniox. Now that we know, for sure, that he is from a house who's planet was destroyed by fire so fierce that the planet was forever scourched, the house rises from the ashes through Jason. Probably something that Fel is going to work into the plot.

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 4:09 am
by Fiferguy
Spec8472 wrote:
Lochar wrote:Or, the Faey could have politely asked the artist to not use blue.

Or any number of reasons.
Duh, the answer is obvious. It's before colour TV was invented, so everything was in black and white. :D
Thanks Spec...for that TERRIBLE cliché... :roll:

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 4:57 am
by Spec8472
Fiferguy wrote:Thanks Spec...for that TERRIBLE cliché... :roll:
It must be true, even all the old photographs and movies are all in black and white. How do you explain that, huh? :)
Must've been a terrible, time... very grey and dreary. Ah, the wonders of modern technology!

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:28 am
by Downdude
and it was a picture of a WOOD carving so it probably was not even black and white ;)

also would not Myleena be his 32nd cousin or such unless they had a parent in common?

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 6:04 am
by Fiferguy
Spec8472 wrote:
Fiferguy wrote:Thanks Spec...for that TERRIBLE cliché... :roll:
It must be true, even all the old photographs and movies are all in black and white. How do you explain that, huh? :)
Must've been a terrible, time... very grey and dreary. Ah, the wonders of modern technology!
But a lot of Mayan, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and even Native American artifacts exist with many colors in them... :wink: Explain that... :twisted:

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 6:25 am
by Fel


Actually, what surprises me most about this thread is no debate about other things I thought people might find interesting...not a single comment about Jason being a married man. ;)

But, to finalize a couple of rather glaring and obvious plot points....

Yes, Myleena is the sister. She is related to Jason through Jason's Karinne ancestor; her Karinne ancestor was the older brother of Jason's Karinne ancestor. They are "directly" related...with a thousand years separating that connection.

And yes, she too inherited the ability to sense Kimdori, and what's more important, she has the same sense AS a Kimdori to Jason and to the Kimdori. That is how he will know her, as you recall. She will give off the same sense as a Kimdori to him, just as he feels like a Kimdori to her.

Yes, Jason is a Karinne. That was made kinda obvious two paragraphs ago.

Yes, Jason's discovery of that fact is very, very important.

Oh, and the chapter?

To be honest, I didn't consider the cliffhanger...ish aspect of the end of the chapter. I was too busy pondering where it goes next, because now the entire flavor of the plot changes from Jason hiding and fighting against Trillane to Jason trying to escape from his "guest quarters" on Draconis. I know I left Rann dead (pending the potential success of Faey medical revival tech), Songa dying, Meya badly wounded, and Jason barbecued and without an arm, but I didn't realize y'all would take it so hard.


So, you want a bone, eh? Well. First, your Subjugation Useless Fact Of The Day:

The Kimdori are a viral-based species. They are made up of a massive collection of virii that operate in cooperation with one another. Just as most other life is based on cells, Kimdori are based on virii, and it is this structure that gives them power to shapeshift.

Now, the You Bastard!!!! statement:

I haven't decided yet if Rann lives. I hate killing off characters, but this isn't a walk in the park, and there are dark days on the horizon for the Legion. People WILL die. If Rann does die, he certainly won't be the first. And he certainly won't be the only name you know that gets ground under the metal boots of Trillane.

I will leave you with this to ponder:
I have explained EVERYTHING in this chapter. It's all there. All of it. Every answer to every question was given in this chapter, but yall were so wrapped up in the cliffhanger that you missed it! I snuck it by all of you, so NYAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or....DID I? :twisted:

(Why yes, yes I am evil. So nice of you to notice.)

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 6:33 am
by Phantom
<Whisles Loudly>

Ok how that i have your attention ....FEl you are a Real Sic Bast.....
I find it interesting to note that No one has yet Picked up on What i think are 2 of the biggest Bomb's FEL dropped in this chapter. (Cliff hanger aside)

Everone is more worried about England Vs English Vs Uk....
Red Herring Folks

Talk about Hide in Plain Sight .....DAMN DAMN DAMN ..

Ok Follow this.
1. Jason Went to Moridon (sounds a lot like Mordor doesn't it <snicker>)

2. Why did he go to Moridon to open a Diamond Prime account.

3. Why we Ask? a Diamond Prime account carried absolute, utter secrecy and discretion. Using this account meant that any computer hackers Trillane employed would find themselves trying to break a system that no one had ever broken.

4. While on Moridon Jason Picks up a genetically engineered Virus a 1000 year old Virus.

5. In Curring Jason We Find out that Said 100 year old Virus was Engineered not to kill him ....but a A Faey Noble a 1000 years ago,

Following me So far ?

6. This Noble Maeda Karinne Of House Karinne Dies from this genetically Engineered Virus (Engineered to attack Her DNA alone) also after Visiting Moridon.

7.Jason lieing Near Death has a Vist From a Kimdori he's never met.

8. But this isn't just any Kimdori he is Kereth, Elder of the clan, and keeper of the knowledge of welfare and medicine to serve the clan’s needs.

9. and a 1500 Year old Elder at that

10. Interesting thing to Note he tells jason.. Miaari sent me to bring to you the cure to your disease.”

11. Miaari didn't ask an Elder to come and Cure Jason She SENT Him.

(on a side note) Jason is important enough to the Kimdori to have an ELDER sent to cure him in the middle of a war....Not just any Kimdori Like Kiaari was sent to give jason knowledge and help him. But the Actual ELDER.
And Just Who could just Send a Clan Elder to Personaly do a Deed? Just How Important in the Clan is Miaari ? ....A Den-Mother?

12. This Cure leads to the Discover that Maybe Jason is Desended From a Faey ....but not just any Faey ...the Same Faey Noble Maeda Karinne Of House Karinne.

13. now this lead them on a search and they Find that House Karinne did in Fact land on Earth at least 1000 years past.

Where is this going and we already know all of this you ask ...?

14. What is the only Reason someone is allowed to travel to and land on Moridon ? jason did To open a Diamond Prime account.

16. An Account in a system that no one has ever broken.

17.So Maeda Karinne a Nobel of House Karinne must have been doing the same thing opening a Diamond Prime account.

18. An Account that No one has Ever Broken. (timeline will be important here Was her Visit Before, Durring, or After the Civilwar?)

19. How much interest could such an account occur in 1000 years?

20. And Jason Has such a close DNA Match he can Prove hes the account holders Desendant that he almost died from it ....

21 If House Karinne was Wiped out before or Very near the time Maeda Karinne died ...then Jason could be a VERY VERY rich Nobel in his own right.

22. And House Karinne now also has a legal claim to Earth.

23. I wonder under Faey law what Legal recourse there is when Faey Nobel House try's to Kill a Faey Noble of another house ?

24.Also think about Jasons status in the Eyes of the Faey now when they learn he is not only a Romantic Pirate ....but a Faey Romantic Pirate.

Now I had a few thought's or Revelations maybe during this process concerning the Kimdori.

We know From Kiaari that the Kimdori Owe Jason's Family a Debt something they thought they would never be able to repay after House Karinne was eradicated during the civil war.

now Jason didn't know Why the Kimdori felt this way
He also didn't know of his connection to House Karinne.
But Kiaari could Feel in Jason it.
I thought for a while it was because Jason was Part Kimdori but Fel has said Jason Doesn't have any Kimdori DNA in him.

So why do we get in this chapter...
I’d almost think this was a trick, but Kimdori don’t bleed, her words seemed to resonate in his brain.
I don’t understand why you feel like a Kimdori, but I guess we’ll have time to talk about it later.

This puzzled me for a bit
Then it hit me House Karinne. The Karinnes were a house of scientists

Did the House Karinne Genetically change the Kimdori in some way or for some reason?
Or Might it be simpler then that....we're back to the Old Occam's Razor here.

1. The Kimdori owe Jason's Faey ancestors a Great Debt.
2. A large Enough Deby that Jason has Been Visited by a Elder ...and a Den-mother?
3. Jason is Clan to the Kimdori.
4. Jason Has no Kimdori DNA in him
5. Jason Can Sense Kimdori
6. Jason Feels Like a Kimdori

What Could these Mean? .....Jason Doesn't have Kimdori DNA ....The Kimdori Have House Karinne DNA in them....

Either House Karinne were responsible for Creating or Enhancing The Kimdori
or they used their DNA to Repair a flaw or illness in them sometime in the past.

Oh and another Thing to ponder Jason maybe Caught But Jason is going to have a Squad of Faey Bodyguards
Does anyone Believe Jyslins Squad (Imperial Marines) will just stand by and let someone hurt him? Also remember Yana and Myri Liked Jason a Lot.
He's Jyslin's Husband now and I'll bet Jyslin's Aunt's General Lorna Shaddale told them of the Wedding News after she got it.
and Tralinne can Forget sending a Mindbender after Jason ...Fel just reminded me in this chapter too

“Honey, you’re probably looking at the strongest telepath on this planet,” Symone told her simply.
“Jys is in the top ten percent. She walked through Trelle’s hair before she was born.”
“That means I was lucky,”
Jyslin explained to Molly’s blank look. “And I’m not the strongest.
I think that honor goes to Yari, one of the girls from my squad. Her power is awesome in talent, well beyond
mine, but like me, she just didn’t have the right personality to be a mindbender.

(Note See Forum Message about Yari's and Yana's Names) ... highlight=

Does Jason Being Married to a Faey Also Grant him Full Faey Citizenship?

This is going to Get mighty interesting ......

Jason is Now the Nephew in law of General Lorna Shaddale ( One of Empress Dahnai best officers )

An Imperial Marine General only One Step away from being the next Imperial Marshall of the Corps this is not Someone House Trillane can Just Threaten and Bully about

<shakes head Muttering oh Fel what have you done.....>

Ok this should get some debate going.


I cleaned up some errors and Word omissions and added a link if anyone interested.

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 6:42 am
by Fiferguy
Umm...ditto? Give me a few days to feel better and I'll read it again... nausea's coming back now...and I did catch most of that, but I'll need to read it a couple more times when I'm feeling better...

And this is not the first time you've left such a mean cliffhanger, Fel... at the end of Questing Game, Chapter 8 you did the same thing. And a few other times in the Tarrin Saga.