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Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 7:54 am
by Mizriath
I did consider that Kumi may head the Trillane house in charge of Earth/Terra. However, Kumi did not raise any objection to Jason's plan to overthrew Trillane from Earth or either that she does not know Jason's plan which is also highly unlikely. Jason being who he is would have told Kumi in due course.

Kumi it seems is bent more on causing Trillane more trouble and find vengeance with Miaari's aid. Kumi may also decide not to claim it knowing the Trillnae charter may be revoke if Jason managed to prove to the Empress that Trillane is doing slavery. Kumi may be doing the right thing by aligning to Jason because she is not stupid. The thing is the relationship between Kumi and Jason, whether something will happen.

In Jason re-setting up the Karinne noble house also seems unlikely as Merrane is the house that seize all its assets. A nobility it seems is granted by the Royalty aka the Empress for a noble deed such as winning the war, a heroic act ..etc such as turning the war against the Skaa. A lost nobility is seldom re-enacted which in this case due to Karinne setting itself to be a neutral in the war, like the Swiss. And it got eliminated by House Merrane. I foresee a new house called House Fox ..hehe. which Kumi being a vixen will defnitely align itself to.. pun intended.

The thing that makes me think further is how Jason going to fund its defences .. which would be weak, being a new nobility and all.. besides all the get rich scheme he can think of.. with Kumi running the financial and investment division. I expect he will be a major player later in the war against the Skaa and other future creatures.


Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 11:51 pm
by Phantom
Fiferguy wrote:
Could she just be a commoner? I remember her saying something about not being able to get the job she wanted because she wasn't a noble, or rich, or something like that. I could be very wrong, but a lot of the common Faey that Jason has come into contact with were really associated with a house, per say, just working for them in some capacity. I think it's more like members of a family going to work for someone else's family business. Or freetraders working across national boundaries. But I could be wrong.. ;)
Well he did say in the Story that to become an engineer (something Jyslin dreams/ed of doing )
In Chapter 3 Fel wrote: She’d always been a very strong telepath, and since she couldn’t find any open
slots in engineering school, she ended up in the Marines.
again In Chapter 3 Fel wrote:She reached her age of majority on that frozen rock, and was conscripted for her mandatory five years
of military service. She’d tried to get into engineering, since she had the grades and had made the scores
on the test for it, but that was a non-combat position, and all the slots were bought by nobles and the few
rich commoners for their children. Given that she was such a strong telepath, that made her high on the list
for the Marines. They engaged in ship to ship combat, and those close quarters gave the telepathic Faey a
major advantage. They were also usually the first armed force to hit the ground, just like the American
Marines had been. First in, last out, that was their motto. They needed powerful telepaths who could find
and try to mentally dominate the initial opposition, opposition who probably had anti-telepathy measures in
place to try to dampen that advantage if they were expecting the Faey.
once more In Chapter 3 Fel wrote:You don’t even have to tell me her name,” she said. “Aunt Lorna will get to the bottom of it. And
since your friend never said a word, then she’s perfectly safe.”
“Heh,” he snorted. “So even among Faey, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.”
“Probably even more so,” she agreed. “The Imperial military is really the only place a commoner can
get any real power, because the nobles control everything else. By law, nobles can’t hold high command
positions in the Imperial arm of the military, so most of them don’t even bother enlisting there. It prevents
nasty betrayals if a noble goes rogue, so they can’t have people in positions in the Royal arm of the military
to disrupt things. They have their own private armies and navies, and that’s where they usually end up
doing their commanding. But the Royal Navy and the Royal Marines are commanded by commoners.
That’s how my aunt came to be a General.”
“Couldn’t she pull strings to get you into engineering?”
She shrugged. “She’s been trying,” she answered. “But I want a Royal Navy position, not a position in
some noble’s fleet. So the competition’s a little tougher. If I was alright with getting any engineering
position, I probably would have found one by now.”
It seemed to me most commoners end up as a part of a Noble House or in the military ....
but i don't remeber ever seeing if she was a part of one of the houses...
so looking at the quotes above you could be right


Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:05 am
by arargh
Fiferguy wrote:
Phantom wrote:And It's interesting I can't remeber Fel ever telling us Just what house Jyslin is or was a part of?

Could she just be a commoner?
Given that:
A) Jyslin's Aunt is general in the marines, and
B) only commoners are permitted to do that, and
C) It would be unlikely for your aunt to be a commoner and for you to be noble

I would say that Jyslin is a commoner.

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:07 am
by Lochar
arargh wrote: C) It would be unlikely for your aunt to be a commoner and for you to be noble

I would say that Jyslin is a commoner.
Not that I'm argueing with you, but if your commoner mother married a nobleman, you'd be a noble and your aunt would be a commoner still.

Granted, Jsylin's last name is Shayyle or something close to that, and Jason never made mention about it being a noble born name.

That, and she didn't make it into engineering, where she complained that the noble families bought their way into.

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:08 am
by Phantom
Mizriath wrote: I did consider that Kumi may head the Trillane house in charge of Earth/Terra. However, Kumi did not raise any objection to Jason's plan to overthrew Trillane from Earth or either that she does not know Jason's plan which is also highly unlikely. Jason being who he is would have told Kumi in due course.
I'm sure she knows all about it now ...with all she is doing to help him Plus
Someone is Trying Very hard to Kill her. Most likely someone in House Trillane
Mizriath wrote: Kumi it seems is bent more on causing Trillane more trouble and find vengeance with Miaari's aid. Kumi may also decide not to claim it knowing the Trillnae charter may be revoke if Jason managed to prove to the Empress that Trillane is doing slavery. Kumi may be doing the right thing by aligning to Jason because she is not stupid. The thing is the relationship between Kumi and Jason, whether something will happen.
But Moving Kumi to the Head of House Trillane would give the Empress another option than Revoking the Charter or Destroying a Major House.
Mizriath wrote: In Jason re-setting up the Karinne noble house also seems unlikely as Merrane is the house that seize all its assets. A nobility it seems is granted by the Royalty aka the Empress for a noble deed such as winning the war, a heroic act ..etc such as turning the war against the Skaa. A lost nobility is seldom re-enacted which in this case due to Karinne setting itself to be a neutral in the war, like the Swiss. And it got eliminated by House Merrane. I foresee a new house called House Fox ..hehe. which Kumi being a vixen will defnitely align itself to.. pun intended.
Well it would be Twice as hard in this case Being House Merrane is the Empress's House. it leaves few options on the board

Thank god she's not a Ferret <G>
Mizriath wrote: The thing that makes me think further is how Jason going to fund its defences .. which would be weak, being a new nobility and all.. besides all the get rich scheme he can think of.. with Kumi running the financial and investment division. I expect he will be a major player later in the war against the Skaa and other future creatures.

Hell it could well be the Empress would Grant Jason anything to be able to use some of his Ideas againt the Skaa to win the war.

I think House Trillane and Maybe the Empress are begining to see Jason is going to keep comming up with new ways to counter them.

And I think they may just be begining to worry about just what he could do if he needed to. As long as it's a Measured responce it's ok. but if the Empress and the marines get involved. ( Hurt his Family or Friends and watchout ) It could be an all or nothing. Sure Jason May not win ....But i bet he'd hurt them real bad.

Jason has yet to have to take his Gloves off
I can see a few of his Ideas working real well against a Battleship or BattleCruiser....


Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:18 am
by Phantom
arargh wrote:
Fiferguy wrote:
Phantom wrote:And It's interesting I can't remeber Fel ever telling us Just what house Jyslin is or was a part of?

Could she just be a commoner?
Given that:
A) Jyslin's Aunt is general in the marines, and
B) only commoners are permitted to do that, and
C) It would be unlikely for your aunt to be a commoner and for you to be noble

I would say that Jyslin is a commoner.
I never Said she was a NOBLE Just her family could be a part of one of the Houses .....Symone wasn't a Noble but she was a Part of a House Trillane..


Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:21 am
by Lochar
Phantom wrote: Jason has yet to have to take his Gloves off
I can see a few of his Ideas working real well against a Battleship or BattleCruiser....

Hell, those damn marbles are dangerous. All Jason has to do is send off another box of them somewhere. Even if they're intercepted, it'll force slowdowns because they'll have to stop and scan every box to see if there's a magnetic field, and if so crash the shipping box to see what's inside.

And god forbid punching a hole into a cruiser if he could shatter/melt the crystalized neutronium and then release those into there.

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:24 am
by michaelsuave
Phantom wrote: I never Said she was a NOBLE Just her family could be a part of one of the Houses .....Symone wasn't a Noble but she was a Part of a House Trillane..
I thought we already knew what her parents were, that is why she hates the cold weather and doesn't like to ski. I think her whole family are just commoners.

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:46 am
by Phantom
Lochar wrote: [
Hell, those damn marbles are dangerous. All Jason has to do is send off another box of them somewhere. Even if they're intercepted, it'll force slowdowns because they'll have to stop and scan every box to see if there's a magnetic field, and if so crash the shipping box to see what's inside.

And god forbid punching a hole into a cruiser if he could shatter/melt the crystalized neutronium and then release those into there.
Heaven Forbid he should find a way to get a few of those Rings attached to a couple warships ......Earth Don't have no Shipyard or Drydock


Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 1:04 am
by Lochar
Warships do have shields that would destroy a floating object that tried to get close enough.

Then again, I'd be scared to see what would happen if you mounted a railgun onto one of those floating platforms instead of a simple ion cannon.

Give it about 3 gun ports and design it to go critical and self destruct once it's out of ammo. You couldn't get close enough to it without becoming swiss cheese, and it destroys itself once it's out of ammo, so they can't figure out what the hell he's shooting them with.

Would give our resident black ops lady a major headache, as I don't think there IS a way to stop those.

And the fun thing? They might just think it's a marble gun.

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 1:26 am
by Texfire
Lochar wrote:Warships do have shields that would destroy a floating object that tried to get close enough.

Then again, I'd be scared to see what would happen if you mounted a railgun onto one of those floating platforms instead of a simple ion cannon.

Give it about 3 gun ports and design it to go critical and self destruct once it's out of ammo. You couldn't get close enough to it without becoming swiss cheese, and it destroys itself once it's out of ammo, so they can't figure out what the hell he's shooting them with.

Would give our resident black ops lady a major headache, as I don't think there IS a way to stop those.

And the fun thing? They might just think it's a marble gun.
Even worse. Modify the gauss guns to shoot the hell marbles. Of course you have to deal with the projectile wanting to bounce back at you, ummm nevermind...


Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 10:39 am
by Astardis
I personally think, the 'hell marbles' are out of the equotation. The Faey know how they work now. I am absolutly sure, after the 'smashing success' 8) of the first batch of marbles, they got a magnetic containment field close by on every station and ship. That's what I would do.
Remember, the marbles need some time to become deadly. The Faey know what they are encountering now and can take fast measures to stop them.

It was a 'one-shot' weapon.

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:06 pm
by Belgarion213
I'm not sure if it is possible but to annoy the Fey i wiould find some way to inconsqiculessly sarp space just slightly in the middle of the shipping line. And when I mean warp space i mean something like what the star gate (In this univeerse) does. REmember when they go to Draconis in chapter 14 it is said you can't use gravity drives in warped space otherwise you could end up anywhere in the galaxy, if not explode. It would probably only work once or twice but finding a freighter on the other side of the galaxy would be abit difficult.

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 3:29 pm
by Lochar
Astardis wrote:I personally think, the 'hell marbles' are out of the equotation. The Faey know how they work now. I am absolutly sure, after the 'smashing success' 8) of the first batch of marbles, they got a magnetic containment field close by on every station and ship. That's what I would do.
Remember, the marbles need some time to become deadly. The Faey know what they are encountering now and can take fast measures to stop them.

It was a 'one-shot' weapon.
Actually, they only need time to become deadly because they start out with such low velocity to work with.

Fired from the railgun, they're already moving at speeds high enough to punch through most stuff.

Re: Jason to form his own Noble House?

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 8:39 pm
by Dvorak
I wonder if he could use those marbles as grapeshot for his rail guns... ah well, I'm sure fel could work them into a new devious form. The marbles are just too funny to let die.