Why exactly did Earth surrender?

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Re: Why exactly did Earth surrender?

Post by Were_Fan »

Lochar wrote:
Were_Fan wrote:
ANTIcarrot wrote:Disagree. You don't sabre-rattle with moon-rockets. Or with C-5 galaxys either for that matter. It's a very impressive display of technology - but only indirectly a threat. And even then not an effective one.

Western militaries after all have extensive experience of how air-strikes alone do not win wars.
I think you severely misunderstand the magnitude of the threat that would be posed posed by an instellar conqueror. The magnitude would be many orders greater than that between a cop with a gun and a criminal with a dull knife. It would be more like a baby shaking a rattle at a battle tank.

You would have had NO hope of inflicting any damage on the Faey or their ship. On the other hand, they can literally throw rocks at you as kinetic weapons. Dust thrown up by the impacts causes crop failures on top of massive casualties. Long before they run out of raw materials from the asteroid belt, Earth population would be near zero. Then it would be a simple matter of eradicating the starving survivors.
And then spending an extra few years cleaning up the air, and importing another compatible species onto the planet. End of the humans.
With most humans gone, nature would start its own cleansing. There would be some unavoidable messes but by and large, after the dust settled, you could start planting since there would be no fallout from nukes. Of course, if you only killed off about 90% of the humans, you could chain the rest to tractors. :-)
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Re: Why exactly did Earth surrender?

Post by Phantom »

ANTIcarrot wrote:If I've got six billion gang-mates though, then I'm going to feel pretty damn safe, even if we all have blunt knives, especially if that one cop only has 14 bullets in his gun.

Also if I believe I have a valuable hostage (AKA: Earth itself - and there's precious little on the planet they'd want) then I'm also going to feel I'm in a position to at least negotiate - no matter what the cop says.

Then again - I'm a drugged up gangland street thug who *hates* cops and the idea of being sent to jail for life. I might attack anyway. Or I might run. Or I might just taunt him (Your father was a hamster, and your mother smelt of elderberries!) or I might just do any number of other things. Especially if the cop hasn't even drawn his gun yet.

By all accounts the cops in this case just showed up in their big shiny police cars, strobed their lights, wailed their siren, flashed their badge, struck dramatic poses, did not show, demonstrate, or prove any weapons - and everyone simply gave up.

I find no parallel for that in all of human history. Therefore I find it unbelievable; unless mind bending was involved.

Of course you would find no parallel for that in all of human history...it's never ever happened before ....Apples and Oranges.... Goverments have rolled over in the face of overwhelming olds before ...thats the parallel your looking for ....but they usualy had a resistance movment ....but telephathy kind Negates that quick

The big problem is maybe they do only have 14 bullets in their gun
Question is Who's going to stand up and be the first 14 to take those bullets.
Hell goverments haven't aggreeded on anything completely thats one of the reasons i see they folded......
Thinking they could over throw the faey and come out on top .....they just didn't count on that telephathy thingi

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Re: Why exactly did Earth surrender?

Post by Phantom »

Were_Fan wrote:
ANTIcarrot wrote:Disagree. You don't sabre-rattle with moon-rockets. Or with C-5 galaxys either for that matter. It's a very impressive display of technology - but only indirectly a threat. And even then not an effective one.

Western militaries after all have extensive experience of how air-strikes alone do not win wars.
I think you severely misunderstand the magnitude of the threat that would be posed posed by an instellar conqueror. The magnitude would be many orders greater than that between a cop with a gun and a criminal with a dull knife. It would be more like a baby shaking a rattle at a battle tank.

You would have had NO hope of inflicting any damage on the Faey or their ship. On the other hand, they can literally throw rocks at you as kinetic weapons. Dust thrown up by the impacts causes crop failures on top of massive casualties. Long before they run out of raw materials from the asteroid belt, Earth population would be near zero. Then it would be a simple matter of eradicating the starving survivors.

The Faey seem to use Plasma Weapons as their primary Attack weapon ...

Missles are mostly reserved for the Big Space combat actions Large ships and such ....

Plasma weapons unless i'm wrong wouldn't kick up dust like kenitic weapons ....

Jason use's kenitic weapons thats why his rail gun is such a threat ...The Faey haven't ever thought along those lines.

Except for maybe regular guns using outdated gunpower as a motive force .....to propell reletively slow moving projectiles through a atmostphere.

and they don't seem to have ever encountered any other race that does either.
If Kumi's body guards are any indication......

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Re: Why exactly did Earth surrender?

Post by Lochar »

For personal combat maybe, but who knows what a planet level attack scales to?
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Re: Why exactly did Earth surrender?

Post by Phantom »

Lochar wrote:For personal combat maybe, but who knows what a planet level attack scales to?
I seem to remember reading some where in the Story that Missles were scarce or expensive and thats why there were none in orbit around earth

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