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Re: Serious questions in need of honest answers.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 5:06 pm
by qhitch
Echo everything mbeau said. I myself have been trying to satisfy my itch to write for a long, long time, but I neither have the skill nor the drive to be as prolific a writer as you are. If you truly love doing this stuff, please please go ahead. Do not if it seems to be a way to cop out of your degree. The grass is probably never greener on any side, just something that requires a lot of moving every now and then... :-)

Re: Serious questions in need of honest answers.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:35 am
by Phantom
Fel wrote:As most of you know, I've been going to college, majoring in physics. The goal was to use the physics degree as a springboard to get back into my old career as an electronics technician. Though it's not an engineering/technician degree, ANY college degree + my 16 years of experience was going to get me better jobs...or that was the plan.

However, more and more here recently I find myself questioning this plan.

Writing has always been a hobby.

I've been pondering the idea of making it a job.

Now, those who know me know that this is just about the same as the Archangel Gabriel descending from On High before you and handing you a ham sandwich. I've always been MILITANTLY opposed to the idea of ever writing for anything other than fun.
You've answered the biggest question .....Or maybe not.

Can you Write / Keep to a Deadline on a Story ?

Here is a Quote form another unpublished Author i know
A friend has a saying that sums it up nicely: "When I get paid, I do it on your schedule; when I don't get paid, I do it on my schedule." So I'm on my own schedule for now. ;-)
Fel wrote: I ask these questions in total frankness, and I EXPECT honest answers. These answers will be taken into consideration as I continue to ponder the direction of my future.

1: Do you HONESTLY believe that I could make it as a novelist, understanding that I would probably never attempt to have the Firestaff series published? Any attempt to publish would come from one of my other stories, like Subjugation.
Yes ....but writeing mainstream Dead tree Novels seems to be a Fickle job
dragon storys are Hot one week the next Week it WereCat's and Wizards.....the Week after that it's Space combat thats Hot.

Plus be advised I have heard publishing companys won't touch stories that have all ready been published either in print (Dead tree versions) or on the internet (Electronic Versions).

If you want to publish the Firestaff collection, or even Subugation you may have to do it your self using something like

Copyrighted Material on the Internet

Q. Is it okay to upload my story to my website and just post a link to it?

A. In general, it would be an extraordinarily BAD idea. Posting copyrighted material on a public website can be construed as _publishing it._ You could forfeit all salable rights except "one time," which is usually the retread remainder for a work that has already sold all first, second, and other specific rights. Posting with a plain and definite caveat of "This is (an excerpt of) a work-in-progress posted for commentary and criticism" _might_ cover you, but the internet is still a young medium, and the laws haven't been fully tested.
See and for more information.
Notice i said "MAY" they may Love it so much they just HAVE to Have it (and it Could be the HOT subject for that week)
Fel wrote: 2: Would you consider it worth the risk to switch majors to literature to help me become a better writer, considering I'm paying for college with student loans and I'll be left holding a very large bill?
Keep your Current Major (it may pay the bills)

but add some of the other writing classes you want.

Just because you state I'm Majoring in this! don't mean that a Physics Major can't take a pottery class or two as well.
Besides you can always Minor in English lit.

Fel wrote: 3: Would me registering a new domain and putting someone in complete control of it help advance my effort to publish and earn a living writing? would remain, however...the new domain would be a much more professional attempt at starting up a webpage, and would include Subjugation and the other stories as well.
You could Revamp the Existing site/s (if Spec8472 wants to do this one as well) Just change the main page and then Break it up into diffrent Sections for each. (IE: a Profesional {maybe pay side} and a free/donate side. Ect,)

But having a Web site Won't help you get Publishing deal just gives eaiser access to Samples of what you have already done and other info. in a quick and easy to access format.
Fel wrote: 4: People have repeatedly yelled at me to put up a Paypal donation link, but I've always been VERY uncomfortable with this idea. If I do start a new domain and a new website, should it incorporate this feature to help defray the cost of the website itself?
This one is up to you. it's Hit or miss but remember it's a Donation just make it on it's own page. this allows those who wish too..... to be able to.

But there may be a Down side as well ....Bookkeeping and Taxes remember your going to have to report this as income maybe even pay Self employment taxes on it as well.

One important thing is you set it up, do it like a business make sure to use a seprate bank account for it.. other wise Uncle Sam can audit your personal bank account info for lots of reasons.
Fel wrote: Please, answer honestly, and remember that I am never offended by criticism.

Also, if you have any words of wisdom or other items of note that you might think pertinent, by all means, either put them here or PM them to me if you don't like the idea of putting it out where anyone can read it.
I think i covered most of it .... but if you haven't allready Check out check under FAQ's the Slush Conferences FAQ post... it lists a Motherload of useful info ....such as the copyright quote listed above.

oh and just incase you don't already know or have this info

Baen Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Dear Author: We publish only science fiction and fantasy. Writers familiar with what we have published in the past will know what sort of material we are most likely to publish in the future: powerful plots with solid scientific and philosophical underpinnings are the sine qua non for consideration for science fiction submissions. As for fantasy, any magical system must be both rigorously coherent and integral to the plot, and overall the work must at least strive for originality.

Those manuscripts which survive the "first cut" as outlined above are then judged primarily on plot and characterization.

Style: Simple is generally better; in our opinion good style, like good breeding, never calls attention to itself.

Payment rates: very competitive.

Preferred length: 100,000 - 130,000 words. Generally we are uncomfortable with manuscripts under 100,000 words, but if your novel is really wonderful send it along regardless of length.

Submission procedures:

Query letters are not necessary. We prefer to see complete manuscripts accompanied by a synopsis. We prefer not to see simultaneous submissions.

Electronic Submissions:

Electronic submissions are strongly preferred.

Send to . No disks unless requested.

Attach the manuscript as a Rich Text Format (.rtf) file. Any other format will not be considered.

Send the manuscript as a single file (do not break it into separate chapter files).

Your submission must include your name, email address*, postal mailing address, and telephone number on both your cover letter and the first page of the manuscript. *[If you have an alternate permanent email address, please include it in case your primary account changes or goes out of service.] Include a plot outline if possible.

Spelling checkers and grammar checkers are tools, nothing more. Do not trust them to proofread your manuscript for you.

Minimal formatting, please. Do not format text boxes or sidebars into the manuscript; use block quotes. Indent paragraphs with a left tab; center chapter headers and scene break indicators (###, ***, etc.); use page breaks only at the ends of chapters. For emphasis, choose underline or italics and use it throughout. Try to avoid bold face, as it tends not to show up.

Do not use "smart quotes"/curly quotes, or single-character ellipses, m-dashes, etc. These often show as codes, not characters, when read on other systems. Use straight quotes and apostrophes, . . . , --, etc.

Avoid non-standard fonts and unnecessary changes in font face, size, etc. Publisher likes CG Omega and Lucida Bright. Typesetter likes any standard bookface, Times Roman or Courier. Make it readable, or we won't read it. If something needs special formatting--e.g., small caps for a certain entity's dialog--explain it in a cover letter.

Include, if you like, your ideal cover treatment, including cover copy, a teaser page, and whatever else you would like. (But don't try to "sell" the story in a cover letter. It will stand or fall on its own merits.)

After submitting, send email/postal address changes, and any queries, to

NOTE: Any viruses attached to your submission will send your manuscript straight into the bit-bucket.

Hardcopy Submissions (for those who cannot submit electronically):

Standard manuscript format only: double-spaced, one side of the page only, 1 1/2" margins on all four sides of the page. We will consider photocopies if they are dark and clear.

Font must be readable, or we won't read it. This means seriphed or at least semi-seriphed, 12-point or greater. Publisher likes CG Omega and Lucida Bright. Typesetter likes any standard bookface, Times Roman or Courier.

Title, author (last name only is okay), and page number at the top of each page are mandatory. Include your name, mailing address, and telephone number on the first page.

All submissions should be accompanied by a stamped return envelope. Submissions from outside the U.S. should be accompanied by sufficient International Reply Coupons.

Please send manuscripts to
Baen Books
P.O. Box 1403
Riverdale, NY 10471

Reporting time: usually within 9 to 12 Months. (Sorry, we get a lot of manuscripts.)

Thank you for thinking of Baen Books.

The Editors

hope this helps

Re: Serious questions in need of honest answers.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 9:14 am
by Blyker
Fel wrote:1: Do you HONESTLY believe that I could make it as a novelist, understanding that I would probably never attempt to have the Firestaff series published? Any attempt to publish would come from one of my other stories, like Subjugation.
I think its all about getting a break. Look for instance to Harry Potter. She tried to get it published for some time and when she got it published it hit just at the right time and it became an incredible succes. Is it the greatest book, was it the most captivating book/series around? I dont think so, but it got the break it needed, its like winning the lottery.
2: Would you consider it worth the risk to switch majors to literature to help me become a better writer, considering I'm paying for college with student loans and I'll be left holding a very large bill?
For the reason i wrote above monetary i would say no.
3: Would me registering a new domain and putting someone in complete control of it help advance my effort to publish and earn a living writing? would remain, however...the new domain would be a much more professional attempt at starting up a webpage, and would include Subjugation and the other stories as well.
I dont know, it will however help to get more people to read it. Now people have to follow the link to the forum and then from the forum to the newer books. The more you write however the more your name will get known, however everything that you put for free on the internet wont be that attractive for a publisher anymore.
4: People have repeatedly yelled at me to put up a Paypal donation link, but I've always been VERY uncomfortable with this idea. If I do start a new domain and a new website, should it incorporate this feature to help defray the cost of the website itself?
Kinde depends. If you keep writing for free you might get donations. If its not for free then the problem is again that you need that break that gives you that bigger audience. Also keep in mind what people would send trough paypal, people will send to a max of 25 dollars mostly with most people sending over amounts like 5 dollars. Do you think you have enough visitors that come to your site?

Something that might help you is the following. Make a set publishing shedule. Like once every week or every 2 weeks for an update on a story. You got to write in advance to be able to do that though, and you might have to split chapters to do it.

Re: Serious questions in need of honest answers.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 3:38 pm
by Metatrone
I think you should try, don't set your mind on becoming a writer just yet but you can certainly try sending the first Firestaff book to some/several actually/ publishers. The series is certainly not the most original work in the world, bit it doesn't really matter (look at WOT). I get the feeling that David Eddings' works have somewhat shaped your ideas about fantasy.

What, Blyker, suggested is really great. Try writing for a few weeks on a tight schadule and see how you like the life of a publishing author.

There certainly are worse books than what you have written and I really like your language and style. Perhaps the weardest fantasy I've ever read was Earthsea and it is published and even a film was based on it.

Re: Serious questions in need of honest answers.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:05 pm
by Phantom
Metatrone wrote:I think you should try, don't set your mind on becoming a writer just yet but you can sertainly try sending the first Firestaff book to some/several actually/ publishers. The series is certainly not the most original work in the world, bit it doesn't really matter (look at WOT). I get the feeling that David Eddings' works have somewhat shaped your ideas about fantasy.

What, Blyker, suggested is really great. Try writing for a few weeks on a tight schadule and see how you like the life of a publishing author.

There certainly are worse books than what you have written and I really like your laguage and style. Perhaps the weardest fantasy I've ever read was Earthsea and it is published and even a film was based on it.

Someone some where also wrote ..."Attack Of the Killer Tomato's"
