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Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:38 pm
by zedd
When Africa was discovered by the europeans the natives were massacred, treated as trash, selled as slaves.
When europeans arrived to the american continent, most of the natives (Incas, Mayas, etc ..) where slaughtered almost to the last one.
When the americans start to migrate to the west, they destroyed the natives (indians).

The humans have the sames rights and duties as the Faey have for themself. There is no special laws that apply to the humans that don't apply to the Faey. If a Faey is a risk to the empire he would be "reprogramed" as fast as an human would. I don't say that they are angels. I am just saying that history tell us that if the humans found a planet with a native population full of a resource WE NEEDED we would not behave as well as the Faey are behaving.

Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 1:22 pm
by Plshade
One question that I have is; What if the exomech doesn't need to be repaired as everyone thinks?
Curious, and a little wary, Jason stood up and advanced, then held out his gauntleted hand.  She deposited the key in his gauntlet, then withdrew her hand calmly.  He sat back down and looked at it.  It was a crystal key with a black base, whose crystalline molecular structure held the encrypted data the lock would read to authorize the key and unlock whatever it unlocked.  It was much like the key for his skimmer.  What is this for?

       My employer has no desire to see you get killed, she said calmly.  That key has three purposes.  First, if you key it up into any panel, vidlink, or data port on Civnet, it sends a distress message to people contracted by my employer.  Use it if you ever find yourself in trouble.  They will come get you.  Second, you will find that that key will unlock any skimmer, hovercar, airbike, loader, hovertruck, or dropship.  Think of it as a master key.  If you find yourself in trouble and you dont want to call us for help, it will let you steal any transportation you need to get away.  Its third functionwell, that will be apparent later on.  Ill save that for a surprise, she said with a slight smile.
I know that it was stated in ch. 10 that all military machines like the exomech are keyless but what if the mysterious employer made it so no one could operate it without a special key.

Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 2:24 pm
by zedd
I know that it was stated in ch. 10 that all military machines like the exomech are keyless but what if the mysterious employer made it so no one could operate it without a special key.
Very good question. I am very curious about the following one too:
We didnt expect you to, she said with a smile, standing up.  Our business is concluded, Master Fox, she said with a nod, reaching back, then pulling her hood back up.  If you ever wish to call my employer, youll find the Civnet number.

       Where? he asked in confusion.

       Youll know where,

Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 5:40 pm
by ANTIcarrot
The humans have the sames rights and duties as the Faey have for themself.
In theory. In practice, the Imperium knows humans cannot defend themselves against even the weakest Faey, and that Faey locals are taking advantage of this, and the authorities aren't doing anything about it. Legal protection doesn't matter if the police don't take action or are the ones breaking the law.

I'd like to say my country no longer behaves like the Faey. Though I'm not so sure historians of the future will be able to reasure me that the second Iraq war was not about oil or politics.

Fel once said he didn't understand why Subjigation was so popular. Maybe that's why. A technological civilisation invading and subjigating a technoligical inferior one for the invader's own shallow benifit stopped being fantasy quite some time ago.


Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 12:08 am
by Phantom
When Africa was discovered by the europeans the natives were massacred, treated as trash, selled as slaves.

But Remember History also shows us that it was mostly other warring tribes that sold slaves to the white Slavers.  

I wonder if we will find Humans doing to same thing helping the Faey slavers to collect and sell Human Slaves.
Posted by: Plshade Posted on: Mar 22nd, 2005, 7:22am
One question that I have is; What if the exomech doesn't need to be repaired as everyone thinks?  

Curious, and a little wary, Jason stood up and advanced, then held out his gauntleted hand.  She deposited the key in his gauntlet, then withdrew her hand calmly.  He sat back down and looked at it.  It was a crystal key with a black base, whose crystalline molecular structure held the encrypted data the lock would read to authorize the key and unlock whatever it unlocked.  It was much like the key for his skimmer.  What is this for?

  My employer has no desire to see you get killed, she said calmly.  That key has three purposes.  First, if you key it up into any panel, vidlink, or data port on Civnet, it sends a distress message to people contracted by my employer.  Use it if you ever find yourself in trouble.  They will come get you.  Second, you will find that that key will unlock any skimmer, hovercar, airbike, loader, hovertruck, or dropship.  Think of it as a master key.  If you find yourself in trouble and you dont want to call us for help, it will let you steal any transportation you need to get away.  Its third functionwell, that will be apparent later on.  Ill save that for a surprise, she said with a slight smile.
I know that it was stated in ch. 10 that all military machines like the exomech are keyless but what if the mysterious employer made it so no one could operate it without a special key.
Posted by: zedd Posted on: Mar 22nd, 2005, 8:24am
Quote:I know that it was stated in ch. 10 that all military machines like the exomech are keyless but what if the mysterious employer made it so no one could operate it without a special key.  

Very good question. I am very curious about the following one too:
Quote:We didnt expect you to, she said with a smile, standing up.  Our business is concluded, Master Fox, she said with a nod, reaching back, then pulling her hood back up.  If you ever wish to call my employer, youll find the Civnet number.

  Where? he asked in confusion.

  Youll know where,  

I think we and Jason are still missing an important part of the puzzle on this one...
It could be the answer is located inside the Exomech and they will find it once they start to disassemble it.
as for the employers Civnet # it could be Kumi knows it.

Jason hasn't ever asked her about it yet.  

Maybe she knows more then she's telling.. after all she always seems to know things she shouldn't know. 8)



Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:01 pm
by Plshade
I think we and Jason are still missing an important part of the puzzle on this one...  
It could be the answer is located inside the Exomech and they will find it once they start to disassemble it.  
as for the employers Civnet # it could be Kumi knows it.  

Jason hasn't ever asked her about it yet.  

Maybe she knows more then she's telling.. after all she always seems to know things she shouldn't know. Cool  


You could be right but as for Kumi, I would assume that the money she was paid to arange the meeting with Jason also included her silence about who paid her.

But what's going to be really interesting to see is what  she does when confronted with Jason's 'It's my way or the highway' mentality concerning the humans that are being sold off world. We know that she likes Jason a lot but is it enough to possibly forsake everything she has (status, money, etc..) if it came down to choosing sides, her family or Jason.

Another thing would be Jason's reaction if Kumi had even the slightest inkling that there might be a remote possiblity that her house was selling humans but tried nothing to stop it or to tell him.  Granted that when House Trillane took control of Earth, Kumi probably thought very little of humans (either good or bad), and had no contact with them since she never visited the planet before meeting Jason.

The real question is will he let her actions ( since meeting him and what she does when she learns what happened ) speak for themselves or will he simply cut her off and treat her like any other Faey.

Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 4:29 am
by Phantom
plshade wrote:
You could be right but as for Kumi, I would assume that the money she was paid to arange the meeting with Jason also included her silence about who paid her.
True She Won't Tell him who I don't think ( She does have Standards ) but that doesn't mean she Can't give him a Civnet number...Or she might have even been paid as a part of the Deal to supply the info if asked directly about it.
But what's going to be really interesting to see is what  she does when confronted with Jason's 'It's my way or the highway' mentality concerning the humans that are being sold off world. We know that she likes Jason a lot but is it enough to possibly forsake everything she has (status, money, etc..) if it came down to choosing sides, her family or Jason.
Yes that would be hardest for her to deal with she's use to getting her way all the time. but Jason isn't that way and Being the Faey female she is it interest's her. ( even if she's not looking to be romantically involved with him )  While I don't think she will go so far as to forsake her family...anything that would Irk ( the More the better ) her mother would be possible.  but as for sides remember her mother was also passed over for the position on earth that could mean something ( Interhouse rivalrys and all ).
Another thing would be Jason's reaction if Kumi had even the slightest inkling that there might be a remote possiblity that her house was selling humans but tried nothing to stop it or to tell him.  Granted that when House Trillane took control of Earth, Kumi probably thought very little of humans (either good or bad), and had no contact with them since she never visited the planet before meeting Jason.
Some how I don't get the feeling from Kumi that she would be involved with Slaving persay I mean she Skirt's the Line a lot and bends the rules.
But I don't think she would help injure people if she could stop it. ( I mean the Faey Conquered earth but that was a Military and Occupation action not Truly Criminal actions like we find the Slavers doing  )
The real question is will he let her actions ( since meeting him and what she does when she learns what happened ) speak for themselves or will he simply cut her off and treat her like any other Faey.
That will depend on what she does when jason tells her.
Jason understands she isn't able to do a lot ( she is just a teenager after all )
But if she supports and helps him trying to put an end to it.. ( Wouldn't that just IRK her mother something ferce )
It could do a lot in changing Jason's Vision of the Faey as People and not What they may have done as an Empire.  
Remember Kumi seems to have resources at her command that could be formidable to Jason's quest.  

Your right the question is will or can she use them for Jason's benefit.
Also will it be in time if she does.

Don't count Jyslin or her Squad or even Lorna out just yet Jason caught them off guard and with their pant's down so to speak.. I think Jyslin is very much in love with jason She's kept his secret even in the face of what had to be a very trying ordeal.  

Plus remember her Squad all like and respect Jason they see jason as an equal not some slave and there are 3 Faey that know Jason's a Telepath

Also 4 members of Jyslins Squad are the higest rated Faey telepaths on earth and they are in the about or close to the top 10% of the most powerful telepaths the Faey have.  
It maybe good to have friends even in low places.


Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 9:36 am
by ANTIcarrot
Kumi is a noble. She will probably see any major upheaval in her house as a chance to seize power for herself or her relatives.


Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 6:40 pm
by Plshade
Your right, I completely forgot that Kumi's mother was passed over for the Governor of Terra so it's safe to say that Kumi would use every opportunity to create just enough havoc to embarrass the current Governor while at the same time grabbing as much political power for her mother and herself. Maybe a more sympathetic Trillane to run Earth.

I trust you, Kumi, he said calmly.  And he really did.  So long as she thought she was getting into trouble but wouldnt get caught, shed help him.  Eleri was just like that.
Hopefully Jason's first impression of Kumi turns out to be wrong. I don't think she would leave Jason if the fire got too hot but she a Faey teenager that probably has interests in a number of other things (illegal or otherwise) besides Jason. She would have to carefully consider the pros and cons of entering any situation that could visibly connect her and Jason to the the Empress.

Also I'm not saying that Kumi would participate in selling humans but if she knew that it was a possiblity, no matter how slight, and she didn't warn Jason after she got to know him, well that could color Jason's perception of her in a bad way.

And I'm not forgetting about Jyslin and Co. but I feel that Jyslin would have to offer a significant type of peace offering before Jason would change the way he feels. Granted, I think that most of his anger directed at her was, for the most part, his disappointment in himself for not taking immediate action against the dropship. He may feel that he personally let those humans be taken.
In his rearview monitor, he saw that cargo ship start turning.  The dropship suddenly doubled its speed.  Shit!  Im on an open frequency, and theyre receiving me!  The ships about to bug out, Jyslin!  Have someone stop it!

       Ihold on, she said.  Im not sure I believe you, Jason, but Ill call Lorna and tell her what you said.  Give me a second, shes within my sending range.

       You dont believe me?  Why the hell wouldnt you believe me?  You think Id do something like call you over an open frequency and give myself away over something I wasnt absolutely sure about?  Think, woman!
Jason is very much a "what have you done for me lately" type of person and he felt betrayed that Jyslin would think that he would lie to her about something that important. I think that also plays into why he told Jyslin to stay out of his life. Trust is very important to him.

Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 11:40 pm
by Phantom
plshade wrote:Your right, I completely forgot that Kumi's mother was passed over for the Governor of Terra so it's safe to say that Kumi would use every opportunity to create just enough havoc to embarrass the current Governor while at the same time grabbing as much political power for her mother and herself. Maybe a more sympathetic Trillane to run Earth.
That was kind of my thoughts also
Hopefully Jason's first impression of Kumi turns out to be wrong. I don't think she would leave Jason if the fire got too hot but she a Faey teenager that probably has interests in a number of other things (illegal or otherwise) besides Jason. She would have to carefully consider the pros and cons of entering any situation that could visibly connect her and Jason to the the Empress.
I have the feeling that at the start you would have been correct but i think as they interact more and more Kumi is seeing Jason as more of a friend.
He's interesting to her and plays a mean game something Faey females just can't seem to resist.
Also I'm not saying that Kumi would participate in selling humans but if she knew that it was a possiblity, no matter how slight, and she didn't warn Jason after she got to know him, well that could color Jason's perception of her in a bad way.
True Very true but she might not know. Jason could take the risk and Scan her to make sure it would put him at ease if it should ever come to that...if she lets him
And I'm not forgetting about Jyslin and Co. but I feel that Jyslin would have to offer a significant type of peace offering before Jason would change the way he feels. Granted, I think that most of his anger directed at her was, for the most part, his disappointment in himself for not taking immediate action against the dropship. He may feel that he personally let those humans be taken.

Jason loves her and feels betrayed that she wouldn't of couldn't trust him that he was telling the truth. I don't think she really doughted him but the shock of what he was telling her and the speed at which it happened were contributing factors.
it wasn't lack of trust of Jason but unbelief in what he was telling her. that something like that was actualy happening was unbeliveable to her.
Jason is very much a "what have you done for me lately" type of person and he felt betrayed that Jyslin would think that he would lie to her about something that important. I think that also plays into why he told Jyslin to stay out of his life. Trust is very important to him.
True... Once again Jason is in love with Jyslin and can't admit it to himself...if he did then he would feel he was betraying his beliefs.

He was hurt and struck out at her the Symbol of the conflict within himself.

He didn't mean it but it's was a reflex action.

He's mad at himself and everything else.

He's feels helpless to stop the Faey and the one time he had the power to act he was afraid to do so until it was too late.

How he feels Guilty as well for allowing the ship to get away, for loving Jysiln, and for just being human.

he's not superman but he seems to have a large yellow S tattooed on his chest and there are a lot of people that are counting on that S being for real.

It's a lot for a Barely Adult to handle...


Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 7:56 am
by avitchel
Remeber that the big Red 'S' also stands for stupid ;) Jason has so many internal issues, that he doesn't even know why he's mad anymore. His time management skils, seemingly a lack of his to start with, have been taking major hits. The first time he gets to do something he really likes (fly) he runs into slave traders. On an open comm channel, he tells the authorities that he detected a slaver. He turn to Jylsin as a last ditch effort, hoping she could help, but knowing that he's probably killed all the slaves that were on that ship. Too many witnesses of wrongdoing. So rather than face up to it like a man, he's reverting to childish behavior blaming someone else for his screwup.
He's been doing something like this all along. He still has survivor guilt, and wants to make thiings right for everybody. Now he's got a community to watch, things to research, and a head to unbury. Life's going to get more complicated before it gets any easier.

Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 12:16 am
by Phantom
uncle_al wrote:Remeber that the big Red 'S' also stands for stupid ;) Jason has so many internal issues, that he doesn't even know why he's mad anymore. His time management skils, seemingly a lack of his to start with, have been taking major hits..
Quite true as for time management he's just barely not a teenager yet.  and he never envisioned he would be responsible for others... he just wanted somewhere to hide.
The first time he gets to do something he really likes (fly) he runs into slave traders. On an open comm channel, he tells the authorities that he detected a slaver.
Remember Jason isn't Military nor was he ever in the Military   his father was but he's dead and Jason Had no thought about  open channels and such  he's learning the hard way
He turn to Jylsin as a last ditch effort, hoping she could help, but knowing that he's probably killed all the slaves that were on that ship. Too many witnesses of wrongdoing. So rather than face up to it like a man, he's reverting to childish behavior blaming someone else for his screwup.
He's been doing something like this all along. He still has survivor guilt, and wants to make thiings right for everybody. Now he's got a community to watch, things to research, and a head to unbury. Life's going to get more complicated before it gets any easier.
Thats a good point
