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Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 6:28 pm
by Plshade
Bullets may not be flying yet but I don't think that the Kimdori want the Faey to know that Jason has a Kimdori on his side so that requires that a believable cover story be set up for Kiaari; and that takes time. She has to be seen as his lover to explain why she is always with him. Question is how will Jyslin, who told Kumi that she doesn't like to share, react to the news of "Kate"; especially if she learns from a source other than Jason. Meltdown?

Plus I get the impression that the Kimdori will not direct Jason's actions. They will help, maybe offer suggestions if he asks but they will let him do things his way without interference. They ultimately want Jason to find the "Why" as to the reason Humans are developing telepathy. They will not give him the answer because they want Jason to find the answers.
Miaari said And what you believe is both right and wrong. You set a dangerous path, but its a path others are helping to carve from the wilderness. Youll find your sister behind you, wielding your sword, helping you find your way.

Now at first look it seems like she is talking about Kiaari here as being the sister but I'm still not sure of that.

It's hard to say if Kiaari if the Sister that Miaari mentions. Personally I would say that his "Sister" is probably someone that hasn't been introduced yet or has only had a cameo or two so far. Plus we don't even know if she is Human, Faey, Kimdori, or any other race in the Imperium, or outside of it for that matter. (Wouldn't it be interesting if she was a Moridon)

Also, about this Sword of Jason's that she wields. I wonder if that sword is actually one of Jason's Rail Guns. Someone from the Bureau of Science could have figured out how to make a close version of one from looking at the odds and ends that Jason had been ordering or will one become "Lost" at a future date.

This is along some of my thoughts some one Else is a Big player in the Game.  
Humans and Faey are being Groomed for something bigger.    
Jason It would seem is at the head of what ever is going to happen, Bring molded into a Strong leader,  Guided along some unknown path.

It's possible. Miaari mentions this mysterious people twice without any explanation. "They chose wisely." Those who made the choice,

Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 2:04 am
by Phantom
jnormg wrote:Fel says, " Jason, and all other human telepaths on Earth, can trace their lineage back to a single village in southern Scotland, INCLUDING Temika."

Perhaps that is why in Chapter 1 Professor Ailan makes the following remark: "Well, so glad you could join us, Mister MacKenzie!" the voice of Professer Ailen boomed across the room, followed up by the laughter of twenty others.

Does Prof Ailen/Ailan know something the rest of us don't know, or is this a Freudian slip by Fel, similar to his referring to Jason as Tarin in a later chapter or his numerous other mispelling of names. Unless it was an unintentional mistake by Fel, Jason and the rest of the class did not seem to react to the name 'MacKenzie'.
Yea i saw that message ...
jnormg wrote: BTW, is it "Aunt Lorna" or "Aunt Loma"? It appears both ways. Personally, I think "Loma" sounds more like a Faey name than "Lorna", but it's not my story.

Norm Gober ;)
It's Lorna but it you look closely the type font used loma  looks a lot like lorna.
I think it's just a Typo that was missed durring editing
plshade wrote:Bullets may not be flying yet but I don't think that the Kimdori want the Faey to know that Jason has a Kimdori on his side so that requires that a believable cover story be set up for Kiaari; and that takes time. She has to be seen as his lover to explain why she is always with him. Question is how will Jyslin, who told Kumi that she doesn't like to share, react to the news of "Kate"; especially if she learns from a source other than Jason. Meltdown?
That's part of my point Kate doesn't even have to leave to go after House trillane's communications Miaari can do it for her.

I dough Jyslin will Meltdown remember Symone is there and Jyslin are as Symone put's it Best Friends... besides Jyslin would understand once she finds out...besides Kate is a Kimdori
plshade wrote:Plus I get the impression that the Kimdori will not direct Jason's actions. They will help, maybe offer suggestions if he asks but they will let him do things his way without interference. They ultimately want Jason to find the "Why" as to the reason Humans are developing telepathy. They will not give him the answer because they want Jason to find the answers.
I agree thay will work as Spy's and advisors only but as Miaari told jason  
Theres more going on here than you can see, Jason Fox, and the Kimdori have a vested interest in that outcome, she said with complete honesty.
I think The Reason "Why" will lead Jason to his path
Miaari didn't Tell Jason "Why" becasue it's one of the Secrets she can't tell him...but she hinted as to where the answer she wants him to know can be found.
It's something he has to learn on his own.
It maybe some Kind of Test.
plshade wrote: It's hard to say if Kiaari if the Sister that Miaari mentions. Personally I would say that his "Sister" is probably someone that hasn't been introduced yet or has only had a cameo or two so far. Plus we don't even know if she is Human, Faey, Kimdori, or any other race in the Imperium, or outside of it for that matter. (Wouldn't it be interesting if she was a Moridon)
Yea if you read the Quote on that one
And what you believe is both right and wrong. You set a dangerous path, but its a path others are helping to carve from the wilderness. Youll find your sister behind you, wielding your sword, helping you find your way.

What? I dont understand.

You understand, Jason Fox, she said with sudden seriousness. You seek a Kimdori. I will send you one.

I think my sister Kiaari would enjoy the task you have in mind. She always did like to play the game with me.

In reading this if we take it at Face value.
Jason says he dosen't under stand about the Sister behind him, wielding his sword.

But Miaari Tells him he dose understand He seeks a Kimdori.... and she will send him her sister.

Being Kimdori are Clan based and Pack mentality that could make Jason a Brother to Miaari and Kiaari since they have accepted him as Clan.  
that brings us to the next part of my and your questions
plshade wrote:Also, about this Sword of Jason's that she wields. I wonder if that sword is actually one of Jason's Rail Guns. Someone from the Bureau of Science could have figured out how to make a close version of one from looking at the odds and ends that Jason had been ordering or will one become "Lost" at a future date.

I don't think Jason's Rail gun is the Sword Miaari is referring to.  Jason has other powers at his command even if he doesn't know it yet.
He's starting to understand Others Who have power are using it for his benefit.
Kiaari will help Jason to better see and use these resorces to attain his goals.  but more important is Jasons Telepathy... As Miaari pointed out when she first touched  him.
 She gave a tittering giggle. Silly human, if you had, I wouldnt be very good, would I? she told him. He felt her press a soft hand up against the side of his neck. That touch sent shivers through his spine, much like the ones hed felt the day hed first seen her. Strong.  
Is she refering to his Teleapathy or something Else ?
Which leads us to my final point as you point out here
plshade wrote:It's possible. Miaari mentions this mysterious people twice without any explanation. "They chose wisely." Those who made the choice,
Of course the Full quote tells us more
Nothing, nothing, she said lightly. She came back into his view, sliding her hand along his neck, which
caused his skin to tingle. She then circled away, trailing her hand against his neck and her luxuriously
thick-furred tail against his legs. I see what they see in you. All the traits that a Faey woman admires, even
those they dont admit to admiring, they lurk within you. But they lack your spirit. Faey have no faith,
Jason Fox, and it is their weakness.
Your faith is strong, and it gives your spirit strength. They chose well.

Chose? What do you mean? he asked as she came back into view, looking into his eyes, and he found her
stare slightly disconcerting. Her yellow eyes were penetrating, and he felt as if they were looking into his

Those who made the choice, she said cryptically, trailing out of view again. Events whirl and revolve as
plans upset plans, Jason Fox, and you stand in the middle of it.
If you walk the path you have set for
yourself, you must be strong of spirit. Faith is a weapon, human, one of the most powerful there is. It is not
something you can measure, it is not something you can capture, but it is something that you can give.
Maybe Faith is the Sword his Sister will weld for him.  


Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 5:13 am
by Schuy
I've been examining things as I read through Sub yet again and I noticed a couple things which might be interesting to think about.

In Sub Ch1, Jyslin mentions that humans and Faey are genetically similar.
Our physiologies are virtually identical, and were even genetically compatible.  Faey and humans are nearly the same race.  Theres nothing wrong with us going out.  Its not like Im some kind of scaly alien.
Now, this brings forth the idea that there has to be some serious connection between the two races.  Two races, separated into different solar systems would not be genetically similar, not with different mutation rates due to environmental factors like how strong the sun in a solar system is.  So, I'm not going to speculate on how this occured, but I'll just say that they must have some initial common ancestor.  The branching effect must have been slight as well to keep the two races as similar as they are.  The fact that the Faey are naturally telepathic while the humans are not says that either there was direct tampering or some catalyst was present in Faey environments that was lacking in human environments to allow two genetically similar groups to have such a noticable differentiation.

This fact feeds into my next point.  After hearing about how Jason and the other human telepaths all came from the same place in Scotland, there must have been a second interaction between humans and Faey, either through some direct presence or as I speculated early, some environmental catalyst which was introduced into that area of Scotland.  This would introduce the genetic change and allow the humans of the area to pass on the telepathic ability.

It seems as though the ability must be prodded or exposed to telepathy before it expresses itself, which would explain why humans did not express their telepathy prior to the Faey subjugation.  I would gather that it may be similar in the Faey as well, but they are so immersed in daily telepathic contact and so would not be able to view their own prodding of children's abilities.

Another point, that is more of a stating of fact that seems obvious but is kind of a cool similarity to Sennadar is the fact that certain humans are capable of telepathy while all Faey are.  It mirrors the situation to a slight degree of the Sha'Kar and humans in Sennadar.  The Faey and Sha'Kar both have the predisposition for their own abilities while the humans in both cases are sometimes born with the "gift" of telepathy or sorcery.  There are not exact correlations but you can see a bit of the same elements in both.

Anyway, that's all the time I have for observations tonight.  I still want to read a couple more chapters but let me know what you think about my ideas.

Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 5:39 am
by codewarrior
From the little I remember from my Biology classes, there are two ways the Feay and humans could have come about from an evolutiary stand point.  It is know that several species of oragnisms have  evovled in what is called an convergent evolution. That is were two species that have the same enviroment but come to have similar traits, even though they came very distant realtives (singel celled organisms).  Then there is divergent evolution which is were one species becomes seperated and becoemes two species that are cloiesly related. Which one pertains to the relation ship between Feay and Human...... I do not know. ??? And I don't think Fel will tell us and ruin some of mystery of Subjagation  :-[

Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 10:07 pm
by Phantom
codewarrior wrote:From the little I remember from my Biology classes, there are two ways the Feay and humans could have come about from an evolutiary stand point. It is know that several species of oragnisms have evovled in what is called an convergent evolution. That is were two species that have the same enviroment but come to have similar traits, even though they came very distant realtives (singel celled organisms). Then there is divergent evolution which is were one species becomes seperated and becoemes two species that are cloiesly related. Which one pertains to the relation ship between Feay and Human...... I do not know. ??? And I don't think Fel will tell us and ruin some of mystery of Subjagation :-[

Interesting.... kind of what i was thinking but maybe you have something there.
A Parent Race ?


Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 10:11 am
by Shilo
Jason, and all other human telepaths on Earth, can trace their lineage back to a single village in southern Scotland, INCLUDING Temika.

Ok from here we can see that it is a location that is most significant. Now we need to find out why it is significant, could it be a lost house in the faey that crash along time ago? And Jason is apart of that family? What if they have been able to cover up why a certain family or group disapeared and now that ugly little secret is about to be exposed? Something so politically dangerous that if it came out that it would shake the faey.

Lets face it they are feay decendents. Now here is a bigger question why is the Kimdori (the Keeper of secrets) involed with a lost group of faey decendents?

Next question which group decided to come in with guns ablazzing and triing to exterminate Jasons camp instead of capturing them?

Next was Jason able to get any live feed back from his security monitors or his data pad so that he could have it broadcast for all the faey to see?

Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 5:47 pm
by ANTIcarrot
Interesting.... kind of what i was thinking but maybe you have something there. A Parent Race ?
Maybe not. If the Faey are a transplanted colony (of modified humans) then they might be able to trace their ancestors back to a similar location on Earth, just as Jason and the other human telepaths can.

I assume *they* are a colony because of the completeness of the fossil record on earth. If Faey history does just stop dead ten or twenty thousand years ago, and they knew all along they were transplanted by technology, that might account for thier lack of any kind of religious faith. Why bother when you know that 'god' is just a bloke with a bigger spaceship than you?
Next question which group decided to come in with guns ablazzing and triing to exterminate Jasons camp instead of capturing them?
Yes. Even by nazi standards (who the Imperium seem to emulate at times) that was a massive (and seemingly pointless) over reaction seeing that Jason hadn't actually done anything other than confuse them. Whoever they represent Jason's knowledge and skills would be useful to them, and it's foolish for them not to even make a token attempt to find out where he is.

And by shear amazing co-incidence the action has pushed Jason further towards rebelling against the Subjugation of Earth. Almost like someone's pulling the strings in the background. Some secret organisation of Faey Parliamentarians perhaps? Or everyone's favorite race of spy-masters...?
Next was Jason able to get any live feed back from his security monitors or his data pad so that he could have it broadcast for all the faey to see?
Either way a spectrographic analysis of the mushroom cloud is going to reveal a *lot* of non-terrestrial materials from all the Faey equipment. Possibly from equipment from a death squadron that wasn't supposed to be there, or from equipment that has no business being on earth. The 'theater' holographic projectors for example.


Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:27 pm
by Phantom
ANTIcarrot wrote:
Interesting.... kind of what i was thinking but maybe you have something there. A Parent Race ?
Maybe not. If the Faey are a transplanted colony (of modified humans) then they might be able to trace their ancestors back to a similar location on Earth, just as Jason and the other human telepaths can.

I assume *they* are a colony because of the completeness of the fossil record on earth. If Faey history does just stop dead ten or twenty thousand years ago, and they knew all along they were transplanted by technology, that might account for thier lack of any kind of religious faith. Why bother when you know that 'god' is just a bloke with a bigger spaceship than you?
Being I know the answer to this I won't Spoil it for you.
but i will say the answers we have are close to the truth. But it's so much more. ....How do i know:.. Fel has let that much out in Chats on IRC and another thread here in the forum.

ANTIcarrot wrote:
Next question which group decided to come in with guns ablazzing and triing to exterminate Jasons camp instead of capturing them?
Yes. Even by nazi standards (who the Imperium seem to emulate at times) that was a massive (and seemingly pointless) over reaction seeing that Jason hadn't actually done anything other than confuse them. Whoever they represent Jason's knowledge and skills would be useful to them, and it's foolish for them not to even make a token attempt to find out where he is.

And by shear amazing co-incidence the action has pushed Jason further towards rebelling against the Subjugation of Earth. Almost like someone's pulling the strings in the background. Some secret organisation of Faey Parliamentarians perhaps? Or everyone's favorite race of spy-masters...?
To answer the which Group question ...House Trillane that who .....They have to... they can't wait..... and end up looking to the Emperess--- like they can't handle the responsibility. ....There is also a unknown factor here as well that relates to the First question (above) and if that answer were know ....they would have Nuked the Site from orbit themselfs.

Plots within plots...

ANTIcarrot wrote:
Next was Jason able to get any live feed back from his security monitors or his data pad so that he could have it broadcast for all the faey to see?

Either way a spectrographic analysis of the mushroom cloud is going to reveal a *lot* of non-terrestrial materials from all the Faey equipment. Possibly from equipment from a death squadron that wasn't supposed to be there, or from equipment that has no business being on earth. The 'theater' holographic projectors for example.

Wouldn't matter as there had to have been Faey soldiers in the town at the time and they Carry ????? Buller?....Buller?.... anyone ? :wink:

Faey Equipment and Weapons would be expected to show up in any Spectrographic reading so they would see both Terrestrial and Faey readings.

As for a Faey death squad ....well they were just doing their job and removing Items that shouldn't be there in the first place.

the other part Jason wouldn't want to broadcast it (if he had it even) would be a BAD BAD thing ....Humans were Responsible for the Explosion ....

If he posted any part of it he's just forcing their hand and asking for them to Roll over the whole area turn over every Rock, Twig and look behind each tree and in every hole until they are sure no humans are left to maybe do it again.

Plus the Fact if they Keep a very low profile for the time being the Faey may not know for sure just who died for sure in that explosion.

Well Jason's Monitors seem to have failed to detect the attack makes you wonder a bit doesn't it ?

Are they really safe now ?



Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:58 pm
by ANTIcarrot
As for a Faey death squad ....well they were just doing their job and removing Items that shouldn't be there in the first place.
The explosion had even reached INN as a headline story, because it was still a total mystery. <snip> There were no dropships missing.
So, with no (official) Faey troops to account for the Faey material...?

Either someone is altering state records (mass-spectrometer readings, etc) or paying for INN to lie, or ordering them to do the same.

Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 10:07 pm
by Phantom
ANTIcarrot wrote:
As for a Faey death squad ....well they were just doing their job and removing Items that shouldn't be there in the first place.
The explosion had even reached INN as a headline story, because it was still a total mystery. <snip> There were no dropships missing.
So, with no (official) Faey troops to account for the Faey material...?

Either someone is altering state records (mass-spectrometer readings, etc) or paying for INN to lie, or ordering them to do the same.
you don't have to alter anything if they didn't exist in the first place.
Look if the state is the ones doing it..... covering up the dirty dead is easy.

Don't ask Don't tell with extreme prejudice.

It's the old problem ....underlings in charge not wanting to let their superiors know they are having problems or can't do the job

All resistance was crushed on earth with in 2 months or so?

There shouldn't be any left to give House Trillane problems Right ?
That is unless they aren't doing their jobs or doing them badly ...

Remember House Trillane doesn't want to attract the attention of the Empress

Besides if I had to guess this mission had 2 objectives
1. Remove any and all faey hardware from the wastelands
2. Slaves ......ones that wouldn't ever be missed officially.. even if there were records of them.
