Fun With Faey tech

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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Shadowhawk »

They had two modes, passive and active, much like the old sonar used by ships and submarines.
Passive was listening for certain energy signatures, and active was bouncing a signal off an area to check for the specific pattern of the return. How the signal was returned would tell them the physical makeup of the material in question, and those were rather sensitive. Maya had him hide the skimmer under the bride to protect it against that sensor technique, while keeping it powered down protected it from the passive type.
By the way, it seems that Fel made a very common mistake/misconception concerning concept of energy, namely that energy is something physical, tangible. Energy is just possibility of doing work (or generating heat); it does not generate any kind of radiation. Example: how can you tell from afar if condenser is charged, battery is not dead, or mechanical clock/toy is winded up?

Of course, it could just be misunderstood (on my part) simplification on Fel part... If it is, I'm sorry for my rant.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Shadowhawk »

phantom wrote:However in rereading this quote i did strike a great idea...

Faey sensor tech isn't refined enough yet (But could be). What if they were fine tuned so you could search for a individual human in a city by his unique biorhythms. Namely the DNA makeup (the unique biorhythms if you will) of human telepath's?

Then Jason or the Faey would have no problem locating
any other human telepaths.
I don't think that you can detect if human has latent telepathic DNA by looking at his biorhytm (temperature distribution + bioelectric activity / generated electromagnetic field ?). Just like you canot tell human eye and hair color combination by their fingerprints (also unique for individual human).
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by matrix »

How about a "Rail Cannon" that can be mounted on any heavy vehicle. It uses a soft slug consisting of iron hollow point around a lead and copper mixture core coated in titanium, weighing around 10kg and fireing at 10000m/s.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Hearly »

matrix wrote:How about a "Rail Cannon" that can be mounted on any heavy vehicle. It uses a soft slug consisting of iron hollow point around a lead and copper mixture core coated in titanium, weighing around 10kg and fireing at 10000m/s.

I'm not sure that would work, as the "slug" would probably disintegrate at that speed, I think even just the rounds he has now could tear some Sh*t up..

Now thinking about a "cannon" why not do a Rail Gatling gun, have 4-5 of his normal rail guns tied together like our Current rail guns... that would do some extreme damage to any ship..
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Shadowhawk »

Two very similar (in general idea) inventions:
  • Radar/Sensor Jammer - The device which causes havoc on passive (and possibly active as well) Faey detectors. If possible, make it simulate natural phenomena, like magnetic storm (even if they are very unlikely in non-polar latitudes) - maybe Faey (or at least Fae soldiers) aren't proficient in Earh weather. Might be useful in moving large mass of people to new site.
  • Radio Jammer - Jam long range radio (outside the range of Faey telepathy), so the calls for backups or reinforcement (and the reports) don't pass thru. Maybe intercept e-mails/video conference calls as well.
BTW. it seems that what I called "Ambient Radar" is known as Passive Radar, and what I called "Passive Radar" is in fact kind of ESM system.
Last edited by Shadowhawk on Sat May 14, 2005 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Shadowhawk »

Some ideas for avoiding detection (mainly, as some of designs/inventions doubles as armor):
  • Color-changing Ghillie - take an ordinary Ghillie suit, add possibility to change color (at least make darker/lighter), maybe some morphing abilities, add IR-proof layer, maybe some scent emiter (or scent-proof full body suit). Good if you want to stay in one place undetected (like observer, spotter or sniper).
  • Chameleon suit/armor - fit an outer layer of suit or armor with chromatophores (like LCD monitor), add some cameras for viewing the environment, some CPU and you can try to reproduce the image of environment on the other side. Most effective against viewing from one side (due to the fact that you cant reproduce fully faithfull the environment/image all around), and not moving (CPU power). At movement it can at least function as camouflage with spots moving as to seem to be at rest (lessening the perceived movement - movement is detected best).
  • Fiberoptic armor - put optic fibers (or something equivalent) so they transport light from one side of armor to the opposite. Most probable that it would reproduce the view on the other side of invisible person somewhat distorted and in poor resolution. If done very well the problem with viewing from many sides can be avoided: light hitting fiber at anle leaves at angle - but the image might be slightly displaced. Have to think more about physics (optic) of such suit.
  • Geometry folding box/sphere - use some kind of anti-grav technology (at least general relativity antigrav) to make the opposite sides of armor geometrically equivalent, so the light that hits one side of armor (box od concealement) leaves on the other side. Problem with light rays hitting box wall at angle, unless equivalency depends on angle. Functions as lens or prism if the problem is not solved (displacing/moving image most probably); if it is solved it can be detected by time-of-flight detectors. Doubles as powerfull armor. Invisible to all kinds of sensors, except maybe grav sensors (and then showing as something extremely strange). Have to cut some kind of window if you want not to move blind. Most probable that box of concealement requires insanely amounts of energy, functions only in box or sphere shape, has lower size limit - i.e. for (large) air/space-ship only, not for personal armor, and most probably not for exomech. Possible that one cannot interact with box, which means that if invisibility is on then you cannot accelerate/deccelerate and change course - moving with inertia only. Might be dangerous if onder influence of outside forces (like Earth gravity) unless box is suspect to the same forces, or you can move ship regardless if contained inside sphere of concealement. Bad things happen if one collides from inside with box wall. Most probably impossible.
  • Stealth field - Nuff said. Better not to think any pseudo-science explanation - only  embarassment cometh from that.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Shadowhawk »

Another idea for personal armor
  • Yet another idea for personal armor, lifted from Tenhawk JourneyVerse series, and improved. The original idea was material which crystallized on impact, which dispersed energy of the bullet into crystallization, and also spread it over a large area (preventing somewhat damage by momentum of the bullet, i.e blunt trauma)... and do not remove the mobility. And contrary to ordinary bullet-resistant vests might not need replacing afters being shot (most authors do forget about this). Add to this some slash (knife, sword and shrapnel) resistant covering, and perhaps some kind of active anti-plasma armour, which detects the magnetic envelope of plasma or the plasma magnetic effects, and generates electromagnetic field deflecting it, or dissipating it over large area. Of course in the case of dissipating the sout must have some way of removing the heat... Reflecting the bolt back at shooter wouldn't work: fist, 180 reversing on surface which cannot be usually be perpendicular to the shot direction would be very hard, and second the person shooted would have to catch the momentum of the plasma bolt: blunt trauma possible.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by codewarrior »

I was think what if Jason made a suped up paintball gun to fire paintballs filed with that armor disolving liquid. It would not do a lot of direct damage to the Faey. That is one of the big advantages that the Faey have is ther armor and they would probably not like to fight without it. Especaily when regular guns will start to do damage.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Dravok »

Shadowhawk wrote:
Mind-Machine Interface (and only one-directional). I is something that should be possible even with our level of technology. Take some sensors measuring brain activity: EEG, EMG (magnetic field). Use positive biofeedback (with reasonable starting point) for "willing" something to do: first moving dot on the screen, then something more complicated... up to piloting exo-mech. Maybe some input from electric fields from starting muscle movement (for movement). Add to that mini-AI (neural network, fuzzy logic or genetic algorithm) for interpreting those brain activity into moves. In the end you have mind-machine interface, useable by only one person, the one trained to do it.
They, the scientific community that is, have several working versions of this technology. They're not that useful, as of yet, but I'm sure Faey technology could be used to vastly increase their effectiveness.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Shadowhawk »

dravok wrote:They, the scientific community that is, have several working versions of this technology. They're not that useful, as of yet, (...)
They are useful, if experimental and on case-by-case basis. Well, not the mind-machine interface (this is in development stage, tested on monkeys and apes; probably also on humans), but I remember two cases from some sci TV channel.

First is bioofeedback using EEG (electrodes) for input, for female bobsled runner who hit hard her head. The biofeedback was used to remove seizures (or something like that), using EEG to steer the spaceship in some game. And it worked.

Second (older information and thus more sketchy) is using electric potential in muscles or nerves leading to muscles to control hand prosthetisic (artificial hand).
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Hearly »

Shadowhawk wrote:
They had two modes, passive and active, much like the old sonar used by ships and submarines.
Passive was listening for certain energy signatures, and active was bouncing a signal off an area to check for the specific pattern of the return. How the signal was returned would tell them the physical makeup of the material in question, and those were rather sensitive. Maya had him hide the skimmer under the bride to protect it against that sensor technique, while keeping it powered down protected it from the passive type.
By the way, it seems that Fel made a very common mistake/misconception concerning concept of energy, namely that energy is something physical, tangible. Energy is just possibility of doing work (or generating heat); it does not generate any kind of radiation. Example: how can you tell from afar if condenser is charged, battery is not dead, or mechanical clock/toy is winded up?

Of course, it could just be misunderstood (on my part) simplification on Fel part... If it is, I'm sorry for my rant.

I think your mistaken Shadow, Look at Radar currently, that sends out an "energy" wave and gets it bounced back, Using a different type of Energy (light spectrum parts, Millimetter wave/etc..) Should work just as well, Energy is something Physical that can be measured and studied, E=MC2 (couldn't do the small 2) There is a reverse equation that lets you convert Energy into mass. (can't think of it off top of head)
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Shadowhawk »

Hearly wrote:
Shadowhawk wrote: By the way, it seems that Fel made a very common mistake/misconception concerning concept of energy, namely that energy is something physical, tangible. Energy is just possibility of doing work (or generating heat); it does not generate any kind of radiation. Example: how can you tell from afar if condenser is charged, battery is not dead, or mechanical clock/toy is winded up?

Of course, it could just be misunderstood (on my part) simplification on Fel part... If it is, I'm sorry for my rant.

I think your mistaken Shadow, Look at Radar currently, that sends out an "energy" wave and gets it bounced back, Using a different type of Energy (light spectrum parts, Millimetter wave/etc..) Should work just as well, Energy is something Physical that can be measured and studied, E=MC2 (couldn't do the small 2) There is a reverse equation that lets you convert Energy into mass. (can't think of it off top of head)
First of all, RADAR uses electromagnetical waves. There is energy associated with electromagnetical wave, but the electromagnetical wave (and photons) is what is physical, real, and can be manipulated, and which reacts (e.g. being reflected, absorbed and heating up, or passed through). Energy is not something physical. Energy is roughly possibility to make work (in physics sense).

As to E_0 = m c^2 equation (let's use the correct form), it only tells that any bit of matter can be converted into work, proportionally to the mass of that bit of matter (for example in nuclear powerplant, or in Sun). Nothing more, nothing less. It is possibility of work for a bit of matter.

You can manipulate matter. You can't manipulate energy (or entropy) separate on the manipulating matter (where "matter" includes fields like electromagnetical field).
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by codewarrior »

Figured i would bring this topic back up condisering well now we have a new task for Jaaon to accomplish, takeing out sticks.

My Idea was something along the lines fo an RPG but instead of explosiove payload, how about the crash foam the Hover cars use. It would be fairly simple. Just have to make the rounnd able to pierce the thin armor the stick has and go in to the cockpit. It would be an easy way to imobalize the crew mean while hack the computers of the stick and fly it to where ever. Then they could drop off the crew and get way. It would be a nice easy way to keep the rebels out of danger the would only need one person to eventualy go on board. Or if jason wanted to get real creative he could rig it up to a mine and have the crash foam injected in the the cockpit but that would take a fair amount of work.

okay that was my little idea. I am out of here
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Sage4Eros »

I had an idea for how Jason could easily dig and brace his tunnel in his secret mountain lair.

Jason needs to construct a tunnel in a stone mountain. He just patented a device for Liquefying Fey concrete for construction purposes. Modify the device to work on stone and he has a solution. Something like this:

First- make a braced metal tube big enough for a Stick to fly through by forming a flimsy frame of some material (like plastic) and then spraying it with Titanium until the Titanium is thick enough.

Second- mount one of his acoustic Liquefiers to it that can be tuned to liquefy the stone the Mountain is made of. Make it re-tunable incase he hits a pocket of different mineral.

Third- Make a brace on the interior ceiling of the Tube so that a Stick can lock its roof to the brace from the inside and lift/fly with it.

Fourth- Lift the tube with the Stick and turn on the Liquefier using the Metal of the tube to guide/channel the sound waves and then slowly fly INTO the stone of the mountain at an upward angle. The Tube will push into the stone wall as it liquefies and runs down the bottom of the tube/pipe. When the end of tube/pipe gets to the other side you stop the Stick and wait for the Liquid Stone to finish draining out of the tube, then turn off the Liquefier. You now have a metal pipe/tunnel wide enough for a Stick and the Titanium acts as the bracing.

Just a thought...

P.S. I had previously posted this in a diff thread, but then I noticed that it also it appropriate for this one.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Lochar »

As long as you don't melt the entire mountain.
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