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Re: It IS Tuesday!  Well, here it is.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 1:59 am
by Wildcat
Yeah, I was of the opinion that the icons could take a lot more damage than a living being, and being buried in lava wouldn't do much more than keep the One from moving it around until he fixes it.

Great chapter, Fel! It was good to see Mist's side of things. Can't wait to see what happens next.

Re: It IS Tuesday!  Well, here it is.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 12:33 pm
by MommyDoom
lochar wrote:I wonder if Tarrin would get more powerful if he had followers though...
You know, a LONG time ago, Fel talked about a "contest" of sorts.  Where all of us could create a character and then we would vote on the characters.  The character that won would be written into the story in some form.  My character was Tarrin's first priest.  I asked Fel at some point if he was still going to do this "contest" but he never answered me.  I sure had a good time coming up with that character.  *DIBS*


Re: It IS Tuesday!  Well, here it is.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 12:50 pm
by Lochar
I think Tarrin already has his first follower in Zyri though.

Re: It IS Tuesday!  Well, here it is.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 1:33 pm
by MommyDoom
lochar wrote:I think Tarrin already has his first follower in Zyri though.
That's quite possible... however Zyri didn't exist (except maybe in Fel's mind) when I came up with the character. And, technically, my character is his first PRIEST, and establishes the first Temple to Tarrin. :)


Re: It IS Tuesday!  Well, here it is.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 2:11 pm
by Lochar
I realize that, but I was just saying that one of the "firsts" was already taken.  we've got/had the first enemy, follower, and your priest.  what else can we have that's a first?

Re: It IS Tuesday!  Well, here it is.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 3:00 pm
by MommyDoom
lochar wrote:I realize that, but I was just saying that one of the "firsts" was already taken. we've got/had the first enemy, follower, and your priest. what else can we have that's a first?

You know, I've always wanted to meet a couple of the Druid Elders... the ones that are always calling Triana to see them. The ones that put the death mark on Tarrin at the beginning and then just didn't want to know he existed for the rest of the books. He's probably a more powerful Druid than any of them by now... and they refuse to even acknowledge him. Are they Human? Were? Fairie? Pixie? I think fleshing out a couple of those characters would be cool.

Maybe we should continue this conversation privately, eh? I'm sure not everyone wants to read this conjecturing. Send me an email or a message on this webboard or something:


Re: It IS Tuesday!  Well, here it is.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 5:34 pm
by rick
you know Doom I would bet money that at least one of them is a centaur.After all thet hate thewerecats with a passion. MommyDoom I was working on a chacter of a young Areal that is a sorrcer.I thought it might be fun to make an Areal a sorrcer and have to go to the tower.But I would need Fel`s permission for that .Of course I want the Areals to move out into the world more myself.mmm,  I wonder if they know about Tarrin`s wings yet?

Re: It IS Tuesday!  Well, here it is.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 5:52 pm
by MommyDoom
rick wrote:you know Doom I would bet money that at least one of them is a centaur.After all thet hate thewerecats with a passion. MommyDoom I was working on a chacter of a young Areal that is a sorrcer.I thought it might be fun to make an Areal a sorrcer and have to go to the tower.But I would need Fel`s permission for that .Of course I want the Areals to move out into the world more myself.mmm, I wonder if they know about Tarrin`s wings yet?
Why would you need Fel's permission?  He TOLD us to create characters.  Make up whatever character you want, and when he finally has time to enact the "contest", you'll be ready!


Re: It IS Tuesday!  Well, here it is.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 7:44 pm
by Weresmilodon
You know what? We still haven't gotten to see any pixies... Is that going to happen at all?

Re: It IS Tuesday!  Well, here it is.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 10:46 pm
by hatten_jc
fel wrote:As promised, chapter 8 is done.

TUESDAY. I finished it at 4:45pm Tuesday afternoon. ;P


Convert or remain feeling frustrated. ;)

I hope you enjoy it.
Great work took time before i could sitt down and read it. Great work i am imprest and i truly wonder IF Da One is dead or not ?

Re: It IS Tuesday!  Well, here it is.

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 3:51 am
by Lochar
hatten_jc wrote:
Great work took time before i could sitt down and read it. Great work i am imprest and i truly wonder IF Da One is dead or not ?
not dead, but his powers right now are locked down like Val's were most likely.  his icon was damaged, and that really f's up his ability to interact with the material world.