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Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 12:16 am
by dstar
SYED wrote:I wonder if the shaman can use their mysterious power to heal the damage inflicted on the dreamers.
I was waiting for them to bring in a Parri shaman, honestly. I mean... their whole focuse is on _love_, and here's someone who needs healing.

And once again I'm reminded my mind doesn't work like other peoples.
jakkans have clairvoyance
At least here I understand _why_ my perspective is different from others... having been married for a quarter of a century to someone who walked into the _most prestigious teahouse in New Orleans_ and got a job as a Tarot reader _on the spot_, it's understandable why I have a bit of a problem seeing clairvoyance and precog as seperate talents (even though they always were for me and I never had the former really).

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 2:00 am
Precogs see the future, clairvoyance sees the present and psychometry views the past.

I wonder if the kimdori have secrets concerning those ancient meddlers. They might simply not be aware they know. Sort of like they gathered that Intel on the precogs but never realised they were faey. So say some historical or mythological lore from the dreamers, that spark a realization.

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 2:24 am
by dstar
SYED wrote:Precogs see the future, clairvoyance sees the present and psychometry views the past.
That was always my view... then I met Vel.

I make it a point to not argue with someone who, you know, has a first person view of such things. And having multiple instances of being able to tell people e.g. "Your sheets of acid are under the passenger sheet" are the sort of thing you shouldn't argue with.

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 2:41 am
I was thinking the multiple forms of clairvoyance would be awesome for information gathering, especially on targeting telekinesis. Imagine ships with clairvoyance enhanced sensors. Sensors that can't be detected.

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 7:21 am
by Tuga555
dstar wrote:
SYED wrote:I wonder if the shaman can use their mysterious power to heal the damage inflicted on the dreamers.
I was waiting for them to bring in a Parri shaman, honestly. I mean... their whole focuse is on _love_, and here's someone who needs healing.

And once again I'm reminded my mind doesn't work like other peoples.
jakkans have clairvoyance
At least here I understand _why_ my perspective is different from others... having been married for a quarter of a century to someone who walked into the _most prestigious teahouse in New Orleans_ and got a job as a Tarot reader _on the spot_, it's understandable why I have a bit of a problem seeing clairvoyance and precog as seperate talents (even though they always were for me and I never had the former really).
And Jason obsession with the Oracle? He even mentions that! Its the stress of the war or more a "Shaman" reason?
He might be starting to "listen" and be reacting to her pain... or the trees know something...

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 11:08 pm
If someone made a faey sub species that is all viable precogs, I wonder if out there are planets where a subspecies of Faey that posses empathy or telekinesis. The alien race that was around about 40000 years ago, they might have made subspecies using other talents. The only reason the Karrines stopped their program was that they got wiped out.

The karrine studied everything, I wonder if their historians tried to locate their Titans. Even a small amount of data from their projects would be invaluable.

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 11:31 pm
by kyli
SYED wrote:If someone made a faey sub species that is all viable precogs, I wonder if out there are planets where a subspecies of Faey that posses empathy or telekinesis. The alien race that was around about 40000 years ago, they might have made subspecies using other talents. The only reason the Karrines stopped their program was that they got wiped out.

The karrine studied everything, I wonder if their historians tried to locate their Titans. Even a small amount of data from their projects would be invaluable.
I suspect that this mysterious race has nothing to do with creating precogs, or sub races that have 100% telepaths. At least, not intentionally. Maybe evolving on a different planet and suddenly being moved to another system might have had something to do with that; change in suns radiation and stuff like that.

And historians, as a rule, study history, not myths, unless there is evidence that there is truth to the myth and before the feay discovered the humans, there was no such evidence. Now that they discovered the precogs, they might finally have reason to start looking at these myths, though it might take a while to discover the truth.

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 4:59 am
Does anyone remember that Star Trek episode? Some ancient race seeded viable living planets for the potential of sentient life, and left behind clues in genetic coding. What if the ancient Titan race seeded telepathic potential and left clues in their work. I can see the Karrines studying telepathic power accross races. One of they could have noticed some vague hints. Hints that the modern day house can complete.

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 3:12 pm
by Wolfee
SYED wrote:Does anyone remember that Star Trek episode? Some ancient race seeded viable living planets for the potential of sentient life, and left behind clues in genetic coding. What if the ancient Titan race seeded telepathic potential and left clues in their work. I can see the Karrines studying telepathic power accross races. One of they could have noticed some vague hints. Hints that the modern day house can complete.
Season 6 episode 20 - one of my favorite episodes - especially the speech at the end by the decoded hologram. Its right up there with a quote from Contact by Carl Sagan. "In all our searching, the only thing we've found that makes the emptiness bearable is each other." I suggest watching the episode or at least the last few minutes of it. Something to think about beyond the humdrum of day-to-day existence.

There has been talk of what if humanity is the eldest in the galaxy and that is why no one has come to visit us?! A terrible burden of which I do not believe humanity has grown up enough to accept as yet. Hopefully by the time we can cross the stars we will be ready for that responsibly of being the eldest. By then I pray we know understand when to put our hand in, when not to... when nature must take its course and a young race must be lost. Or is it even our right or responsibility to lend a helping hand. Will we do more harm than good? Questions for when we are older and wiser, hopefully.

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:39 am
by Hello World
So for those who are wondering, Fel revealed the total length of the series and their names last week on Twitter. There are 4 more books planned in this story and their names are: Retribution, Revolution, Revelation, and Benediction.

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:52 am
by Belgarion213
So, with no knowledge of Fel's plans what so ever, here is my estimation about the main thrust of each of those books.

Retribution: The Confederation, or at least the Karines and the Kimdori strike back at the Consortium and the Syndicate for invading the Milky Way.

Revolution: I think this book would follow from the previous one. Either its about a new goverment taking over in Andromeda from the previous one, or at least the beginnings of that.

Revelation: I think THIS is the book that will focus on these 40,000 year old giants, or at least the discovery of who they were and what they were doing. the continuing of the Andromeda issue...and the first true beginning of a inter-galactic communications

Benediction: I'm not sure what this would be about, probably a continuation of the previous and finding out what the giants were actually doing and a conclusion to the galactic wars either through the new government taking over from the Consortium/syndicate.

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 5:29 am
I wonder what those Giants were after. Some races just wanted telepaths. The karrine had far wider desires, increased in ability strength, contact with machines, telekinesis for all. Say the Giants introduced all telepathic powers, could their database allow for wider range of abilities, as well as increasing telepaths numbers.

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 5:53 am
by Belgarion213
If any remembers Babylon 5, in that show Telepaths were introduced into humanity and a few other races by the Vorlon's, so it MIGHT be a introduced talent from these super advanced giants...but we have no evidence about that. We don't really understand psychic power at all really but its a LOT broader than I actually thought initially. Telepathic and telekinetic powers are only the surface as we have seen, since theirs precognition, clairvoyance, reading the hostiry of objects, manipulating subatomic particles, phasing into different states of matter...its incredibly broad. I wonder two generations linked to two CBIM's could a Stargate/wormhole through sheer telekinetic power.

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:14 pm
by Wolfee
Hello World wrote:So for those who are wondering, Fel revealed the total length of the series and their names last week on Twitter. There are 4 more books planned in this story and their names are: Retribution, Revolution, Revelation, and Benediction.
WOWSERS I can hardly wait! I was not thinking there was THAT much left! Hip Hip Hooray :D !

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:40 pm
The thing is while I believe the benga will be dealt with, I doubt it would be a simple military option. Due to the sheer size and scale of the syndicate, I see a more tricky legion style of victory. They destabilize it enough to allow the confederation to swoop in and claim systems for themselves.