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Re: Well...that's that. A major announcement.

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 1:54 pm
by calista241
hermit-bob wrote:

Trump tweeted, then deleted that tweet like he should have so many others, his open support for the First Amendment Defence Act. The proposed bill would allow discrination for employment and service based on "one's sincerly held, personal, or religous beliefs."
Leaving aside it's blatent disregard for the First Amendment in the first place, the possibility of such an act is possible should Trump be able to select Justices for the SCOTUS that share that....I can't even call it a veiwpoint, it's just straight up bigotry.
I don't think this is likely. First, Trump has a shitload of real, more important stuff on his plate that he's talked about a lot more than this. Stuff like the Obamacare replacement, tax reform, corporate income repatriation, etc, is all stuff he's talked a lot more about actually doing, and will be judged on more quickly than this.

Besides, the First Amendment Defense Act has a catchy name, and at first glance it doesn't seem too bad. But I think everyone in government is seeing what happened to North Carolina with their stupid bathroom bill, and legislators will be hesitant to pass social change bills like this trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.

If that doesn't matter, and they pass this Act anyway, the First Amendment is a Constitutional Amendment and this Act is simply a law. It will be challenged, and Repubs are in the habit of appointing Constituional originalists to the Courts. And there's a boatload of other laws that have been affirmed by the court that mention fairness and equal protection in the workplace.