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Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:37 pm
by CoatOSilver
Well I don't remember exactly, but I was bored around 2009 and searched for stories on the net to read while at work. It ended up in me printing the first books of the firestaff series to read at home in bed (no ebook available back then and the laptop was way too heavy for comfortable reading).

So I guess I'm one of the late-comers

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 4:39 pm
by mjkj
I did learn about Fel and his stories via TWF ( ). I already followed a few web-fiction stories that were listed there and I did vote for them. Every once in a while I read through the list there to see if any story there catches my eyes. So I found the listing of Subjugation there and checked it out ( it was directing me to by Fel ®.htm* ) and so I started reading the Subjugation series posted there and then came here via the link there to find more updates...

I do not remember exactly when I found it -- it must have been about half of book 3 of the Subjugation series "Unification" that was posted at Weavespinner's and a bit more here...

In the meantime I have read all of Fel's series accessible here.


* It still is directing there though the website does not exist anymore so now one gets a 404 error there -- the correct link is now

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:18 am
by untimelyhenry
I discovered Sennadar via a link on EWP. I read through all of it on that awful old site (sorry, but the pop-up copyright notice was a real PITA). Subjugation I ended up encountering years later on a different site. I would guess SOL, but it's not there. It took me awhile before I discovered that they came from the same source.

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 3:01 pm
by Dregrin
I first learned of Fel while stationed in Misawa Japan from a navy guy working there, he pointed me at the website and told me a bit about both subjugation and Firestaff, i think sub was on chapter 18 at the time, I started with subjugation because i was looking for something Scifi at the time and Subjugation quickly became my favorite story. I have since passed the stories and webpage to about 20 different people Ive worked with who were looking for something to read.

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 3:55 am
by Anakha
From discussion on Amazon message board for P.S Power books.

"What to read while waiting for the next P.S. Power book" ... ZFMQ9CM57X

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:59 pm
by TheFanatics
I was looking for something to read online, and was directed here by an online friend.

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 1:35 am
by Byte Storm
untimelyhenry wrote:I discovered Sennadar via a link on EWP. I read through all of it on that awful old site (sorry, but the pop-up copyright notice was a real PITA). Subjugation I ended up encountering years later on a different site. I would guess SOL, but it's not there. It took me awhile before I discovered that they came from the same source.
That is the same place I learned of of it. I believe, I can't rightly recall anymore.

Though, I must be from a lot further back than you, as I do not recall a copyright popup on that site. 'Course, I started reading NetWolf's stuff around 2000, and I haven't been there in quite some time.

Damn that was a long time ago!

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:32 am
by canisd
Byte Storm wrote:
untimelyhenry wrote:I discovered Sennadar via a link on EWP. I read through all of it on that awful old site (sorry, but the pop-up copyright notice was a real PITA). Subjugation I ended up encountering years later on a different site. I would guess SOL, but it's not there. It took me awhile before I discovered that they came from the same source.
That is the same place I learned of of it. I believe, I can't rightly recall anymore.

Though, I must be from a lot further back than you, as I do not recall a copyright popup on that site. 'Course, I started reading NetWolf's stuff around 2000, and I haven't been there in quite some time.

Damn that was a long time ago!

The copyright notice in question was on one version of the Sennedar website.

Myself I can't remember how I got to the story maybe EWP like others but I do know it was fall 2001to spring 2002.

Edit: I know it was fall of 2001, as I just managed to find an IRC log from December of 2001

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:23 pm
by Phantom
canisd wrote:
Byte Storm wrote:
untimelyhenry wrote:I discovered Sennadar via a link on EWP. I read through all of it on that awful old site (sorry, but the pop-up copyright notice was a real PITA). Subjugation I ended up encountering years later on a different site. I would guess SOL, but it's not there. It took me awhile before I discovered that they came from the same source.
That is the same place I learned of of it. I believe, I can't rightly recall anymore.

Though, I must be from a lot further back than you, as I do not recall a copyright popup on that site. 'Course, I started reading NetWolf's stuff around 2000, and I haven't been there in quite some time.

Damn that was a long time ago!

The copyright notice in question was on one version of the Sennedar website.

Myself I can't remember how I got to the story maybe EWP like others but I do know it was fall 2001to spring 2002.

Edit: I know it was fall of 2001, as I just managed to find an IRC log from December of 2001

I remember The Copyright Popup being on'm not sure about if it was also on the original or not.


Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:52 am
by Spec8472
Phantom wrote:I remember The Copyright Popup being on'm not sure about if it was also on the original or not
The version was copied from or some variant thereof. I think I killed off the popup though.

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:38 pm
by ThisAndThat1
I am not sure but is was back around 99 or 2000. If I had to guess I would say EWP was the source.
I can remember that the first book of Sennadar was not done yet - I think...

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 2:39 am
by ramouton
I learned about Fel through an author forum post on amazon in may of this year, as i was anxiously awaiting news of the authors next book, and one of the other posters included a list of other material to try whilst waiting, the only set of works that i hadn't already purchased and read were the works of Fel, at this point in time, i have read everything written by Fel, at least once, going on 3 times for everything, and all the fanfiction listed on the sennadar forums with the exception of blame charlie, and detour to otherwhen. Of the fan fiction, the works that i have enjoyed most thus far have been assimilation and thor's child. I am anxiously hoping the authors don't let the works die, as everything i have read thus far has been worthy of purchase, and multiple re-reads. Keep up the good work Fel, and all other associated authors.

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 3:39 pm
by baby-gurl1991
I found this site by always looking for new books to read

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:37 am
by Vash360
Fel's stories were recommended by a guy on a yahoo group for a different writer about Spartans and wolves and vampires that's still being written

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:23 am
by boss1138
Knew Fel for a while actually. One day we talked about how we liked writing sci-fi and fantasy stories and he told me about Subjugation so I decided to check it out.