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Re: Secession, chapter 2.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:05 pm
by Metatrone
That was so freaking adorable i had a fucking 'Aww...' monent while freezing my ass of on a bus stop at 1 in the morning.
Thank you for the chapter!

Re: Secession, chapter 2.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:04 pm
by montie1123
Well Fel you could always do something along the lines of MLP/Kit. Use it to teach her something using her fav chars. Nothing to over the top just a life lesson you think she is in need of. I had my step father read Kit asking him "do you think if you had that kind of Money that would have been how you treated me when i ran off to the Marines instead of joining you at your Business?"

Re: Secession, chapter 2.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:31 pm
by blackwalnut
Thanks Fel,
My 8 yr old granddaughter is enraptured by the MLP fad.
Write some thing twisted!

Re: Secession, chapter 2.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:32 am
by nachtdemon
Thanks for chapter 2.

Re: Secession, chapter 2.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:49 am
by maxthegap
thank you very much this made my night

Re: Secession, chapter 2.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:59 am
by Cougar2k2
Whoot!! Yay new chapter... Thanks Fel.

Re: Secession, chapter 2.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:20 am
by wildph
Thanks Fel,

Secession Chapter 02 has been added to my pdf archive site.



Re: Secession, chapter 2.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:53 am
by fridgey
Awesome, definitely wasn't expecting anything this fast. Thanks fel!
Updated EPUB

Re: Secession, chapter 2.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:53 am
by RobJ
Thanks Fel,
Just the tonic needed after a hectic day at work.

Re: Secession, chapter 2.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:00 am
by dellstart
wow fel , hard to belive u cranked that one out so fast. was expecting at least a few weeks to the next. so its lucky us.

Re: Secession, chapter 2.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:03 am
by konman
Thanks Fel.

Re: Secession, chapter 2.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:05 am
by boballab
Fel wrote:My cousin is 9, an avid reader, and utterly obsessed with My Little Pony. She knows I write as a hobby, and has asked me to write a My Little Pony story for Christmas.

Not only am I not sure I'm gonna do this, I'm not sure I COULD. My writing is not usually conducive to 9 year olds. I'd slaughter them in all an epic war against the dopplegangers or something.
Fel you already have a lead in for a My Little Pony story:
You got a taste of my Friendly Puppies.  How’d you like to meet my Hello Kitties tomorrow?  I’m sure you’ll find them very entertaining, at least until they start shaking your buildings apart with their torsion shockwave generators.  And if the kitties don’t do it for you, I’m sure you’ll just love My Little Pony.  Would you like to ride my pony, Yila?  I can guarantee you, it will be a once in a lifetime experience.”
I don't know how well your cousin would like it but there you go.

Re: Secession, chapter 2.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:41 am
by ZephyrusMK
Thank you Fel!

As far the Pony thing,.... am I a bad person for actually being mildly curious at your idea for the epic war between pony and dopplegangers? *grins*

Looking forward to the next chapter even if it means it'll be a little bit. have a great holiday just in case the next chapter is not out till afterwords.

Re: Secession, chapter 2.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:33 am
by CRYUnicornClear
Thanks Fel. As far as the pony thing just think of her face when you give it to her. Just might give you the motivation to do it if not tell her santas elves or reiendeer ate it.

Re: Secession, chapter 2.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:48 am
by Widmer