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Re: Earth Bond Chapter 18 Discussion (spoilers!)

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 4:10 pm
by Weresmilodon
Fixed for you.

Re: Earth Bond Chapter 18 Discussion (spoilers!)

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:59 pm
by dellstart
wow, this Gerald Bull , was on a lot of peoples shit list.If the Mossad didn't do it , there were plenty in line waiting for the chance to have a crack.
point taken though.

Re: Earth Bond Chapter 18 Discussion (spoilers!)

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:24 pm
dellstart wrote:wow, this Gerald Bull , was on a lot of peoples shit list.If the Mossad didn't do it , there were plenty in line waiting for the chance to have a crack.
point taken though.
From what I've heard Gerald Bull was an irritating, opinionated and angry man whose only real delight in life was working on projects that he chose. He didn't seem to be able to control either his temper and his tongue, so he often lost jobs due to statements he made about differences of opinion with those who had hired him. He had absolutely no political discrimination - in other words he would work for anyone as long as he was able to work on projects that interested him, which resulted in him being called a turncoat by multitudes. There were probably a thousand or more very prominent people who wanted him stopped from carrying on his research into long range ballistic weaponry, so the fact that he was assassinated was no real surprise. The Mossad was blamed for his death, but it could have been a dozen different groups from as many different countries. (My guess is that since the 'supergun' parts were being shipped from Great Britain, it was actually MI6)

Re: Earth Bond Chapter 18 Discussion (spoilers!)

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:00 am
by Kendog
GBLW wrote: (My guess is that since the 'supergun' parts were being shipped from Great Britain, it was actually MI6)

Hey, maybe it was a 00, or even 007 himself. :wink:

Re: Earth Bond Chapter 18 Discussion (spoilers!)

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 11:48 pm
by tereszcz
GBLW wrote:
dellstart wrote:wow, this Gerald Bull , was on a lot of peoples shit list.If the Mossad didn't do it , there were plenty in line waiting for the chance to have a crack.
point taken though.
From what I've heard Gerald Bull was an irritating, opinionated and angry man whose only real delight in life was working on projects that he chose. He didn't seem to be able to control either his temper and his tongue, so he often lost jobs due to statements he made about differences of opinion with those who had hired him. He had absolutely no political discrimination - in other words he would work for anyone as long as he was able to work on projects that interested him, which resulted in him being called a turncoat by multitudes. There were probably a thousand or more very prominent people who wanted him stopped from carrying on his research into long range ballistic weaponry, so the fact that he was assassinated was no real surprise. The Mossad was blamed for his death, but it could have been a dozen different groups from as many different countries. (My guess is that since the 'supergun' parts were being shipped from Great Britain, it was actually MI6)
He probably was no angle, yet if he succeeded in getting large amount of materials into space cheaply, he would probably push forward our technology by several decades. The impact on the rest of the humanity would be enormous. Who are we to judge, who lives or dies? Thou shalt not kill. That is a commandment not a suggestion.

Re: Earth Bond Chapter 18 Discussion (spoilers!)

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:03 am
by hoppy
GBLW wrote:
dellstart wrote:wow, this Gerald Bull , was on a lot of peoples shit list.If the Mossad didn't do it , there were plenty in line waiting for the chance to have a crack.
point taken though.
From what I've heard Gerald Bull was an irritating, opinionated and angry man whose only real delight in life was working on projects that he chose. He didn't seem to be able to control either his temper and his tongue, so he often lost jobs due to statements he made about differences of opinion with those who had hired him. He had absolutely no political discrimination - in other words he would work for anyone as long as he was able to work on projects that interested him, which resulted in him being called a turncoat by multitudes. There were probably a thousand or more very prominent people who wanted him stopped from carrying on his research into long range ballistic weaponry, so the fact that he was assassinated was no real surprise. The Mossad was blamed for his death, but it could have been a dozen different groups from as many different countries. (My guess is that since the 'supergun' parts were being shipped from Great Britain, it was actually MI6)
Let us remember, that he was politically put out of favor by his involvement with South Africa which it's self was in favor at the time he got involved. He May have been blacklisted after that.