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Re: psionic stories?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 2:45 pm
by Forbidder
Hmm, but if there was an alien society, where it was founded with polygamy,  maybe they wouldn't have a hard time digesting the idea of many love interests for the main character.

Re: psionic stories?

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 8:12 am
by Sancria
Ok, a psionic story...

This is about a teleport, but still, rates as one of my favourite books ever, simple and engrossing.

Steven Gould's, "Jumper" about David Rice, the most humble and believable protaganist ever :)

Re: psionic stories?

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 6:10 pm
by Mark_Reed
(Before I get to what I wanted to talk about...)

Sancria, thanks for the suggestion. It's been made before, in the 'good reading' topic, but good stories deserve constant recomendation. ;) I'm currently at the library, and roughtly 8 minutes ago was very dissapointed to find out the copy of jumper which I have on hold has not come in yet. *Sigh*

Speaking of good stories which deserve constant recommendation, let's jump back about two pages (you know, before the discussion mutated into a running series of thesis' (thesese?) about Subjugation  :P ). Uncle Al beat me to it, but let me re-recommend "Tim the Teenage MC" for anyone interested in an erotic tale with very good use of telepathy (and later, empathy). When I first read it, I was actually a little homophobic. The majority of the mm stuff was presented in such a way that it didn't squick me at all. Suzi (the main heroine) was always being thought of, watching, or actually present during a lot of the boy-boy experimentation, and because of that it just seemed alright with me. I'd recommend the story for anyone up to and including those who are a little uncomfortable with the idea (because I think the presentation will allow readers to handle it) but it's still not for anyone who is seriously disturbed by it. The first few chapters are light mm, so some people will want to skim through the sexual parts until Suzi becomes more a player in the story.

TTMC was actually part of a number of things which helped me to go from homo-phobic to straight but curious, although I doubt it will have similar effects on anyone else. Still- damn good story.

Oh, and Camp (by Netwolf) is good as well. As has been mentioned, it's sexual at the beginning with a developping (and sometimes twisting) storyline that becomes further and further involved, but it's mostly worth the effort. Anyone squicked by incest isn't going be interested, though.

Re: psionic stories?

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 3:57 pm
by TFF
mark_reed wrote:Oh, and Camp (by Netwolf) is good as well. As has been mentioned, it's sexual at the beginning with a developping (and sometimes twisting) storyline that becomes further and further involved, but it's mostly worth the effort. Anyone squicked by incest isn't going be interested, though.
I don't understand people who enjoy CAMP. The kid in the story is either a sociopath, or mentally ill. I can come up with no other explanation for his completely disjointed moral acts throughout the story.

The story itself strikes me more as someone's personal fantasy than it does a well constructed story.

Re: psionic stories?

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 2:34 am
by Greymist
I have to agree TFF, I read through quite a bit of it hoping it would get better but it really didn't, the twists seemed more like the writer didn't have any good consistant ideas so he/she threw in masses of different stories with the same main character.

And the idea that just because he is a telepath he can be ubersmart and can make a mind control devise the size of the watch in a week is....

Re: psionic stories?

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:57 am
by Flame_Champion
...bullsh*t?     ;D

Re: psionic stories?

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 2:48 am
by ez
i really don't understand Subjugation is a great read, its set up on an alien society and yet you complain it does not work (umm what does alien mean again)
the tech is to far out there (what did they say about sub's airplanes telephones and PC's)
try putting your self into characters shoes he is defeated threw no fault of his own, his dads dead a man he looked up to, his entire life has been turned upside down, all emotional ties to his old life are gone, he's seen the other side of these aliens the brutal side the victors side (and this is a little internal conflict) try livening it, see how little it feels
as for external conflict he needed to feel he can win a few, yea he out classed them totally what do you expect he's using alien tech, srry but if i read story and all this internal conflict was happening and the hero goes out and kicks butt in a major battle that would be hard to believe.
as for relationships: jason is in the middle he's not sitting reading it if you cant understand the conflict you wont understand why he's trying to hold back, we have all at times wanted something we cant have or believed we cant have it does not stop us from wanting it and it does not stop us from doing things we don't think we should do for our reasons
also i think some off you have forgotten at the moment earth is a backwards little nothing to aliens they did not even bother sending there good tech to take us out no all it took was a few words in the right ears and were all slaves ?

like i said i love this at first i had a hard time with this society its not real, but then i stopped and realized i would have a hard time dealing with it and some of that relates to a female dom society and some there interaction with each other and humans (the sex) could it work umm hell if i know i have hard time understanding marriages but ppl do it every day and sometime more then once?

i think any1 that quite on this story just when thing are starting to happen is depriving themselves off a good read
look were we are jason believe that he's fairly safe he is staring to get comfy he's built himself a home. when everything goes so right something BAD is about to happen

*my mum always told me if you win something you really really want don't cross the road cause the min you do a bus will hit you*

Re: psionic stories?

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 3:58 am
by Lochar
tff wrote:
I don't understand people who enjoy CAMP. The kid in the story is either a sociopath, or mentally ill. I can come up with no other explanation for his completely disjointed moral acts throughout the story.

The story itself strikes me more as someone's personal fantasy than it does a well constructed story.

While I'll agree with you about Camp for the first half or so, it does actually gain a storyline in the last few chapters. LOL

Just in time for the story to end though, of course.

Re: psionic stories?

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:56 am
by Hearly
Netwolf, I believe has said a few times, he'd love to go back and re-write major parts of Camp.. but he hasn't yet.