tribulation (spoilers) chapter 3

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Re: tribulation (spoilers) chapter 3

Post by gnume »

question to fel : will it be possible to use nanos in conjunction with an interface (not gaslat) to hook up to the optic and ear channel nerves to give the interface output without using an external screen and speakers
that should give all the house members some more functionality from their interface at last till Jason or Myleena how to enable interfaces to send to non generations
it will probably require a short range BPS transmitter in the interface for operation off criss
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Re: tribulation (spoilers) chapter 3

Post by SYED »

could an internal nano system allow bio genic tech to be augmented. LAter nano tech could assist the mind computer linkage.

Can any of the beam weapons be altered, so the effect is emmitted by the shields. Like the metal gun, a shield would send an omni directional pulse that liquidises the metal.

THe consortium shields block mpacs due to being hyperdimensional, what id the containment field was altered so mpacs could pass through.

There is only one place safe enough to store un manned ships, in the nebula. They know jason will be trying to thin their numbers, they may be fixed else where but sstored here. How many indictors would it take to surround the nebulara. At least where the ships are, so any reinforcements would take to long to stop karrine. If is known that thier own advantage is numbers in battle, and cut from back up, they will forced to watch as ships are destroyed.

The stations are ments to repair ships not store them, so space limited.
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Re: tribulation (spoilers) chapter 3

Post by Wolfee »

I figured the nano-tech would improve greatly with the BCP system - and I see I forgot about that when I posted my question about BCP... I'm sure Jason and crew will come up with some extreamly evil ideas.

On the otherhand I find it very interesting that Fel didn't respond to my phase shifting question... Yet another possible indication of "fun." :mrgreen:
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Re: tribulation (spoilers) chapter 3

Post by kd7mvs »

One thing with BCP nanotech, it will only function within the range of a BCP, which depending upon the uses developed may have interesting ramifications; if on nanotech life support, leaving the range of a BCP is a death sentence. Any boosts from nanotech will only be available within the range of a BCP unit. It may become very crucial, just how compact a unit a BCP may be, portability and range, how far from a ship-based BCP can you be and receive power? Can you mount one in a dropship, skimmer, a Wolf, or a Gladiator? Will Dracora be within range of a ship-based BCP in synchronous orbit, and if so how are you going to talk Dahnai's security into letting you park above the palace?

Stuff to think about, indeed.
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Re: tribulation (spoilers) chapter 3

Post by SYED »

those phase spiders that allowed the creation of cloth armour right. the mpac are plasma contained in a magnetic field, so either deal with the field, so the plasma disapates, or deal with the plasma. faey are masters of plasma, so they take it, deflect it, reflect, repulse, or alter its path. the magnetic bottle should react to magnetic fields. plasma is a form of energy, could they create sorta lightning rod armour to take the plasma.

most civilian tech, bassed in industrial and developed area , will be coverted, so remove a great possible danger, only tech that would leave powered area need to be independant.

The confedaration is at war, so huge military build up, so need plenty of resources, so the fact that they are the only ones with advanced replicators will cause them to be rich. WIth limmited access due to gats and the possibility that trade will be disrupted, means that a guaranteed avenus of supplies would be great.

The indictor interupts hyperspace travel by emitting pulse, when detonated it fries hyper tech, could it be used to deny the hyper dimensions to them. If their technology is dependant on bringing that hyper energy into this one, then it could criple them.
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Re: tribulation (spoilers) chapter 3

Post by kd7mvs »

Presuming demand for resources exceeds the standard production of resources, thus bringing the economics of scarcity into play, then yes, they could produce materials and sell them at an inflated price, becoming rich.

At the expense of the war effort. I don't see Jason doing it, he doesn't act like a laissez-faire capitalist to begin with, he'll produce the resources and make them available at near cost to encourage war production and enable his allies to produce as much as they can, winning the war being far more important than short-term profits. Long term, winning the war is in his best interest, and he will set prices based on what will best encourage that end. Higher profits does no one any good at the expense of their freedoms. A policy I refer to as "enlightened self-interest," that properly positioned what's good for society is good for me, long-term steady profits with long-term stability vs short-term mega profits with long-term instability.
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Re: tribulation (spoilers) chapter 3

Post by Wolfee »

kd7mvs wrote:Presuming demand for resources exceeds the standard production of resources, thus bringing the economics of scarcity into play, then yes, they could produce materials and sell them at an inflated price, becoming rich.

At the expense of the war effort. I don't see Jason doing it, he doesn't act like a laissez-faire capitalist to begin with, he'll produce the resources and make them available at near cost to encourage war production and enable his allies to produce as much as they can, winning the war being far more important than short-term profits. Long term, winning the war is in his best interest, and he will set prices based on what will best encourage that end. Higher profits does no one any good at the expense of their freedoms. A policy I refer to as "enlightened self-interest," that properly positioned what's good for society is good for me, long-term steady profits with long-term stability vs short-term mega profits with long-term instability.
I totally agree... Look at the USA at the start of WWII after a while we where practically giving all the materials of war to Great Britan aka the Lend-Lease programs. Jason is going to have plenty of things to sell to the Faey and Collective and maybe other after the war...any of number of Consortium technologies. Not to mention I'm sure the Dorrell family would love they're own version of Kosigi. Wouldn't have to be a battlestation but built around a asteroid as Kosigi is with gravity generators on the outside to create the outer "shell" in a gravity sense. The Dorrell's could gradually build up the outside shell if they wanted or just use forcefields and gravity generators and never build the outer hull of the station. If your building ships commercially the latter choice may actually be idea.
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Re: tribulation (spoilers) chapter 3

Post by SYED »

he wont over charge, and the faey are making whole fleets, so the more built, more earn. also due to system lock downs, buyers will prefer a reliable internal source.

TO later encourage trade, more opening to confed space will be created, established in indictored space, in the the far reaches of the empires, to encourage, more traders to travel through their space.

How big are the stations, while capable of repair, could they construct whole new ships, in the the manner of proper shipyards. sure they have numberrs for now, but jason is triky.

so if all ship engines were hit, how long for repair. to bulk forces, they need a fleet they can augment.
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Re: tribulation (spoilers) chapter 3

Post by Dreamer »

nicolai wrote:I was going back and re-reading Subjugation, and ran across this little bit:

“There’s an idea,” Tim chuckled. “MPACs are plasma inside a magnetic envelope to keep it from blowing up til it hits something, right? Just reverse the polarity of the matrix so it repels the magnetic envelope, which would make the plasma go with it. MPAC fire would just bounce off.”
“You couldn’t do that—holy shit,” Jason said, his eyes brightening. “We couldn’t do that with this, but that’s a hell of an idea, Tim! I think I could make something that could do that!”
“I think I could too,” Steve said with a laugh. “You couldn’t use an MPAC around it, but we could definitely build something that would bounce the magnetic envelope of an MPAC round.”
“I’m writing that one down,” Jason said quickly, typing furiously on his panel’s holographic keyboard. “That’s definitely our next project.”

I wonder if Jason and crew ever did anything with this. Or maybe he could re-discover that note and hand it over to 3D to work on. It just might have other possibilities in the war. I'm sure Dahnai will want to strangle him when she finds out about it.

I think that this was turned into Satan's Marbles.
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Re: tribulation (spoilers) chapter 3

Post by DigitalMaestro »

Dreamer wrote:
nicolai wrote:I was going back and re-reading Subjugation, and ran across this little bit:

“There’s an idea,” Tim chuckled. “MPACs are plasma inside a magnetic envelope to keep it from blowing up til it hits something, right? Just reverse the polarity of the matrix so it repels the magnetic envelope, which would make the plasma go with it. MPAC fire would just bounce off.”
“You couldn’t do that—holy shit,” Jason said, his eyes brightening. “We couldn’t do that with this, but that’s a hell of an idea, Tim! I think I could make something that could do that!”
“I think I could too,” Steve said with a laugh. “You couldn’t use an MPAC around it, but we could definitely build something that would bounce the magnetic envelope of an MPAC round.”
“I’m writing that one down,” Jason said quickly, typing furiously on his panel’s holographic keyboard. “That’s definitely our next project.”

I wonder if Jason and crew ever did anything with this. Or maybe he could re-discover that note and hand it over to 3D to work on. It just might have other possibilities in the war. I'm sure Dahnai will want to strangle him when she finds out about it.

I think that this was turned into Satan's Marbles.
I thought Satan's Marbles were metal rather than plasma. Although, having an MPAC round as Satan's Marbles would be awesome since the damage would continue after momentum was eventually lost.
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Re: tribulation (spoilers) chapter 3

Post by expedient »

This has been bothering me for a while:
Tribulation chapter 3, Fel wrote:The Commander only had to take them about fifty feet once they entered a companionway, bringing them to a waiting room of sorts filled with comfortable chairs and with a window looking out…if the armored casing wasn’t up covering it, which was standard operating procedure during general quarters. The armored casing was nearly five feet thick.
It seems inconsistent with both Jason's obsession with maximizing protection and the original Karinne designs, described previously with the Scimitar, to introduce weaknesses into the ship structure when the window would be of little utility and could be better replaced by a large screen. Also introducing the added inconvenience of having to check armor moving into place as part of maintenance and general quarters procedures.

I'm being nit-picky, sorry :oops:, but it's been stuck in the back of my head all week. Fel's description of the mechanics of his universe(s) is usually very believable yet this seems like a minor error IMO.
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Re: tribulation (spoilers) chapter 3

Post by Wolfee »

expedient wrote:This has been bothering me for a while:
Tribulation chapter 3, Fel wrote:The Commander only had to take them about fifty feet once they entered a companionway, bringing them to a waiting room of sorts filled with comfortable chairs and with a window looking out…if the armored casing wasn’t up covering it, which was standard operating procedure during general quarters. The armored casing was nearly five feet thick.
It seems inconsistent with both Jason's obsession with maximizing protection and the original Karinne designs, described previously with the Scimitar, to introduce weaknesses into the ship structure when the window would be of little utility and could be better replaced by a large screen. Also introducing the added inconvenience of having to check armor moving into place as part of maintenance and general quarters procedures.

I'm being nit-picky, sorry :oops:, but it's been stuck in the back of my head all week. Fel's description of the mechanics of his universe(s) is usually very believable yet this seems like a minor error IMO.
Agreed - the safest place would be a lot deeper within the hull. The very fact that there is a movable panal of armor that covers this window also introduces weakness as it would lead to thiner armor in that location, unless all equipment to open and close the armor is on the outside of the hull. A screen would be much safer and offer better views to those with no enhanced enterface.
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Re: tribulation (spoilers) chapter 3

Post by ANTIcarrot »

expedient wrote:It seems inconsistent with both Jason's obsession with maximizing protection and the original Karinne designs, described previously with the Scimitar, to introduce weaknesses into the ship structure when the window would be of little utility and could be better replaced by a large screen. Also introducing the added inconvenience of having to check armor moving into place as part of maintenance and general quarters procedures.
<shrug> Flagships often have staterooms where part of the practicality is a need to impress visitors. As such I can see a warship having a room with a large window and comfortable seats - and with plenty of decoration to disguise the fact it's actually located outside the baulk of the armor. :P But yeah, unless the whole thing is also one big escape pod, it makes little sense in the context of conventional naval arcitecture.

Of course this is Jason 'arse pull' Karrine we're talking about :P who has access to technologies centuaries ahead of anyone else. (No doubt it's 5 feet of the strongest and densest plot armor money can buy.) Imagine a Nepoleonic war sailor looking at a piece of chobam tank armour 6" thick, and thinking 2' oak would be better. "But wouldn't you be safer inside the ship? In fact, given how thick the walls are, wouldn't you be safest inside that reactor thingie you mentioned?"
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Re: tribulation (spoilers) chapter 3

Post by ladyvamp24 »

I have ? Now with broadcast power and nano-tec. Where do see it going? Do you see repairing ships in space? I think right that broadcast energy.
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Re: tribulation (spoilers) chapter 3

Post by SYED »

Not only repair but also construction. Mine some raw materials, give to the ship systems, ships almost regrown. Imagine parts joined and fixed together at nano tech level. IMagine the shipyards at the moon, filled with nanite clouds surrounding shipp, joining and altering the ship as it is made. WIth the replicators producing most of the needed materials, quickly built. What do the nanites need to built of, i mean the ones in the moon for construction, any old material as long as they get the job done. Ships need people to build them, cybi has her assembly bay, but for the big stuff, you need people not a machien, will nanites do that differently. SHips would last longer as all those little cracks and breaks that occur on the material over its lifetime, would be repaired by nanites. WHat conditions can nAnites function in; heat ,cold, radiation, G forces, gravity. If they can function, and repair the damage coused by these forces as they happen, then the endurance of tech will last longer.

THe confed has stealth ships correct, so why have none of them attempted to get to the junk yard and sow weapons, the ships have some hyper sensors, i wonder if they could detect the ship exiting hyper. WHat if a bunch came out at once then scattered, could it hide in them.

THey know they will be moving the ships, do they know when and where to. with limited crew to spare, be easier to destroy more ships, for faster repair.

Dumping stuff from hyper is not accuate, but what if the ships dump weapons that need ballistic speed and comes from a distance, so even is dump is late, it still hits target.