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Re: Parasite Quest

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:38 am
by Fiferguy
//Ah, didn't know that. :D Can we have a status update?

Mouse #3 decides there's nothing to be had with the large predator, and scampers out the exit to rejoin the other two mice.

Re: Parasite Quest

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 6:11 pm
by Greymist
//Sorry for the lack of posting, I am in a course this week and the internet connection there is hooorible

The brown mouse on top the edge of the skinny wall watched the scene unfold below, aware of a growing thirst, but also curious to see how it played out. The creature below was large and obviously a threat, it wondered what it would be like being that size.

Re: Parasite Quest

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 8:41 am
by hawkstarr
With a slight cock of it's head the mouse looks at the predator from above. Something, it knows not, drives it to wonder if the larger animal should be the prey. It's eyes gleam for a moment as if a question is answered, then it strikes, jumping on the animal biting and clawing on it. The mouse, somehow knows that the one trying to escape is a friend and it hopes that the attack will provoke an adequate distraction.

//The virus is attempting to get additional DNA from the creature, and is actually forcing the mouse to attack.

Re: Parasite Quest

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 2:51 pm
by Lochar
//Status updated. You're all out of biomass.

//Anyone else going to attack the predator as well, or do I go with only one attacker?

Re: Parasite Quest

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 7:30 pm
by Greymist
//My plan was to have #2 jump on the cat if it attacked #3.

Re: Parasite Quest

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 3:37 pm
by Fiferguy
//What the heck... *shrug*

Mouse #3 turns and attacks the large predator as well, going for the soft parts in the predator's neck.

Re: Parasite Quest

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 3:30 am
by Lochar
//*roll* *roll* *roll*

The three way attack catches the creature off guard, and tiny teeth and claws rip into the predator turned prey. Caught off guard by the two coming down from above, it's blind eyes miss the third mouse as it jumps.

It doesn't, however, miss the feel of teeth catching into it's throat, and it's tiny teeth are not long enough to pierce into any primary veins that run through the creature's own neck. A swipe from claws rip loose Fifermouse, leaving a fairly heavy open wound on his side, and Fifermouse lays stunned for a moment.

However, the inattention to the two mice above it prove dangerous, as Greymouse and hawkmouse both manage to put either a claw or teeth into the eyes of the creature, breaking fragile orbs and blood flows freely.

Fifermouse stands on shaky legs and rejoins the fray.

Between the three mice they manage to lay low the severely lamed creature, but not without wounds of their own.

Fifermouse: Deep lacerations down one side. Bleeding slowly.

Greymouse: Lost most of tail. Right back leg missing. Bleeding stopped.

hawkmouse: puncture wounds in back. Back legs immobilized due to spinal injury.

//I will be updating the other post with what some possible upgrades to your body are. You guys aren't thinking out of the box enough yet. :P

Re: Parasite Quest

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:36 am
by Fiferguy
Fifermouse starts to consume the creature, healing itself as it eats, and using the available biomass to increase its size. It also eats some of the creature's brain, trying to absorb any knowledge that might remain.

Re: Parasite Quest

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 1:54 pm
by hawkstarr
The virus, is a bit shaken after the battle and quickly begins to make repairs. Once it can move again (using stored biomass if it can't reach the cat), hawkmouse starts to grow larger, increasing in size. Having been on the receiving end of the wicked teeth of the creature, and having taken note of the retractable claws, the virus begins to modify it's current host.

Re: Parasite Quest

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:10 pm
by Greymist
Finally bringing down the larger predator, greymouse ambles on three legs toward where the others are feeding with the remaining good legs, and begins to gourge. After licking its paws and realising it's thirst, the mouse beings to tear up the eyes of their meal, lapping up the juices and eating the chewy bits.

Greymouse drags a handy thin flat object near the animal, falling back on an instinctive need to be covered, then lies down while starting to change its body.

The mouse starts to take on an appearance similar to the dead animal, growing larger, taking on the fur colour and texture of its victim and developing vertically slitted eyes.

//Repairing itself + making it bigger (and feeding more when required).
//Growing grey fur (it's copying the cat).
//Gaining cat eyes (mice have bad eye sight).

Re: Parasite Quest

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 3:54 am
by Fiferguy
//Totally thought we were attacking a rat, not a cat. Oh well... :wink:

Begins to devour the other eye of the cat, as well as the nail bed for the curved claws. Continues to grow in size, consuming the cat as much as possible to fuel the transition, as well as adapting his eyes and claws.

Re: Parasite Quest

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:24 am
by Lochar
//I waffled between a cat and a rat. There were advantages to both.

Fifermouse and Greymouse each get an eye, devouring the DNA for the creature's sight, while all share the rest of the body. Healing grevious wounds requires the expenditure of a large amount of energy, and the three mice consume a fairly large quantity of the animal just healing that. Modifications are begun, and energy begins to burn to begin the changes in growth and body parts.

The three mice realize it will take a fairly long time to invoke these changes, and the open wall area seems to not have any other predators in it. Resting for a while, the three mice continue to gorge off of the animal, their size and claw/teeth strength precluding them from devouring the bones, but continue to strip away flesh and internal organs.

Several hours pass, and the three mice are nearly half again their size, with another half yet to go. Suddenly, a loud sound starts shrieking through the area, then is quiet for a moment, before doing so again. The open wall area begins to shake.

//Fifermouse: Double size: 50% Claws: 80% Eyes: 50%

//Greymouse: Double size: 50% Grey Fur: Done Eyes: 70%

//hawkmouse: Double Size: 50% Cat's teeth: 70% Claws: 70%


Re: Parasite Quest

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:44 am
by Greymist
Greymouse finches at the loud noise, then shedding the covering material it had borrowed down into, navigates the pipe to the top of the wall. Once there, the mouse takes a moment to try and adjust to its still devloping eyes, then takes in the scene.

//Assuming the pipe handles the new size/weight of Greymouse.

Re: Parasite Quest

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 1:21 am
by Fiferguy
Fifermouse runs out the way it came in, joining Greymouse in surveying the scene.

Re: Parasite Quest

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 4:21 am
by hawkstarr
Surprised at the sudden interruption, hawkmouse scrambles after the other two.