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Re: woohoo!

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 8:38 pm
by Trekkie
boballab wrote:
Fel wrote:Vista? EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I bought custom JUST for XP.

Good man! by the time Microsoft drops support of XP, Vista will finally be in its beta form :roll:
Heh, I stoped using microsoft because of vista (and other reasons).

Re: woohoo!

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 2:01 am
by furry_wolf2001b
One can always make it a dual boot machine.
Then again getting the vista dvd fore later upgrade and simply sticking to xp single boot for now may appeal more if you are not going to use vista anyway.
I just did a google on it, don't seem too hard to "downgrade" to a dual boot machine. :)

I know fel is not enamored of vista, but getting a low cost vista dvd for the future don't seem all that bad of an idea to get.
Unless the sp upgrades will cost more..
Or however that is handled. :-/

Re: woohoo!

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 2:40 am
by J-Man5
furry_wolf2001b wrote:One can always make it a dual boot machine.
Then again getting the vista dvd fore later upgrade and simply sticking to xp single boot for now may appeal more if you are not going to use vista anyway.
I just did a google on it, don't seem too hard to "downgrade" to a dual boot machine. :)

I know fel is not enamored of vista, but getting a low cost vista dvd for the future don't seem all that bad of an idea to get.
Unless the sp upgrades will cost more..
Or however that is handled. :-/

Ok I know I am gonna draw fire on this but I have a custom built machine that I made and loaded Vista on it. It has one purpose only and that is Gaming. Direct X 10 is awesome on LOTRO. And to get DX10 you have to have Vista. I use all the latest drivers and I understand how to upgrade them individually. Its a much more stable box than my XP is, but my XP has everything including the kitchen sink installed in it.

Though I have about 8 more computers around here running forms of Linux, NetBSD and MacOSX. So I am not biased towards any one platform.


Re: woohoo!

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:22 am
by Mysterious
Vista's only good if you're willing to pay the cash for the upgraded versions as well as "souping up" your comp :mrgreen:

Re: woohoo!

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 3:59 pm
by furry_wolf2001b
Err, i could be wrong, but with the new systems, are they not better with vista, or are there no real difference, yet?

I meant the hardware are somewhat different now, and vista (if they can get it to work better) -may- actually utilize things like multi cores and such better then xp. O_o :-/

Then again upgrading xp further may perhaps be just as good?
At least as things stand now. :-/

Re: woohoo!

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 6:25 pm
by Fel
Well, I got it back, the sound works now. The motherboard was bad.

And they reformatted my HD, so now I get to install everything AGAIN.

Umm...whee. Or something.

Re: woohoo!

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 7:12 pm
by Mistra
i don't know about others, but i had vista on my custom build quad-core comp and i got loads of error-messages, programms that wouldn't boot, programms that quit after working for a couple of seconds,... i "downgraded" to XP 64-bit, works like a charm and uses all 4 cores of my processor, all i've gotta do now is find a 64bit firewall/virusscanner.

(another reason why i don't use vista is because it's got to many utilities that look for and stop malware, but do the same to regular software)

Re: woohoo!

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 7:37 pm
by D.F. Thompson
So that means we possibly get chapter 13 of Spritwalker maybe this weekend???? :wink:

Re: woohoo!

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 10:43 pm
by Mysterious
The prob with microsoft products are that they are all in-built with limitations i.e. the amount of ram they can access and utilise efficiently without going overboard. Win 98 and XP are relatively very good and stable compared to Vista when you just want to do "normal stuff", but Vista was made to be used to a higher end market and it can't take any faulty crap from hardware or it will crash. Microsoft management screwed everybody over because they reduced the specifications for comps to say they were "Vista Ready".


Re: woohoo!

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 5:35 am
by freethrow
The main problem with Vista and with early releases of XP is that there is so much hardware out there in varying versions and manufactures that it is impossible for Microsoft to come out fully compatible with it all right off the bat. Many manufactures are way behind in releasing updated drivers for the new operating systems Microsoft puts out or they just refuse to do so so you will buy their new versions of it.

Mac, though a decent box, has nothing near what a windows built system has available by the way of hardware therefore they can claim less headaches. Same with software. There are, in many cases, easily 10-1 similar available apps or more for a windows based machine over an OS X Mac machine. With those limits it is easer for Apple to make their claims when they wouldn't be any better off than Microsoft when compared on an even playing field. Probably worse off.

Operating systems, like Ubuntu, work fine with some hardware yet have a dickens of a time with other similar hardware just because of drivers not being available as well. Microsoft gets the hits and complaints because it is "the" major player out there. It isn't even close.

Re: woohoo!

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 1:44 pm
by Zor
Count your self lucky that you wont ever have to have vista then. Microsoft is saying they will release Windows 7 within the year.
Maybe it will just be vista with all the things they promised in vista but dropped because they really wanted you to buy vista so they could release windows 7 with what you really wanted.

Re: woohoo!

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 7:22 pm
by furry_wolf2001b
Zor wrote:Count your self lucky that you wont ever have to have vista then. Microsoft is saying they will release Windows 7 within the year.
Maybe it will just be vista with all the things they promised in vista but dropped because they really wanted you to buy vista so they could release windows 7 with what you really wanted.
Hmm, let say a year instead of -within- the year.
Delays, marketing time and such, perhaps making shure it actually works right, this time.

Now another question i have about the future and the home pc boxes is the 64 bit systems.
Are they the future in home computers, is it worth getting one, if so -when- do you think it may be worth to?
Considering i don't think any game is compatible with 64 bit (as far as -i- know).
Most programs are still 32 bit too i think, but i have seen some versions for 64 bit systems.
Or is it a special format on its own, and not fore the regular home user?
May that change that in the future?

Or am i worried about a problem that don't exists, are 32 bit stuff(software and hardware) compatible with 64 bit systems?

Re: woohoo!

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 7:44 pm
by Ledsmith
All of the 32-bit applications I have ever run and heard of will run fine on a 64-bit system. I have a 64-bit (AMD64 dual core) system at my house becuase my wife is an architect and runs ridiculusly power hungery programs, one of which is actually 64-bit compatible with windows server 2003 64bit. It is amazing how much faster photoshop works on that system then others that I have experienced. Anyways all of the "normal" 32-bit applications run just fine on our 64-bit windows Server 2003 64 system.

Re: woohoo!

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 10:17 pm
by furry_wolf2001b
Do that include games?

If so i would imagine gamers moving over to 64 bit now, unless there are some problems.
Or is the cost just to high still?

Re: woohoo!

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 1:45 am
by Zor
Iv heard a lot of 64 bit issues. however, a lot of them will go away once they get rid of 32bit.

The best thing that could happen is the end of 32bit support then all problems would be gone as 32bit would be come emulation, and it could be tackled as an emulation issue rather then half and half.

And ill agree its unlikely for windows 7 to ship this year, but you never know, they are allready shipping testing copy's to companys.