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Post by qhitch »

wildcat wrote:I thought the solid black bars down the side were a bit distracting (I'm using Firefox), and wondered if you could make that a lighter color.  I'd also like the story text to take up a bit more of the screen, so those bars won't be as obvious.

I like the Prev/Next chapter links, and I think you did a good job with the cleanup.
The bars down the side aren't black... at least in my comp, they are gray... (and I'm using Firefox too) but I'll see if I can make it lighter. While I'm at it, could up upload or send me a screenshot in your browser? That'll help a lot =)

As for the text width, I'm reluctant to change that because as I said before, I don't like reading from larger widths... maybe a bit in the future, I'll provide a style switcher...

And I've noticed that in Firefox, the text seems a bit smaller (that should be: in IE, the text seems a bit larger, it's supposedly a known bug) and since I've tailored these pages to suit IE (though it works in both browsers) you'll be better off with a Ctrl + to increase the text size.
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Post by qhitch »

I've uploaded a newer version of the scripts... the links are auto-generated, and you can switch to any chapter from any page. The link is the same... Sources are available at

It's just about ready for a release since the basic features are all in... converting the other stories is going to be a pain though... some of the HTML that Word outputs I can barely recognize ;-) Volunteers will be really welcome for this part of the process :-), also do play with the stylesheet to make it look less drab :-D
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Post by Wildcat »

Wow, that's great. I love the new chapter-jump feature. I'll try to get a screenshot uploaded soon, since it does still look like black bars to me. I'm running Firefox .8 something, with a few adblocking features installed that I don't think should block that stylesheet.
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Post by qhitch »

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Post by windgazer »

qhitch wrote: It's just about ready for a release since the basic features are all in... converting the other stories is going to be a pain though... some of the HTML that Word outputs I can barely recognize ;-) Volunteers will be really welcome for this part of the process :-), also do play with the stylesheet to make it look less drab :-D
Well, let me see what I can do for you over the weekend. A colleague of mine has a nice tidy scriptlet that oughta be abel to clean everything up for us, all I have to do is paste in the source, hit a button, wait a second or two and out comes nice and tidy xhtml markup :)

P.S. lang is no longer a valid attribute in xHtml 1.1
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Post by qhitch »

windgazer wrote: Well, let me see what I can do for you over the weekend. A colleague of mine has a nice tidy scriptlet that oughta be abel to clean everything up for us, all I have to do is paste in the source, hit a button, wait a second or two and out comes nice and tidy xhtml markup :)

P.S. lang is no longer a valid attribute in xHtml 1.1
I have a hunch it won't be so easy, but it would be nice to have a url to the scriplet =)

You are right about the lang attribute... that should be easy to change.
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Post by hatten_jc »

straechav wrote:1 - The stories, perhaps some "news" page. Summary of books, ect...

2 - Simplistic, although website without graphics is naked. Especially story website.

3 - Art gallery I would seem rather useless (then again, all I am interested is the story. Not fanart). A map of the world would be interesting, although passingly.

4 - well, this will launch me in to one of my (dreaded) longer blatherings...

Theoretically, I'd be the man you seek.

I am primarily illustrator, but I do dabble in graphic design and other artful things. I've done loads of web site graphics and dozens of desings. Some of them for companies and for money, although I have not allowed myself to be bribed to work on any web-site lately for bigger price than a pint of beer in bar (i.e, I've done websites for my friends). I can also handle PHP and JAVA in addition of HTML.

However much I would like to volunteer, I am not sure if I dare. Because this would require some effort on my part, and that has been little lacking lately.

I'll think on it, perhaps I will find some source of inspiration and volunteer myself - if you have any need for me.

I suppose I should subtantiate my claims somehow. Here's some examples of my art. I don't have anything more recent online, almost everything online is older than year. This is the latest stuff I could find that I had online (I am not on my working computer right now, so I can't upload more recent stuff, and besides. I've been lazy.)

Those two are screenshots of my painting in progress, so they're pretty big pictures and not final in any way. -- An early example of web layout I did for my friend in two days (she paid me with alcohol, and then proceeded to rape me. I hate her.). For some reason, she hasn't put the finished version online, so I have to show you the partial template. You get the idea, though. It wasn't meant to be so dark, but I have bad habit of being tad depressing.

And some even older illustrations (practically prehistoric): ... _manic.jpg ... dennis.jpg

You should do a Fan pictur on Tarin using magik and fighting.

I can almost see it surrounded by magic fire killing monks and nunns in the cathacoms and claws dripping with blood.

Sweet.. Now that somthing you DO NOT like to see coming towards you in a dark ally.
Never underestemate a person capacity to be stupid.

English is not my nativ languish.
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Post by dragonlord »

some of the story is still down such as book 5 weavespinner and the first book of the second sieries. on a side note i really hope to see these books published someday
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Post by Shadowhawk »

dragonlord wrote:some of the story is still down such as book 5 weavespinner and the first book of the second sieries. on a side note i really hope to see these books published someday
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