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Re: Spoilers, Insurrection Chapter 6

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 6:16 pm
by Fiferguy
I think if you did that, you'd have a mutiny on your hands. That'd be kind of like killing off Tarrin... Wait... You've already done that...twice... Oh crap. :twisted:

Re: Spoilers, Insurrection Chapter 6

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 3:14 am
by dellstart
Fiferguy wrote:I think if you did that, you'd have a mutiny on your hands. That'd be kind of like killing off Tarrin... Wait... You've already done that...twice... Oh crap. :twisted:
Lol so true

Re: Spoilers, Insurrection Chapter 6

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 7:43 am
by dellstart
Ok, Fey in the flesh??? check the outsider webcomic.

Re: Spoilers, Insurrection Chapter 6

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:19 pm
by dellstart
Geek question:
where are all the minor characters, like Luke, for example? Shouldn't he have been flying a fighter or something like that.What are the others (like molly or Ian or ex members of the legion), exactly doing in this newly rebuilt house.

Re: Spoilers, Insurrection Chapter 6

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 3:41 am
by arargh
Fel wrote:Yeah, I do.

I guess I could be utterly evil and tell you that Jason dies in the next short story.

But I won't do that.
Hmmmmm ....

Won't tell us?


Won't kill him?


Some combination of both? :)

Re: Spoilers, Insurrection Chapter 6

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 11:10 am
by ampws
Fel has stated that it is the psychological effects of hyperspace on the nervous system (mind) that limits the amount of continuous travel in hyperspace. Not hyperspace radiation.

I think that Fel meant 5 years travel time with instant (20 seconds in hyperspace = 20 seconds in real world) real-time hyperspace travel. This would tie in with the consortium having timing problems regarding their fleets.

Stargates were not an existing technology when the Consortium first tried to colonise our galaxy so they would not have developed the technology. The only way that they could know about them is if on their return to our galaxy they found out about them.

I am assuming in this that they have only recently returned to this galaxy say within the last 5 or 6 years. Given some sort of instant communication between here and andromeda that would tie in with the timing problems.

5-6 Years ago Scouts get to our galaxy
5 Years ago they report the resurgence of the Karrines and the possibility of gaining their technology
5 Years ago First Fleet (Insectoids) leaves Andromeda

The timing on this is very tight Jason only announced the resurgence of the Karrines in 2008 by claiming the House title the Consortium attacks in 2013. This means that the Consortium must have launched an attack fleet almost immediately.

I am assuming that the Consortium task force of scouts would not have a ship big enough to transport a gate. That is assuming that they could purchase one, it would be only sensible for the Faey to keep tight control of them.

I am also assuming that gates have a distance limitation, probably a galactic diametre. Thus Stargates would only work within a galaxy or at galactic distances.

My computer is powered by the kinetic energy of coins falling out of my bank account.

Re: Spoilers, Insurrection Chapter 6

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 11:16 am
by ampws
The Karrines second stargate would be in a Nebulae not a Quazar. Nebulae are the birthplace of stars plenty of dust and radiation.

Re: Spoilers, Insurrection Chapter 6

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:26 am
by Seastallion
I first read Subjugation about a year or so a go, and I was hooked. It is a GREAT story, enhanced by the fact that I love sci-fi that inolves mythology and legends from the 'real' world anyways. It's one of the big reasons I'm a huge fan of Stargate. In any case, after I read the last chapter, I figured it was done, and that was going to be it. Very recently (as in about a week ago), I decided to read the story again, as I do from time to time with stories I really like. I was quite suprised (pleasantly) to find a NEW installment (Insurrection of course) to the universe, and I was quite excited about it. Once again, Fel did a wonderful job, and I was hooked. Now I'm very excited to read 'Unification' when it comes out, although I do understand as is often the case with literature (online or not) that one simply has to wait for it. Particularly when it hasn't been written yet... haha.

I gotta say, when I was first reading Subjugation I was pleasantly suprised that an area I'm fairly familiar with played such a prominate role in the story. That is Huntington WV, Chesapeake, and Ironton OH. Most of my family is from that area, so I thought it was quite cool for what I consider to be my 'home area' to be featured so much in a story I liked so well. I have family in the towns mentioned above as well as Kitts Hill (north of Ironton), Asheland KY (south of Ironton, West of Huntington) and pretty much all around the local Tri-State area. My cousin owns an art studio in Huntington, and my other cousin (her brother) plays in a local band there as well. My grandad was something of a local 'character' very well known throughout the area, commonly known as "Newt" Yancy. Mostly he was known for his work with horses, but I guess he was known for his... uhum... behaviour too sometimes. Anyways, I then saw that Fel is from Huntington so it then made sense as to why he used the area. I was living in North Carolina when I first read Subjugation, so I also thought it cool that he used the Carolinas as well. Then, finally, being such a huge fan of Stargate, I had a huge grin when I read about Cheyenne Mtn. being used as their secret base. Needless to say, I could easily appreciate the locales used by Fel in his story.

On a side note, I could also very much appreciate the use of 'Stargates' in Subjugation as well. As a fan of psuedo-technology I also appreciate all the tech used in the story, and whats more I appreciate it being used and explained in a logically consistent manner. Serious kudos to Fel again..! I really believe that Subjugation deserves to be printed and sold in stores, as I've been quite impressed with the story on multiple levels. Were I a publisher I think I'd be offering some kind of publishing deal with Fel. Alas, I'm not. I couldn't help but notice a few grammatic and spelling mistakes here and there (didn't bother me too much), and a few small inconsistent segments (I think I recall one where Jason was being referred to as Terrin or something...), but overall those are draft mistakes that are easily cleaned up. I think those very minor things are my only criticisms. Otherwise, AWESOME story..!

Does anyone know when chapters from Unification might be out? I completely understand the need for patience about such things, I was just wondering if Fel perhaps suggested a possible posting time for it. That way, I could know when to look for it. Otherwise, I'll just wait patiently and check for it from time to time.

Re: Spoilers, Insurrection Chapter 6

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:40 am
by afrigeek
Seastallion wrote:
I couldn't help but notice a few grammatic and spelling mistakes here and there (didn't bother me too much), and a few small inconsistent segments (I think I recall one where Jason was being referred to as Terrin or something...),
That statement above tells me that you've not read the firestaff series by Fel also otherwise you would certainly know who Tarrin is. Please hop over to and start reading the firestaff series. I can assure you that you will have the ride of a lifetime and quite a number of sleepless nights because of being unable to put the story down till you finish it.

If my boss ever figures out why I was consistently late to work for a week and even then very sleepy at my desk, he will get a gun and come looking for Fel.

Re: Spoilers, Insurrection Chapter 6

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:09 pm
by Seastallion
afrigeek wrote:
Seastallion wrote:
I couldn't help but notice a few grammatic and spelling mistakes here and there (didn't bother me too much), and a few small inconsistent segments (I think I recall one where Jason was being referred to as Terrin or something...),
That statement above tells me that you've not read the firestaff series by Fel also otherwise you would certainly know who Tarrin is. Please hop over to and start reading the firestaff series. I can assure you that you will have the ride of a lifetime and quite a number of sleepless nights because of being unable to put the story down till you finish it.

If my boss ever figures out why I was consistently late to work for a week and even then very sleepy at my desk, he will get a gun and come looking for Fel.

Yeah, after having done some more reading about some of Fel's other material, I had kinda caught that. At any rate, I may just do as you suggest, although in general I prefer sci-fi over fantasy. That isn't to say I don't like fantasy (I do), it just isn't my ususal 'cup of tea'. There are some fantasy stories I like quite a bit. :)

Re: Spoilers, Insurrection Chapter 6

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:20 pm
by boballab
The best way I can describe the Firestaff series would be as an action mystery adventure set in a fantasy setting. Combine the Bourne Series with LOTR and there you go.

Re: Spoilers, Insurrection Chapter 6

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:40 pm
by Journeywoman
Seastallion wrote:Does anyone know when chapters from Unification might be out? I completely understand the need for patience about such things, I was just wondering if Fel perhaps suggested a possible posting time for it. That way, I could know when to look for it. Otherwise, I'll just wait patiently and check for it from time to time.
I'd give it a couple of months at a rough guestimate. Holidays affect the amount of writing time, Christmas time has been pretty good the last few years so probably have a look then, if nothing else you'll see where he is up to in his to write list. In the mean time you could hook up to the RSS feed, read Tarrin, Kit and the other random chapters floating about. Then join us in the 'we're addicted to Fel's works (im)patiently waiting game' :P .