Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Post by bobloaf1 »

Darkicon's crusade link isn't working. Does anyone have another link?
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Post by bjeane »

Don't know if these books are on here but, Mike Cropo's sci/fy books about vampires and werewolves is up to chapter 34 of book 5.
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Post by khyranleander »

Heya folks! Any of you read A New Past by Charlie Foxtrot on SOL? Pretty good stuff for one of the I'm-my-younger-self time-travel tales. Touch of the expected sexual escapades, but with a more romantic tilt. And the guy has a decent grasp on his engineering, so when he sets up the hero to make money, it comes off fairly plausible. All-in-all, I really liked book one. (Book two is due in a couple months, though.)

Another I read is The Collapsium by Wil McCarthy. Sorry, no links, but think it's on Amazon (or some bittorrent, if you're prone to that kind of thing). VERY SOLID hard SF set in Solar System of a few centuries from now, though the mix of tech and practicality has it still fairly recognizable to our present society (instead of a grand space-opera feel). Even had some consultive help from Arthur C Clarke himself on portions of it. Protagonist is a slightly grumpy loner scientist, but that's about the only fault from my point of view.

Cheers, gang!
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Post by stretch »

I'm still working through the Worm story which is now finished and he has started another story Pact,
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Post by soulz »

Found this new gem in the Fantasy category its A Warrior's Path by Davis Ashura. Very good indie book.
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Post by drowsy19 »

The Zombie Knight:
A young man dies and is offered to be revived by a grim reaper in exchange for servitude. Responsibilities typically include the fight against abominable horrors, human or otherwise. However, this young man already has a few problems of his own... such as crippling shyness. Updates every day.

Bob finds himself home to a symbiote, a sentient virus. Updates every couple of days.

Lex joins an unknown agency filled with people with superhuman ability's and trains to become one of them. Updates monthly.

Only Human:
Someone awakes to find they are alive after being killed my mobsters only to find they are the embodiment of Luck. Updates weekly
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Post by Wicketklown001 »

I don't recall this being mentioned yet so I'll toss this one here. Super Powereds by Drew Hayes. A series following a group of students in a Hero program in a world where people with super powers are common. It's up to book/year 3 and it's updated 2-3 times a week on his site:
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Post by Phantom »

Here is a another new "dead Tree" Series that i've been reading and enjoying

It's The "Star Force" series by "Aer-ki Jyr" so far there are 47 novella-length books written in this Series
You think the world is safe. You think everything is under control. You think there is nothing Humanity cannot do if it puts its mind to it. All the things you take for granted, the ‘normal life’ that you think is yours by natural right…never existed.
Earth is not what you think it is. It is a ticking time bomb wrapped up in a delusional utopia called everyday life. As you look up at the stars imagining Humanity’s future you’re actually seeing into your race’s past…a past that is fated to return with horrific consequences.
One man discovers that past and the inevitable countdown that Earth is under. Knowing that the planet’s present anonymity is the only reason it has survived to date, he dedicates his life and his fortune to defying the impossible and giving Humanity a slim chance, not of victory, but of mere survival against an enemy so ruthless and terrifying that their name will forever be seared into Human memory.
They are the V’kit’no’sat, and you’ve seen them before…you just don’t know you did.
With the knowledge of Earth’s past driving his plans for the future, the man who holds Humanity’s fate in his hands wisely chooses to keep his discovery secret, all the while recruiting resources and allies to form the organization that will spearhead Earth’s only hope against a dark and devastating future.
An organization known as Star Force.
Star Force: Inception Book one is here ...

The Authors Face book page is here

And in the fury of this darkest hour
I will be your light
A lifetime for this destiny
For I am Winter born
And in this moment..I will not run
It is my place to stand
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands
(bloodied hands)
And in our Dying, we're more alive-than we have ever been
I've lived for these few seconds
For I am Winter born
The CruxShadows "Winterborn" (This Sacrifice)
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Post by trodrian »

Starwalker by Melanie Edmonds is a science fiction story about a starship with a mind. If you read it and like it, please vote for it on top web fiction.
The Starwalker is a starship with an experimental star-stepping drive. Designed to use the gravity wells of stars to fold space, she can travel between star systems faster than FTL. That is, if they can get it to work.

She is run by a sophisticated AI who doesn’t always follow her programming. She has only just been born, and she has a lot to figure out. She is often torn between the needs of the crew and the demands of the scientists responsible for running the tests on the new drive. There are politics surrounding this new drive of hers that she has to get a grip on before they get a grip on her.

Most of all, she needs to track down and explain the glitches in her software before someone notices and wipes her memory drives. What she doesn’t know is that it wouldn’t be the first time.
I use top web fiction to find most my new reading. That might be considered a hint to anyone out there who helps FEL with site admin. :D
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Post by firedrake3 »

I just read a new story on SOL: How to Be a Super Villain (Without Even Trying) by wcoyote.
It's a work in progress, very funny.
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Post by invaderx666 »

Can anyone recommend stories with a strong MC like Tarrin Kael.
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Post by zedd »

I assume MC means main character? Or is it male character? Are you looking only for fantasy or any genre?
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Post by heustess »

I was trying to figure out when Tarrin got mind control powers. Tarrin goes to C.A.M.P. Tarrin uses MasterPC.
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Post by Rambulator »

In Links to Good Reading (Part 1) there were people looking for Deana Johns "Castle in the Sand" I have a copy of it but somebody probably has already got a copy of it by now. I just wanted everybody to know that he has started to post some of his stories again on SOL. He now goes by Thaumaturge. In his profile he acknowledges to being Deana Johns before.
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Post by arargh »

If someone wants to read it, there is a copy of "Castle in the Sand" on asstr in the ASSM collection.
Starting with: ... 2008/57354
Rest of the parts follow in 57355, 57356 ...
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