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Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:02 pm
by arargh
fortress wrote:Giants in the Sandbox by Zoras
Science Fiction
Earth is caught in the middle when two Galactic races involved in a bloodfeud fight a battle above Earth. In the aftermath of the fighting, one man seeks to hide out till things get better, only to find out that the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.

Posted: 2009-04-17
in progress (updated 2010-12-22) [More Info]


Posted: 2009-04-17
in progress (updated 2011-03-21)

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:47 pm
by samuelmichaels
arargh wrote:Looking for a story I thought I read on SOL.

The main character was an engineer at an industrial automation firm (they made and installed things like convoyer systems). He left the company (or was fired) because the company wanted to use cheaper parts that what he specified on his designs. He started his own company doing smaller jobs that his ppoe did.

That's about all I can remember of the story.

Ring any bells for anyone?
Sounds a bit like "Starting Small" by Lazlong.
Several of Lazlong's protagonists are electrical engineers working on such machinery, so it could be one of his other stories, too.
Alas, he hasn't written anything in a while, and his last blog indicated health issues.

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:21 pm
by arargh
samuelmichaels wrote:Sounds a bit like "Starting Small" by Lazlong.
Several of Lazlong's protagonists are electrical engineers working on such machinery, so it could be one of his other stories, too.
Alas, he hasn't written anything in a while, and his last blog indicated health issues.
Yup, that's it. I had thought that it was a multi-chapter story, and so I was looking in the wrong place on my drive.


Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:56 am
by kabalman2000
Well something triggered me to go reread a story and ... you know ...

Young girl, excellent guitarist, whole extended family are really, ?Basque decent? (or Portuguese or Spanish), family guitar given to her by grandfather, turns out to be worth 6 figures, all the family guitars do, has to keep it in a instrument storage facility and get a new guitar ... Don't remember if it is a completed story or not. Any ideas?

That, of course triggered a second one which I know is on SOL and am searching for (futilely at the moment) about a boy who has a motorcycle accident, meets a god, agrees to a one letter change to relive things, and takes up the guitar, step father is abusive. Help appreciated.

Thanks ahead,

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:16 am
by samuelmichaels
kabalman2000 wrote:Young girl, excellent guitarist, whole extended family are really, ?Basque decent? (or Portuguese or Spanish), family guitar given to her by grandfather, turns out to be worth 6 figures, all the family guitars do, has to keep it in a instrument storage facility and get a new guitar ... Don't remember if it is a completed story or not. Any ideas?
Doesn't ring a bell, but would like to know myself.
That, of course triggered a second one which I know is on SOL and am searching for (futilely at the moment) about a boy who has a motorcycle accident, meets a god, agrees to a one letter change to relive things, and takes up the guitar, step father is abusive. Help appreciated.
That second one sounds like Remix by Detroitmechworks.

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:30 am
by kabalman2000
samuelmichaels wrote:That second one sounds like Remix by Detroitmechworks.
It is indeed Remix. Thank you.

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:44 pm
by firedrake3
I'm trying to remember the author and title of a story posted on SOL. It goes like this: Young girl, a prodigy scientist is blown up during her experiment and her mind thrown back in time into a body of a young boy who is mildly autistic, they start developing patents together. Please help, it's starting to drive me mad.

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:50 pm
by fortress
firedrake3 wrote:I'm trying to remember the author and title of a story posted on SOL. It goes like this: Young girl, a prodigy scientist is blown up during her experiment and her mind thrown back in time into a body of a young boy who is mildly autistic, they start developing patents together. Please help, it's starting to drive me mad.

Think that's Displacement by Dak pretty short and unfinished currently.
An engineer in 2011 ends up using an unusual method of time travel, which complicates the life of a 7th grader in 2005.
Codes: ScFi TimeTr paranormal vamp
Posted: 2010-02-12
in progress (updated 2011-01-09

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:02 pm
by firedrake3
Thanks. That's the story.

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:28 am
by Dvorak
Hey, several years ago I read a decent good book which I misplaced permanently shortly after. I haven't had any luck looking for it on my own and given the active reading population I figure it's worth a short asking if anyone here has heard of it. See the problem is I don't remember the title, the author, or any character names, though I do remember the general plot.

* Main Character is the son of a High General something or another who is friends with the King. He grows up intending to take over his fathers position and is brought up along side the King's son who eventually serves as the primary antagonist.
* Random girl is burned at the stake because she has strange eyes (red and green?) Main Character helps her die quickly and in return she does something to him (knocks him out, his eyes change, etc etc)
* Later, Main Character gets killed, instead of dying his spirit/soul or whatever in transferred into whoever killed him.
* Bunch of bad romance happens with a Queen of another kingdom, who ironically, is the daughter of a man the Main Character's new body killed (Drama!)
* Main Character tries to kill king, who is courting the Queen, fails, gets outed as the one who killed her father and is sent away in exile.
* King sends assassin after the guy, kills him, Main Character is now in a girls body, book ends.

That's basically it, let me know if you've heard of it!

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:25 am
by kabalman2000
I'm pretty sure this used to be on the "most popular" list at SOL.

A teen boy's parents are murdered and the only one who he can be put in with is his cousin in Malibu. He turns out to run a hugely popular anime site. Then somebody tries to complete the job. They have to go into hiding. Last place anyone would look is army so she gets stuck in there as a 1lt. Gets sent to Iraq. More people try to kill her. Turns out it's another relative that started erasing herself and everyone who knew her and trying to take over the world. Female masquerading as male. Everyone is corrupt.

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:26 am
by samuelmichaels
kabalman2000 wrote:I'm pretty sure this used to be on the "most popular" list at SOL.

A teen boy's parents are murdered and the only one who he can be put in with is his cousin in Malibu. He turns out to run a hugely popular anime site. Then somebody tries to complete the job. They have to go into hiding. Last place anyone would look is army so she gets stuck in there as a 1lt. Gets sent to Iraq. More people try to kill her. Turns out it's another relative that started erasing herself and everyone who knew her and trying to take over the world. Female masquerading as male. Everyone is corrupt.
Sounds like Gina Marie Wylie's S&W.45, posted both on SOL and BTFH (both require free registration).

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 1:29 am
by lagomilo
Looking for a story about a salesman. His car breakdown and he tries to make a phone call in a bar. He finds out that it is a lesbian bar and they try to throw him out. Meanwhile a women comes into the bar with a trailing women on a leash. About all I can remember.



Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 2:19 am
by arargh
lagomilo wrote:Looking for a story about a salesman. His car breakdown and he tries to make a phone call in a bar. He finds out that it is a lesbian bar and they try to throw him out. Meanwhile a women comes into the bar with a trailing women on a leash. About all I can remember.
And quite exact, too.

Breakdown by Quantum Mechanic

Author page:

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 4:36 am
by lagomilo
arargh wrote:
lagomilo wrote:Looking for a story about a salesman. His car breakdown and he tries to make a phone call in a bar. He finds out that it is a lesbian bar and they try to throw him out. Meanwhile a women comes into the bar with a trailing women on a leash. About all I can remember.
And quite exact, too.

Breakdown by Quantum Mechanic

Author page:
Thanks, I just reread this story but I remember that there was more. Did he post more of this story on another site??