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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:01 pm
by flash
Thanks for this recommendation. When I first looked over the story descriptions over at fictionpress, it all sounded a bit like a bad Star Trek parody ;)

Now that there's a second favorable comment, I'll put it on my reading list.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:41 am
by samuelmichaels
blakagant wrote: starts with, "Eric Olafson, NeoViking GC V", then follow the numerals. In the year 5012, Earth is now known as Terra and part of a gigantic Union of spacefaring civilizations. Many worlds are colonized. This is the story of Eric Olafson, a Neo Viking growing up on a harsh cold planet called Nilfeheim. Follows him as he joins the united stars navy.
Thanks for the recommendation! I read it, enjoyed what's posted there, and am now waiting for the next chapter to be posted. Sounds so familiar!

By the way, it seems she also has a wiki for her universe, which comes handy since it's a large one with many characters,
species and planets:

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:01 pm
by expedient
If you like sci-fi stories with space battles against impossible odds (and I guessing most of you do) The Tarayla Patrol by Code3Sam found on Stories Online is a fun read.
Earth is embroiled in a war with the Lin-Teye Empire, a war it is losing. Earth has bet everything on the introduction of a new battle platform, the E-series, but until the new weapons systems arrive, existing inventory must stretch. Earth is using the last of it's mothball fleet against front-line Lin-Teye equipment. Forward patrols in ancient Aegis Corvettes are are just short of suicide missions. The Tarayla Patrol is the story of one of these high risk missions.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:20 am
by Spec8472
expedient wrote:If you like sci-fi stories with space battles against impossible odds
Entertaining read.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:50 am
by firedrake3
Found links to Deana Johns "Castle in the Sand"

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:30 pm
by arargh
firedrake3 wrote:Found links to Deana Johns "Castle in the Sand"
I am surprised that there is still a copy out there. The author wanted them all gone.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:15 pm
arargh wrote:
firedrake3 wrote:Found links to Deana Johns "Castle in the Sand"
I am surprised that there is still a copy out there. The author wanted them all gone.
Which is an illustration of the fact that anything posted or published on the internet is NEVER fully gone.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:18 pm
by arargh
GBLW wrote:
arargh wrote:
firedrake3 wrote:Found links to Deana Johns "Castle in the Sand"
I am surprised that there is still a copy out there. The author wanted them all gone.
Which is an illustration of the fact that anything posted or published on the internet is NEVER fully gone.
Yup. After I posted, I did a little google, and got some 30+ hits besides the ones firedrake3 pointed to.

And, of course, I have copies of the original ASSM posts in my archive. :)

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:16 am
by samuelmichaels
arargh wrote:
GBLW wrote:
arargh wrote:
I am surprised that there is still a copy out there. The author wanted them all gone.
Which is an illustration of the fact that anything posted or published on the internet is NEVER fully gone.
Yup. After I posted, I did a little google, and got some 30+ hits besides the ones firedrake3 pointed to.

And, of course, I have copies of the original ASSM posts in my archive. :)
It was also posted relatively recently at Asstr/Assm.
If somebody really wants to (re)read it, I have an eBook version which I cleaned up a bit (typos and punctuation);
PM me if interested.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:35 am
by aberia
could u please email it to me at


Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:55 am
by arargh
samuelmichaels wrote:It was also posted relatively recently at Asstr/Assm.
Yup, thats in my archive, too. Forgot about seeing that one. :)

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:02 pm
by Phantom
arargh wrote:
firedrake3 wrote:Found links to Deana Johns "Castle in the Sand"
I am surprised that there is still a copy out there. The author wanted them all gone.
Actualy the Author ( D.J. "Doc" Pedersen )
later decided to re-release them again...posting them all as one big group
but didn't start writing or posting new ones.
at least not under that pen name he may well be writing and still posting today
under some other name.

The following index was included with the storys in a big Zip file
(Note The Castle in the sand is 97 Chapters long I've seen some where it wasn't
if the version you have ends or stops short of chapter 97 then you haven't gotten the full story)
((Notice i said Chapter 97 not 97 Files in all))
Hello all.
Thank you for coming. I hope you enjoy my stories.

For those who weren't aware of it, "Deana Johns" is my pen name.
I'm a guy (Whoa! Big surprise... not!)
I started using the Deana Johns name to try to increase my female readership.
It didn't do that very well, and in truth has been more of a hastle at times than it was worth.
I only maintain the name now because my fans have learned to look for my writing under that name.

For the record; I was never trying to do any damage to anybody, emotionally or otherwise.
I always informed any woman -or men- writing to me of my gender if it seemed at all like
they might be pursuing "Deana"

Thanks again for dropping in.

D.J. "Doc" Pedersen
AKA Deana Johns

Directory Index
<Directory: Savant-Unfinished>

Contains the incomplete story "Savant". This story may never be completed.
When I walked away from the newsgroups in May 2000 I also walked away from this story.
I don't know if I will ever go back to it, as it brings up bad memories of that time.
It's near enough to complete as it is. Let sleeping dogs lie.

The story is about a genius Lesbian teacher who gets placed as a Junior High School gym coach.
Predominantly FF stuff, but one rape and some incest. Not pro rape.

Main index

The "htm" files were converted from the original “doc” format containing the original Italics and such.
"txt" files are in ASCII without any fancy attributes.


"Alternatives" parts one through seven.
Follow John's exploits from an unusually lucky beginning to an even
luckier ending. Lots of FF & MF. Some F/f incest (but not primary theme).
[This is the first story I ever wrote, so it is a bit rough in places.
The first part is based upon true events in my life. The latter,
strictly a product of my imagination. I had a novel length book by the
time I completed it.]


"Castle In the Sand", parts one thru 14.
This is a full length book. (Indeed, too long for a novel.) I wrote
this after Daisy. I'm afraid some parts of it are kind of dry, but
there is lots of steamy action.

John Stevens is a disgruntled engineer who just wants to get away from
the world. It just doesn't work out that way. Lots of sub plots. Skip
over the lectures. M/f, f/f, M/ff, MF.


"Daisy" parts one and two.
This is the first story I was *proud* enough of to show to anybody

Daisy is an unusual farm girl who meets up with a librarian on the run
from her past. Together they find out how good it can get. There are
farm animals in the story, but they aren't participants. They are about
the only ones who aren't. FF, MF, B/S incest.


"In The Darkness", all. (F/f, cons, first time)
Probably the shortest story I've ever written. About a young woman's
coming of age under mysterious circumstances.


"Jenny" parts one through six.

Jenny is first seduced by another girl when she is in junior high
school. Later she introduces her sister to FF love.... but sisters
grow up. Then what? ff, F/f incest, MF, MFF.


"Calley", All (MFf, refers to incest, very tame.)
I think of Calley as a short story. It can easily be read in a night.
I wrote this back in 2000 -just before I went away- to provide a voice
in opposition to the direction I observed the newsgroups heading at that
time. (Now they are worse!) The intention of the story is to bring forth
the concept that there are emotional repercussions to indulging in sex with
those too young and emotionally imature to deal with those kind of things.
A tear jerker. If this was a movie, it would be a "Chick Flick"

T-Joy 1.htm
T-Joy 2.htm
T-Joy Jamie.htm
T-Joy Annie.htm
T-Joy Debbie.htm
T-Joy Julie 1.htm
T-Joy Julie 2.htm
T-Joy Julie 2.htm
T-Joy Julie 4.htm
T-Joy Julie 5.htm

T-Joy 1 & 2
Introduction to series, Originally intended to be a Satire, but it got
away from me in later episodes and became a real story. First two parts
should be read for background info (They're short!).

T-Joy Jamie, Annie & Debbie. (Mostly FF... okay, All FF)
These parts should be read just for fun. Put your tongue way back in your
cheek (or someone else’s) and enjoy. Chronology is as listed above.

T-Joy Julie
This is where it became a real story. Julie is a girl who becomes obsessed with
becoming a doctor while in the fifth grade. This is the story of her journey from
A to B.
The Ring Of Seven 1e.htm
The Ring Of Seven 2e.htm
The Ring Of Seven 3e.htm
The Ring Of Seven 4e.htm
The Ring Of Seven 5e.htm
The Ring Of Seven 6e.htm

"The Ring Of Seven", All (FffF, MC Magic)
Chelsea is a young woman just entering her prime. She comes across an unusual
ring in a curio shop. Very strange things start to happen. Magic and Destiny
collide and tussle. Ancient powers come face to face with a teenager.
A fairly long story. Hopefully enjoyable reading for you.


Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:59 pm
by arargh
Phantom wrote:
arargh wrote:
firedrake3 wrote:Found links to Deana Johns "Castle in the Sand"
I am surprised that there is still a copy out there. The author wanted them all gone.
Actualy the Author ( D.J. "Doc" Pedersen )
later decided to re-release them again...posting them all as one big group
but didn't start writing or posting new ones.
at least not under that pen name he may well be writing and still posting today
under some other name.

The following index was included with the storys in a big Zip file
(Note The Castle in the sand is 97 Chapters long I've seen some where it wasn't
if the version you have ends or stops short of chapter 97 then you haven't gotten the full story)

Interesting. Where was it posted. I don't remember seeing it in ASSM or ASS.


Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:29 pm
by Phantom
arargh wrote: Interesting. Where was it posted. I don't remember seeing it in ASSM or ASS.

to tell you the truth I'm not sure any more I think it was posted on ASSTR not newsgroups but i could be wrong
since i took my fall some things in my memory are clear some aren't anymore.

like i have problems with words .....mostly i've noticed i confuse words begining with the letter C
(like in this sentence had to change it 3 times and once in this one)

oh well such is life i guess.


Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 2)

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:30 pm
by fortress
Phantom wrote:
blakagant wrote: starts with, "Eric Olafson, NeoViking GC V", then follow the numerals. In the year 5012, Earth is now known as Terra and part of a gigantic Union of spacefaring civilizations. Many worlds are colonized. This is the story of Eric Olafson, a Neo Viking growing up on a harsh cold planet called Nilfeheim. Follows him as he joins the united stars navy.

The universe that Vennessa made really is kinda how i picture a united galactic government, including mega corporations who own planets and a population base in centilions (that's 300 zeros), just force your mind to understand that eric is different. I marvel at how she made it massive, it's the best way to describe it, you see a massive thriving galactic spanning society.

*be warned that the main character is a kinda cross-dresser, Ignore it! it really has little to do with the storyline and has to do with the main plot way down the line*
Actualy it is Called "the Galactic Chronicles Series" and starts with Roy Masters then moves to Eric/Erica Olafson

It's a neat tale as you say
And I've enjoyed following it for the last few years.

Vennessa has writen more then what is currenty still posted on the page
some has been removed then rewriten, reedited and then reposted again
But some parts still haven't been posted or reposted again ...yet.

Parts 1-4 of "the Galactic Chronicles Series" are still uncompleted or missing

A bit of Warning here ... :shock:
Vennessa's chapter updates some times take longer then Fel does <G> :D and they are posted
with no known pattern or frequency to them. :?:

So if you have problems with this Or Spelling, Grammer and Editing in Stories this is not a tale for you as of yet.
it's gotten much better over the last few years but still is not 100% polished as far as the editing and proofing goes.

But it is a very enjoyable tale otherwise if you can but over look these omissions and some errors.


I found an amazing little utility when I was reading these at FictionPress. It allows you to input a FP URL for a book, and it spits out an epub or html version of the book.

I used the Calibre plugin version that imports it in epub form directly into your Calibre library, but there is also a web version.

Calibre version - ... p?t=163261

Website -