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Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 2:43 am
by fortress
The book was Blessings of a Curse by Wc63. He pulled that book and People of the Tiger sometime last year with no explanation on his blog there.

edit: I just double checked and he has them both back up on for purchase, he had taken them off here at the same time as SOL so not sure when they got put back up.

Blessings of a Curse - By Wayne Edward Clarke ... se/5149589

further googling reveals his website where they are also up for sale ... ce-fiction
In June 2009 I posted rough drafts of these books to a fiction website, and asked the readers to rate and critique them, and let me know how they compared to the best-sellers in their genres. They were given averaged ratings of 9.36 and 9.37 out of 10. I was flabbergasted by the hundreds of wildly enthusiastic email responses! Many wrote to say that one or the other is the best book they ever read, and one guy even threatened to hunt me down and duct-tape me to my computer chair until the sequels were finished!

I've since completely re-edited both of these books, with consideration for the suggestions of their many readers, and they are much improved for it. I know you'll enjoy them, and I'll have the next sequels out as soon as possible!

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 4:50 am
by the_scot

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:35 pm
by gentlemantorogue
Not sure if these have been mentioned: but here are a few:

1.) Alisiyad - Sarah R. Suleski: Twenty-year-olds Liseli Luenford and Russell Markson are living mundane, disappointing, lonely lives in a small midwestern town; working jobs better suited for high school students. Both want something more from life, though what exactly they cannot name, or even begin to achieve.
Liseli finds solace in the Mill, a building on the edge of town, long abandoned and all but forgotten. Russ comforts himself with thoughts of Liseli.
One day both of their dreams seem to come true, when together they stumble into a strange otherworld hidden in the doorway of the old Mill. But dark secrets and mysteries from the past haunt the land of Alisiya, and dreams turn to nightmares as the two become entangled in a feud that has spanned decades. In order to survive they must change who they are—to each other, to themselves, and to the worlds.
[Quoted from webpage]

2.) Queen of Seven - Sarah R. Suleski: Queen of Seven (a sequel to Alisiyad) is a novel about the past, the present, and the future. A story about family. A story about growing up, and growing old. A story of how you can never escape your ghosts or hide your secrets forever. It’s the story of Elly, a girl blessed –– and cursed –– with more power than anyone should ever possess. And it is the story of those who loved her, lost her, and will never forget her.
[Quoted from webpage]

3.) In the Time of Oharu Book One - David R. Dorrycott: Couldn't find a synopsis of the book, but it is a telling of the life and times of Oharu Wei and many other characters in a fictional setting set in an alternative world similar to ours in the years 1935 - to approx 1937.

4.) In the Time of Oharu Book Two - David R. Dorrycott: This book is a follow up on the Oharu Series, yet it seems the author never made a .pdf download of the book and I can't find it online anymore. I have uploaded my copy to:

5.) Setisia - - R. L. Salisbury: Young hunter Tellimakis is from a small community existing in complete isolation from the rest of humanity, cut off by distance and the natural barrier of a great mountain range. Aware of his people's history, he knows that his ancestors escaped from their country on the far side of the mountains during a time of great strife. As Tellimakis approaches adulthood, he is consumed with curiosity as to the fate of the great civilisation left behind by his forebears, and sets off for the huge mountains in an attempt to rediscover the ancient Kingdom beyond. He finds many surprises on the way, not least among them, the charming Setisia.
[Quoted from webpage]


Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:25 am
by the_scot
I'm trying to find a story on SOL. I thought it was in my library, but I can't find it. Guy comes back from Iraq or Afghanistan and discovers that his brother and wife have stolen most of his assets and disappeared, with her being pregnant with brother's baby. The solder's mother sides with the brother and his wife's father supports him. I've tried all the searches and get nothing. Anyone have a clue?

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:43 am
Try the 'Damsels in Distress' universe and look for Von in Your Mind's stories; 'Going to War'

Unfortunately it just seemed to stop -- without a 'real' ending or a resolution to the plot.

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:32 pm
by cdhaag
That sounds like Going to War by Von_In_Your_Mind.


Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:08 pm
by arargh
GBLW wrote:Try the 'Damsels in Distress' universe and look for Von in Your Mind's stories; 'Going to War'

Unfortunately it just seemed to stop -- without a 'real' ending or a resolution to the plot.
When I orignally read it, it was marked "to be continued". That was changed in Janurary of this year, according to his blog:

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:39 pm
by alasriad
anyone have a link or a copy of a superhero story on a site i think is called gryphons eyrie from what i remember the main caracter were called grphon and unicorn

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:28 pm
by cdhaag
Unfortunately that site no longer exists. It was hosted on Geo-Cities, who was bought by Yahoo and then shut down. I don't know that it has been hosted anywhere else.


Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:58 pm
by alasriad
ok thanks any way

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:22 pm
by Delvfar
Here is the new location of that site!

enjoy ... fonseyrie/


Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 5:06 pm
Delvfar wrote:Here is the new location of that site!

enjoy ... fonseyrie/

Nice find, but the 'Wayback Machine' didn't seem to get all of the story. At one point there were 5 more chapters. :cry:

I have an old chapter listing for 'A Time of Heroes' which doesn't stop at chapter 136. It goes on with; 137 - Casualties, 138 - Breaking Point, 139 - Selfishness, 140 - Ashes and finally 141 - Home.

And of course you now have me hunting through a stack of my old hard drives, DVD's and CDG's to see if I don't have a copy of the completed story. (One day I just have to find time to catalogue all this 'stuff salvaged from the web' so I can lay my hands on things. Sadly, even if I did find a copy, I can't repost some else's copyrighted work without their permission!) :x


Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 5:39 pm
by the_scot
I'm trying to locate a story on SOL. Rock star gets email from girl who claims her mother knew him in the past. Turns out she's his daughter and her mother used to play in their garage band. It's not Axe Victim.

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:12 pm
by iandb
the_scot wrote:I'm trying to locate a story on SOL. Rock star gets email from girl who claims her mother knew him in the past. Turns out she's his daughter and her mother used to play in their garage band. It's not Axe Victim.
Spirit Renewed by Heathen57 maybe?


Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:20 pm
by the_scot
Thanks, Ian. Yes, that was it.