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Re: Good Books (Scifi)

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 10:06 pm
by boballab
dellstart wrote:
Radar wrote:I'd recommend the IN HER NAME series by Michael R. Hicks. In some ways it's similar to Subjugation. Humans are at war with an alien race of blue skinned female warriors, and a boy is forced to live in the alien society to survive. The similarities end there though as the aliens have fangs and claws and prefer to fight with swords instead of plasma rifles. It has SciFi, fanatasy, and miliatry themes.

The full series is a set of three trilogies, but like Star Wars it started with the end trilogy. Books 7 (available free from the author's site), 8 and 9 are about the end of the war. They are also contained in an Omnibus version (best value). Books 4 and 5 are available now and book 6 is coming, and are about the beginning of the war.

wow < i am in the middle of the first one , and i am just blown away.Bloody awesome.
Thanks for the heads up.
I read the first one last week and immediately bought the next two in the series and finished them.

Re: Good Books (Scifi)

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 10:08 pm
by boballab
The Baen Free Library on the 27th put Tom Kratmans "Caliphate" and "A Desert Called Peace" up for reading:

Re: Good Books (Scifi)

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:38 am
by dellstart
boballab wrote:
dellstart wrote:
Radar wrote:I'd recommend the IN HER NAME series by Michael R. Hicks. In some ways it's similar to Subjugation. Humans are at war with an alien race of blue skinned female warriors, and a boy is forced to live in the alien society to survive. The similarities end there though as the aliens have fangs and claws and prefer to fight with swords instead of plasma rifles. It has SciFi, fanatasy, and miliatry themes.

The full series is a set of three trilogies, but like Star Wars it started with the end trilogy. Books 7 (available free from the author's site), 8 and 9 are about the end of the war. They are also contained in an Omnibus version (best value). Books 4 and 5 are available now and book 6 is coming, and are about the beginning of the war.

wow < i am in the middle of the first one , and i am just blown away.Bloody awesome.
Thanks for the heads up.
I read the first one last week and immediately bought the next two in the series and finished them.
Just a question. was thinking of getting them. (The last two of the first series) however, read a few reviews which implied they were way under par , compered to the first book.Which kind of cooled me off, what your take?

Re: Good Books (Scifi)

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:30 am
by boballab
dellstart wrote:Just a question. was thinking of getting them. (The last two of the first series) however, read a few reviews which implied they were way under par , compered to the first book.Which kind of cooled me off, what your take?
The second one IMHO is not that far off the first one. It starts right after (timeline wise) the first ends as can be seen in the preview of Part II at the end of part I. From there you see how Reza has to try and fit back in with humanity. You also get to see the behind the scenes politics of the Confederation. This gives you two straight points of contrast between the two books: How Reza fits in (on a personal level) first with the Empire when they grab him and then the reverse and how the two "political" systems react to the "misfit" among them. The ending scenes can be seen from a mile away but is actually handled well since it is needed to continue the series (Something all good series seem to have somewhere in them).

The third and concluding book starts out ok compared to the two proceeding books, however the ending IMHO came across as rushed and very unsatisfying. Where the first two books are good because of the psychology of the characters, the author really goes off the deep end with the mystical aspects of the "Bloodsong" and the First Empress. The best part IMHO is the return of Tesh Dar.

Re: Good Books (Scifi)

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:35 am
by Radar
Michael R. Hicks has released the omnibus IN HER NAME: THE LAST WAR which contains books 4-6 of the series. I haven't read them yet (waiting for it to come to Smashwords for the ePub and no DRM), but that's the best value if you want to read what led up to the war.

Re: Good Books (Scifi)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:25 am
by zedd

Valerie Gaumont just published the 3rd book in the pilot serie at smahwords. Great books. you can read the first 2 books in her blog (or help her and buy them at smashwords also).

Link to ebook:
Link to first book start in her blog: ... ction.html

Seasons greetings to all

Re: Good Books (Scifi)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:43 am
by dellstart
boballab wrote:
dellstart wrote:Just a question. was thinking of getting them. (The last two of the first series) however, read a few reviews which implied they were way under par , compered to the first book.Which kind of cooled me off, what your take?
The second one IMHO is not that far off the first one. It starts right after (timeline wise) the first ends as can be seen in the preview of Part II at the end of part I. From there you see how Reza has to try and fit back in with humanity. You also get to see the behind the scenes politics of the Confederation. This gives you two straight points of contrast between the two books: How Reza fits in (on a personal level) first with the Empire when they grab him and then the reverse and how the two "political" systems react to the "misfit" among them. The ending scenes can be seen from a mile away but is actually handled well since it is needed to continue the series (Something all good series seem to have somewhere in them).

The third and concluding book starts out ok compared to the two proceeding books, however the ending IMHO came across as rushed and very unsatisfying. Where the first two books are good because of the psychology of the characters, the author really goes off the deep end with the mystical aspects of the "Bloodsong" and the First Empress. The best part IMHO is the return of Tesh Dar.
thanks mate. sorry didn't see this reply till now. thanks heaps.

Re: Good Books (Scifi)

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:23 am
by blakagant
A Galaxy Unknown series by Thomas j. Deprima, series has 8 books now, follows a young ensign as she finishes military college in the year 2266, very much like "C.S. Forester's popular Horatio Hornblower novels, this series offers a slightly larger-than-life military officer whose involvement in epic space battles manifest a destiny of renown and prestige." (that was pretty much quoted from the site)

Re: Good Books (Scifi)

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:57 am
by Banner
I hate self promoting, but I have a couple of sci-fi books published as ebooks and in print. Links are below and you can always DL a free sample before buying to see if you like them.
Children of Steel:

Danger Money:


I'm also on Barnes & Noble, iTunes, and most other ebook sellers.

Re: Good Books (Scifi)

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 3:54 am
by rand
i read "In Her Name" not a bad set of books. i like Galaxy Unknown series i need to get the last book.

Re: Good Books (Scifi)

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 8:22 pm
by dragonmage
I have enjoyed Lawrence White Spirit of Empire series of books

Re: Good Books (Scifi)

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:23 pm
by reborn
recently read the doom star series by Vaughn Heppner was quite good

Re: Good Books (Scifi)

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:44 pm
by ettoren
rand wrote:i read "In Her Name" not a bad set of books. i like Galaxy Unknown series i need to get the last book.
Just read the "In Her Name" Omnibus (the Reza Gard Saga) and Wow. Excellent story. Saw some similarities and parallels to the Secession series Fel is doing (blue skin, matriarchal, warrior society, Main character is human male, Main character is adopted into the Blueskin race ect ...) and enjoyed it almost as much as Secession.

Re: Good Books (Scifi)

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:39 am
by Wingsolution
A great site for keeping aware of what authors are coming out with on one site, and for searching new authors, if you go to an author's page, it'll have others like them( and authors that recommend them). If you pick a book, it'll show you others like it. It's purely a reference site, but I think it's great.

Re: Good Books (Scifi)

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:49 am
by deeteeza
Not sure if it's been mentioned, but Stephen Donaldson's Thomas Covenant series is also pretty good.