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Re: The Fovean Chronicles Online - Need opinions

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:34 pm
by Fovean_Author
Man, I miss Singapore. I haven't been there in AGES.

Have a Tiger beer for me! I'll make sure you get a book, don't worry.

Re: The Fovean Chronicles Online - Need opinions

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:50 am
by Mizriath
I'll have aTiger for you. Celebrate with the tiger although I am more partial to Foster.


Re: The Fovean Chronicles Online - Need opinions

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 7:09 am
by Mysterious
What's really weird is that Fosters is an Australian Brand but they get hammered in the local market :?

But they have a strong presence in the global market...

The world works in mysterious ways :mrgreen:

Re: The Fovean Chronicles Online - Need opinions

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 12:19 pm
by Spec8472
Mysterious wrote:What's really weird is that Fosters is an Australian Brand but they get hammered in the local market :?

But they have a strong presence in the global market...

The world works in mysterious ways :mrgreen:
Fosters does well in the foreign market because it's not the same stuff they sell here, plus there's plenty of better beers. (Said like a true non-beer-drinking beer-expert)

Put another way: Aussies know it tastes like crap, but Americans love the stuff :D Just like we could foist Steve Irwin off onto Americans quite successfully - yet he wasn't quite as huge a success back here. After all, he's a fairly average bloke. Every aussie learns to wrestle a crocodile from birth. Horses are for girls. Real men ride Crocs or Roos to work. :D

(Now, where's that Sarcasm BBCode tag gone)

Re: The Fovean Chronicles Online - Need opinions

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 11:14 pm
by Mysterious
lol :lol:

Re: The Fovean Chronicles Online - Need opinions

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 2:48 am
by Fovean_Author
Ok, first of all, thanks to all of those who read and who sent some feedback

Second, book two has about six chapters left in it, meaning that I'll soon be done with the first pass, then will go back to thread in the sub plots, then go for the third pass for continuity

This is when I REALLY need you guys to say, "I don't understand this" or "This is factually incorrect" or "Bob, if you put that in there I plan to hunt down your parents."

Now is the time when you're going to have a real impact on the novel. If you liked book one, then people like you are why

Thanks again

Bob Brady

Re: The Fovean Chronicles Online - Need opinions

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:27 am
by Mizriath
Fovean_Author wrote:Ok, first of all, thanks to all of those who read and who sent some feedback

Second, book two has about six chapters left in it, meaning that I'll soon be done with the first pass, then will go back to thread in the sub plots, then go for the third pass for continuity

This is when I REALLY need you guys to say, "I don't understand this" or "This is factually incorrect" or "Bob, if you put that in there I plan to hunt down your parents."

Now is the time when you're going to have a real impact on the novel. If you liked book one, then people like you are why

Thanks again

Bob Brady
Hi Author,

Is there a way I can get Book one, or if I can read Book 2 without cross lining it with Book 1. I will start on it. I did mentioned that the Book 1 is not available in Singapore bookstores.

My quote for the day, "You better comment or die commenting "I forgot"...."

Re: The Fovean Chronicles Online - Need opinions

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:37 am
by Fovean_Author
Sent you a link

If you give me a detailed critique of Book Two, I'll send you an autographed copy of Book One

Re: The Fovean Chronicles Online - Need opinions

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 10:17 pm
by Doc Spratley
I am new to the forum, but seem to have missed over 20 years regarding these Chronicles. For the last 40 some years I have been a Purist regarding my fiction reading....only Science Fiction. As I have finally matured, :) ; I have found an tremendous amount of Fantasy and Fiction that has tweaked my interest. So saying, I find that I am intriqued with the fist three chapters of your book.
It is interesting that you make in the beginning you make reference Anubis, but in doing so, state that
The Earth had been cleansed of gods...
" I realize that you state Anubis has been in Exile...and then called back by the greater god....why would Anubis be called when he is but a footnote in the history of the world and not another god that had more followers? and stronger supposed powers. After all...Anubis is just a pawn in what the greater god has planned.
As I have only read the first three chapters, I'm sure that there is more to this situation than I have read...but I am curious?

Is the greater god's name "War"?. I thought you stated that
The Earth had been cleansed of gods, in favor of a God so great that He could not be contained, even within a single name.
...but, it seems that you named him.

As far as I read so far, your "anti-hero" seems to have been interfered with all his life by
a large, dark man in an overcoat too warm for the day
. I must assume that this is Anubis and not the greater god. Unfortunately, I did not feel the true anguish felt by the "anti-hero"....where you write
He is heartless and cruel
...I did not believe it. I found myself feeling sympathy for the "anti-hero" only....but keep up the good work

Re: The Fovean Chronicles Online - Need opinions

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 11:39 pm
by Fovean_Author
Hi, Doc,

To straighten out some confusion on Book One:

1. War is a god from a different dimension
2. Anubis only exists due to a human fascination with death, and at a fraction of his power. He's kind of a leftover of Egyptian religion.
3. If you're sympathizing with the anti-hero, you're right on the money. I build a justification relationship between you, the reader, and the character in order to set up the next book.

I don't really need critiquing of the first book, but let me know if you want to read it to set up the next book (if you want to critique it)

Re: The Fovean Chronicles Online - Need opinions

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 11:33 pm
by Mysterious
The link to Chapter 43: Perceptions goes to Chapter 42: Combat, in all its forms.

Re: The Fovean Chronicles Online - Need opinions

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 12:21 am
by Fovean_Author
Mysterious wrote:The link to Chapter 43: Perceptions goes to Chapter 42: Combat, in all its forms.
Yep - you're right

It's fixed now

Re: The Fovean Chronicles Online - Need opinions

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:57 pm
by joshzharris

I've been reading your books since January, and I have to say that you have an outstanding job on them. I'm looking forward to seeing how you bring book two to a close and how the prophecy is going to be carried to conclusion. The interaction between characters is great. I would like to see which of the gods take a direct interaction with Jack/Bill.
I've read through what has been posted of book two twice so far. This story is hard to predict where things are going as the perceptions to Glynn's song change as story progresses.

Keep up the great work.


Re: The Fovean Chronicles Online - Need opinions

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 2:10 am
by Fovean_Author
Wanted to give you guys an update - especially the loyal followers

I'm rewriting the ending, which is why the updates have been slow. I also did a lot of editing of previous chapters, mostly for spelling.

I think that the Bill character is going to need a rewrite for the middle part - he's a little flat for me. Also Jahunga needs some more personality and interaction.

Anything else that you guys have seen - now is a good time to tell me. I'm taking about a month sabatical to finish this up, so, as Steve Martin once said:

Things are going to start happening for me now.


Re: The Fovean Chronicles Online - Need opinions

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 2:20 am
by Fel
clearly, I must get out the whip.



My, it feels...good, to do that to someone rather than have it done to me.

Score! ;)