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Re: Curse the evil of the Gamecube....

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 1:17 am
by avitchel
Me neither! Too many buttons, too little time for decisions. Too old to be an adrenaline junky anymore. Now a decent Space humurabi with a good storyline, sort of a richer MOO, thats another thing. Sigh!

Re: Curse the evil of the Gamecube....

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 6:51 am
by thisandthat
Add me to the list of NO Gamecube people.

I have a Nentendo and Super Nentendo and that is adicting enugh, (never made it to NES-64).

Re: Curse the evil of the Gamecube....

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 6:55 am
by sOmeone
Well, although I don't have a gamecube :'( , I do have a computer ;D.   I spend most of my free time playing CS:S, Doom 3, Halo and other assorted games on my computer.  

Re: Curse the evil of the Gamecube....

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 7:05 am
by thisandthat
If your talking computor games ...

Diablo II, Red Alert and Doom.  All old games to be shure but fun!

Re: Curse the evil of the Gamecube....

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 9:28 am
by Journeywoman
As for computer games, I'm more a strategy person so I enjoy games like Pharaoh, Warcraft, Civilization (I prefered 1 a bit more than 3), and of course Worms World Party is always a hoot ;D!

Re: Curse the evil of the Gamecube....

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 11:23 am
by Shadowhawk
I'm not too hot for FPS like Quake, Unreal, RedFaction, but sometimes I play them. I like RPG games: Might and Magic VI, Evil Islands, Fallout 2, Planescape: Torment (and have untouched Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale). I played some the Diablo II (with extension). And of course there are rouguelike games like ADOM or Nethack.

I don't feel like testing my mouse skills against computers, so the RTS (which are usually RTT, Real Time Tactic, not strategy) I play should have pause: like Warcraft, Kohan (nice new ideas there), X-COM: Apocalypse (realtime mode (with autopause on chosen events) is much faster than turn-based mode, especially on large areas). And that is why I considered buying Fallout Tactics but in the end didn't buy it. I have seen Submarine Titans played, and it looks like a nice game, with some good ideas, quite a good AI and supposedly nonlinear plot.

But the only games I finished playing (as opposed to watching somebody else finishing the game, which I quite like) are Civilization, Civilization III and Alpha Centauri...   :P

So, although I played for example some mech game (don't remember the title, though: heaviest mech there was Apocalypse) console doesn't hold much appeal for me. That, and I don't do gaming much  :)

Hmmm... maybe next sticky thread, "The games we play" ;P ;) ::) ;D

Re: Curse the evil of the Gamecube....

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 7:47 pm
by MommyDoom
thisandthat wrote:If your talking computor games ...

Diablo II, Red Alert and Doom. All old games to be shure but fun!
Those are the 3 big games in our house, too.  Just got done playing C&C just now and hubby is a Doom and Quake man. We both like Diablo.