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Re: chapter 10 of Subjugation done

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 7:13 am
by codewarrior
Fel I think the reason that everyone is obsessed with subjugation is that Jasons story, could happen. Granted the chances for the story to come true are greater getting struck by lighten, while getting run over by a train, but still it is the probability that it could happen that makes the story more real (and addictive). Also Jason is the hero of this story but he does not have that real hero like aura that many other story have around their hero. (i.e. superman) Jason is more human and that helps people, like me, feel a connection to Jason.

It is ether that  OR

Fels stories are laced with addictive stimulants.

Take your pick

Re: chapter 10 of Subjugation done

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 9:35 am
by Spec8472
fel wrote:Someday you guys are going to have to explain this mysterious obsession with Subjugation.
Others have already said what I've been thinking, and that is the element in realism.

Sure, the Kael chronicles are excellent, but no matter how hard you try - it doesn't have the same element of realism.

I'm not sure about anyone else, but I'm more of a fan of Sci-Fi than Fantasy as a whole.  Given the choice between two equally well written stories, I'll generally read the sci-fi story first.

Re: chapter 10 of Subjugation done

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 2:27 pm
by Shilo
Subjugation is so beliveable, that it could really happen. There is romance and action and drama in every chapter. But I gotta say WHY AXE JAS OUT OF THE STORY SHE WAS TRIING TO GET HER AUNT TO LISTEN? opps me bad I got carried away and had caps locked. Well I hope she comes back and they can stays like Samone. OMG let me say wow great chapter.

Re: chapter 10 of Subjugation done

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:56 pm
by Forbidder
I love tech fics.  And Subjugation definately has lots of tech.  And plus it's easy for me to identify with the hero, and the way it flows, I sorta live the story.  Good stories are better than a movie in a theater for me because of this mode of reading I do.  And plus you left it at a point where people just need to know what comes next.

Oh and lets not forget the spicy social interaction you throw in there too, it's a good ratio, not too much, not too little.  

Re: chapter 10 of Subjugation done

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:44 pm
by Greymist
Sexy Chicks, Telepathy, Cool Tech.

Nuff said  ;D

Re: chapter 10 of Subjugation done

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 7:30 pm
by hawkstarr
March 12th, 2005 is right around the courner.  ::Grins::

<see Subjugation chapter 1>

Re: chapter 10 of Subjugation done

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:56 am
by Thermopyle
fel wrote:Someday you guys are going to have to explain this mysterious obsession with Subjugation.
I dunno.  I don't really get it, either.  There's not really any internal conflict yet (I've already gone over that) and the reaction to the invasion is kind of knee-jerk.  "Oh, we've been invaded by aliens!  They're evil!"  Even with the slavery in the latest chapter...well, the slavery itself is completely believable--that does happen, and with humans as the slavers--and the reaction to Jason's report of it was completely real as well, and not exactly something that can be held against the Imperium.  Honestly, Jason was a fucking ass with the way he reacted at the end; it wasn't his girlfriend's fault, and it wasn't Lorna's, either.

Right now I don't care much for the story--the telepathy and technology and basic premise are all good, I just don't like the characters.  The only thing I'm really hoping to see in it is for Jason to get some sense knocked into him.  I'd love to see that.  :)

Re: chapter 10 of Subjugation done

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 5:02 am
by Thermopyle
simon wrote: Yeesh. She may just go AWOL and come and find him if she believes he's serious.
Heh.  It'd be nice if they're relationship was a bit more normal instead of skewed so heavily in Jason's favor, as far as control goes.  She has every reason to dump his ass.  ^_^;

Re: chapter 10 of Subjugation done

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 5:04 am
by Hearly
Here's a question can Jason's Skimmer Do the hyperspace jump? If so, he could go see Kumi...

If jyslin came to see him, he could leave with her for a bit and drop her off where ever

Re: chapter 10 of Subjugation done

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 5:42 am
by Spec8472
hearly wrote: Here's a question can Jason's Skimmer Do the hyperspace jump? If so, he could go see Kumi...

If jyslin came to see him, he could leave with her for a bit and drop her off where ever
From chapter 7/8 or so, apparently ANY space going vehicle can use the stargate (or whatever it's called) which is out beyond the orbit of the moon --- but Jason's skimmer can be detected by its gravitational disturbances.  Plus, the skimmer, whilst being 'space worthy', is relatively slow compared to proper space going craft.

Re: chapter 10 of Subjugation done

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:42 am
by MechCraft
the hyperspace jumpengine would be huge, the size of jason's skimmer. he could still use the stargate but it would take a long time to reach it.

if he was desperate enough he could shaddow a freighter to the gate but he woudl have to be extreamly close to avoid detection.

i wonder if jason was picked up on fey sensors when he followed the slaver ship?

Re: chapter 10 of Subjugation done

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 9:47 am
by Edengrave
8) Well...
Hello out there
Couple of the last posts made me want to reply. :-/
First things first. Both the firestaff/pyrosian series and Subjugation are SUPERLATIVE regardless of genre.
Hell pratically everything Fel has written is Grade A beef.
I should know. Not to brag, But when it comes to scifi or fantasy, If I haven't read it, it's so out of print, Gutenberb probably pressed it. I'm that obsessed
I have no pref though. When I've read too much sci-fi, fantasy is refreshing and vice versa.
What I absolutely LOVE about subjugation, is the invention and gadgets. Reminds me of some classics like the skylark of space. Anybody read the Gift of change by D.T Sandres? same idea. the telepathy, the faey, the Imperium, the aliens...there are so many possibilities it's stagering. this book as probably even more potential that the F/P series. I easily imagine a 6 books series (hint hint)  ;)
Now where was I??? oh yeah people you can say what you want, but I've burned hundreds of bucks in bookstores for much less. count your blessings lol
But I must admit Jason used to get on my nerves.
I hated is attitude at the start, there was a lot of hypocrisy there. Imagine amerindians hating all americans/caucassians because of what was done to them, instead of judging individuals through their actions. ridiculous. oh by the way an idea. Seeing how good Jason is with fresh ideas, why not apply his skill to telepathy? and other abilities human thought were myths? maybe he will find a new angle. Also, let him sell some harmless new tech, so he can make more money.
I like the direction you are going with the story. He was too ties up with the group. Now he's mad, motivated, and on the war path. He's going to be much more dangerous, and efficient.

Re: chapter 10 of Subjugation done

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 2:45 pm
by zedd
I agree with Edengrave: Both stories are very good and I'd like  to see 6 books of Subjugation (Hint on a Hint ;) )

I read a lot of SF/fantasy (not in the volume of Edengrave but a lot of my freetime is passed reading) and Fel works are GREAT, at the top with any published (or not) author.

That my IMHO.
