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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 5:09 pm
by rick
I have a bunch of links to good nay great storys site ,the problem their M/M slash ( I`m gay and enjoy them.)I would recoment the Y.S.McCool site for great Sentinal stories.If you don`t like M/M slash read "Upgrade"it`s a si-fi set in the furture with Jim And Blair as partners.    at

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 5:53 pm
by Shadowhawk
I see that not everyone is as anal about the appereance of their posts as I am ;).

Ad rem. If you want to make sure that the URL posted in your post will be changed to hyperlink use the '' tag:

Code: Select all

gives This is not necessarily needed, as the forum code is quite good at guessing that is a hyperlink; even that is hyperlink (the second version is more likely to fail: see for example that if fails inside the paragraph, but at the beginning: works well - there is end of line before the Sennadar URL)

If you want more "sophisticated" hyperlink, e.g. the name/title of the page becoming hyperlink, you can use

Code: Select all

[]Firestaff Series[/url]
gives which gives the following result Firestaff Series

That's it. All of this can be found on YaBB homepage (the link at the bottom of the page), namely in YaBB Manual:: Posting. The link to YaBB Manual (local copy) can be found at the top of the page, under Image  Help.

HTH (Hope that helps).

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 6:10 pm
by Shadowhawk
I think that the subject of this topic clearly states that it is a place to post links to good reading (i.e. stories). It would be better if the links to other sites, e.g. to comic sites (like the Clan of the Cats or Wandering Ones) find their own sticky topic :).

I also think that it would be better if with the URL to some site the poster wrote at least one sentence description of the site. I can see that most of you do that. That's nice. It would be nice if with the URL to the story site with lots of stories, which are independent (i.e. does not form continuous storyline and one does need to read them in particular order) the poster would wrote the names of few stories (or authors if it is multiauthor site). E.g. that at EWP.ORG I recommend reading stories by Net Wolf (e.g. "CAMP: Ron's Journey" - great mind-control sex story).

Last but not least if the link leads to erotic (sex) stories site, please write that. If it is gay stories site, say so. Etc., etc. I think you get what I meant. If the story uses some warning page (like abovementioned EWP.ORG site) please post link to this page, not to the sex stories directly.

All that is of course up to you. But I think that it would be better for all of us.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 6:14 pm
by Shadowhawk
griever wrote:- - deserves a place here because it's from there that I jumped to the Firestaff page.
Your are not the only one ;) (that found the link to this site at EWP.ORG). I wonder who put the link (it is user supplied link) there...

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 6:20 pm
by borsic
posted this either here or on the old board, but here goes again:
nice magic/sci-fi mix, I like!
the complete honor harrington series (in effect the cd by baen books)


Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 6:58 pm
by Shadowhawk
Full free ooks (legal) can be found at Baen Free Library and Baen Free eBook Library (the second one requires free registration). Mainly SF&F. I have read "Oath of Swords", "War God's Own" and the beginning of Honor Harrington series ("On Basilisk Station") by David Weber, "Black on Black" and "Stars Over Stars" by K. D. Wentworth. Quite good, although I can't see what others consider Honor Harrington series one of the best SF series. Somebody posted one of those URLs here.

Another quite nice SF series are Legends and DeadFly Prodictions, both by Kristine Williams. There is very nice description of friendship blossoming. I have gotten there via NetFic reviews by Kathryn Andersen (this page is currently inaccessible). Somebody posted one of those URLs here.

At SF & Fantasy Books Online there are links to some great short stories and novels. I recommend as an example "Voice of Steel" by Sean McMullen and "Not to Mention Jack" by Charles Anders (select "Complete" from the menu). This URL was posted here before.

And now some furry story sites. At one can find some links to other sites. I recommend the Cairyn's Khiray of the River and works by Greg Howell: "Human Memoirs", "Light on Shattered Water" and "Storms Over Open Fields" (here are HTML version of those stories: the original version, in RTF format can be found at Greg Howell's Stories page).
There is also The Transformation Stories Archive. I wholeheartily recommend the The Blind Pig "world" (i.e. series of stories with common characters and common world). Some stories in this series are short, some are longer (e.g. "Remember When", "Death Is Real" and "Requiems for the shadow people" are longer ones).

I wanted to post the URLs to Shadowrun stories, namely Shapcano home page (this link was also found at EWP.ORG), but somebody did that first ;)

There are also some stories in Polish, but you probably are not interested in that ;) ;) ;D

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 12:56 am
by MommyDoom
rick wrote:If you don`t like M/M slash read "Upgrade"it`s a si-fi set in the furture with Jim And Blair as partners.

Gads, I feel so out of touch, but what's M/M slash mean?


Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 1:21 am
by Shadowhawk
mommydoom wrote:Gads, I feel so out of touch, but what's M/M slash mean?
From KatSpace fannish definitions:
   Slash is fan fiction which portrays characters in a homosexual relationship, and derives its name from the slash '/' character used in describing such stories, such as "a Kirk/Spock story". A slash story can be explicitly sexual, and often may be, but a story does not need to contain sex scenes to be considered slash.
MM is (I think) the story code used in erotica describing sexual activity between two adult males.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 9:32 am
by Griever
shadowhawk wrote:Quite good, although I can't see what others consider Honor Harrington series one of the best SF series. Somebody posted one of those URLs here.

The Blind Pig "world" (i.e. series of stories with common characters and common world). Some stories in this series are short, some are longer (e.g. "Remember When", "Death Is Real" and "Requiems for the shadow people" are longer ones).

There are also some stories in Polish, but you probably are not interested in that ;) ;) ;D

I think people like Honor Harrington because, on one side, it's moderately ... well, okay, realistic in context with this sounds goofy ... but also because she's such a larger than life character. Still, that's not for everyone, and ever so often people complain about her being 'bulletproof'. For the record, I'm not one of them.

The Bind Pig stories, I can honestly say, are interesting, but some of the stories in there are depressing, to put it mildly. Just your ordinary blokes dealing with a situation that's _very_ out of the ordinary. Not much by ways of action most of the time, but for those who enjoy a little introspection ...

As for the lattermost matter ... maketh not assumptions, lest they reel back on ye and bite ye in the arse! As in, I know that I at the very least would check the links to stories in Polish out. It _is_ my mother-tongue, ya know, even if I feel more comfortable with English. Got anything by Piekara?

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 10:21 am
by Shadowhawk
griever wrote:I think people like Honor Harrington because, on one side, it's moderately ... well, okay, realistic in context with this sounds goofy ... but also because she's such a larger than life character. Still, that's not for everyone, and ever so often people complain about her being 'bulletproof'. For the record, I'm not one of them.

The Bind Pig stories, I can honestly say, are interesting, but some of the stories in there are depressing, to put it mildly. Just your ordinary blokes dealing with a situation that's _very_ out of the ordinary. Not much by ways of action most of the time, but for those who enjoy a little introspection ...

As for the lattermost matter ... maketh not assumptions, lest they reel back on ye and bite ye in the arse! As in, I know that I at the very least would check the links to stories in Polish out. It _is_ my mother-tongue, ya know, even if I feel more comfortable with English. Got anything by Piekara?
I'm the one who thinks tha Honor Harrington is a bit too 'bulletproof'. BTW. somebody posted link to full series, so you are encouraged to make your own opinion :)

About the Blind Pig Mill: the story "Death Is Real" is quite nice detective story (if set in unusual world) and "Requiems for the shadow people" is what you call a thriller (?). But most of those stories are good transformation stories, which means they describe people dealing with unusual changes; more psychology than action usually. And speaking about The Transformation Story Archive don't forget the Metamor Keep series, set in the fantasy world.

Stories in Polish: no, I have no links to Piekara stories. If you are good in Polish you can try the webzines: Framzeta (joined with other zine making Esensja magazine) and Fahrenheit. Some of Polish SF-F authors have their own webpages and put some (short) stories on them; e.g. Jacek Dukaj at --- I recommend for example his short story "Ruch Generala" (available whole at his site). I must say however that you may find his stories hard to read... There is Sapkowski Zone where you can find (among other) some short stories by Andrzej Sapkowski (the author of 'wiedzmin' stories). I recommend also (if you like dark stories) the stories of Agnieszka "Ignite" Halas, beginning with "Biale dlonie" which can be found here; the earlier works are at the bottom (I have found those stories originnally on the Wiedzmin Zone which is no longer active).

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 12:17 pm
by Shadowhawk
You can find some links to stories sites in the thread (topic) titled "Not so new newbi".

Yu can also search the forum for <tt>'http:'</tt> or <tt>'www.'</tt>.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 1:19 pm
by MommyDoom
shadowhawk wrote: From KatSpace fannish definitions:
MM is (I think) the story code used in erotica describing sexual activity between two adult males.
Ah, just as I feared.  I'm incredibly out of touch.  Thanks for updating me, 'Hawk!


Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 1:27 pm
by Lochar
mommydoom wrote:
Ah, just as I feared. I'm incredibly out of touch. Thanks for updating me, 'Hawk!

All things considered, I'd have rather stayed out of touch with that one. LOL.  Now F/F slash is different.

Ok, so I'm a hippocrite, so sue me.  ;)

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 1:49 pm
by Spec8472
lochar wrote:Now F/F slash is different.
I can sympathise with this...  :)

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 1:53 pm
by MommyDoom
spec8472 wrote:
I can sympathise with this... :)
OKAY, what is it about women kissing women that turns men on so much?!?!? YOU'RE NOT GETTING ANY SO WHY IS IT SO EROTIC??

Sheesh. My husband is the same way. I think he secretly hopes some day I'll go bi just so he can give the video camera a workout.