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Re: What Story would make the best Movie?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:04 am
by Metatrone
I'm not so sure about Subjugation. It has a single strong plotline that carries through the entire book so far, but there is just to much information and too many characters, and too big a time period. It would just end up being a garble version at the hands of some lazy ass producer and director that will make everyone that has read the story angry. They'll just cut the interesting but non crucial characters, change the whole spots in the story regardless of the significance in ordr to pass several chapters of info in 2 minutes.

I guess LOTR is good because Peter Jackson had a lifetime to think things trough and not mess his favorite book like everyone else.

I still think The Godfather is a better effort from a book, but... my oppinion.

Re: What Story would make the best Movie?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:16 am
by Mizriath
I expect Peter Jackson to direct Subjugation and no lesser soul. I will not even let the script near anyone who does not understand big budget production.... at least I can see some decent looking ships with good animations, instead of a toy shot close up behind some mock up sky that remains the same for 24 hours!!

Re: What Story would make the best Movie?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:51 am
by miraborn
I could see Subjugation being made into a miniseries, along the lines of Shogun or Noble House. The material is too long for a movie, even a series of movies, and I don't think the story has any good points for one movie to end and the next to pick up. If it were made as a miniseries, admittedly we would lose some of the cinematic aspects, but with HD and all that, it wouldn't be too much of a loss. I can see one to two hours of screen time per chapter, sometimes more, sometimes less. with the total length being 10 to 15 hours. This would be a good amount of TV time, and would allow for the audience to absorb each bit and wait with baited breath for the next chapter (like we do here!) the following week.


Re: What Story would make the best Movie?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:01 pm
by hawkstarr
I actually would love to see more Anime based upon books. I can totally see Sennadar coming to life with some really good art. Along with Subjugation, both would make some sweet visuals.

There are other books, such as Laural K. Hamilition's Anita Blake Series (books 1-6) before it turned into published erotica (not that there is anything wrong with that...just the story started to seriously lack) that I also would think might work well as an Anime series. There is a comic book already based upon the first book Guilty Pleasures.

Going back to lurking mode now!

Re: What Story would make the best Movie?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:36 pm
by Fiferguy
I think Sennadar would make an epic Anime series, like DB and DBZ... The Pyrosian Chronicles would be the second half. I mean, you look at it, and there's a lot of days that Fel didn't write about, so there's lots of room for a couple years worth of Anime off of that... Maybe we could get Fel to write it... :twisted:

Re: What Story would make the best Movie?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:51 pm
by Mark_Reed
I agree that your average 2 hour movie would be a horrible injustice to the travels of Tarrin Kael. That said, could you imagine what hollywood could do with some of the more epic battles? I for one would drool to see Tarrin's duel with the Red Dragon at the end of book 4. Better yet...

My roommate's kid just got a Playstation 2 for Christmas. She's been playing Kingdom Hearts 2 almost constantly, and I've been able to see what graphics improvements have been made since I was forcefully ejected from the gaming world by real life. I understand they've released a Playstation 3, and I assume the graphics on that are exponentially higher. Imagine the Sennadar stories as an RPG. Now THAT would be impressive! Tarrin's just about the perfect character for it, too. He learns all types of magic eventually, and he becomes a warrior of the foremost calliber. A player could build their own Tarrin, concentrating his abilities on their own perferences.

But mostly, I'm imagining some really incredible cinematic scenes. :twisted:

Re: What Story would make the best Movie?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:51 pm
by Fiferguy
Ok. First things first. I DO NOT WANT TO START A FLAME WAR WITH THE NEXT STATEMENT. It's a personal observation.

I've found that the Xbox 360 has much better graphics than the Playstation 3 and the Wii. The whole tilt the controller to do stuff is kind of cool, but the graphics on the Xbox are better.

You could almost use the Oblivion graphics engine to do a Sennadar RPG. That would be really cool, but I don't think you could play any of the über characters--Tarrin, Jenna, Sapphire, etc. I think the highest you'd ever be able to achieve in Sorcery is Da'shar, for example. Otherwise, it would make the Online gaming experience rather...unique. Imagine if you had like 30 Sui'kun online at once all going after one another...chaos.

Re: What Story would make the best Movie?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:55 pm
by Hearly
Mark_Reed wrote:I agree that your average 2 hour movie would be a horrible injustice to the travels of Tarrin Kael. That said, could you imagine what hollywood could do with some of the more epic battles? I for one would drool to see Tarrin's duel with the Red Dragon at the end of book 4. Better yet...

My roommate's kid just got a Playstation 2 for Christmas. She's been playing Kingdom Hearts 2 almost constantly, and I've been able to see what graphics improvements have been made since I was forcefully ejected from the gaming world by real life. I understand they've released a Playstation 3, and I assume the graphics on that are exponentially higher. Imagine the Sennadar stories as an RPG. Now THAT would be impressive! Tarrin's just about the perfect character for it, too. He learns all types of magic eventually, and he becomes a warrior of the foremost calliber. A player could build their own Tarrin, concentrating his abilities on their own perferences.

But mostly, I'm imagining some really incredible cinematic scenes. :twisted:
Squaresoft would have to do the Game, I mean they do Incredible Cut scenes for there Final Fantasy series...

Re: What Story would make the best Movie?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:08 pm
by Mark_Reed
*Shrugs* Having not played any of the three current systems, I'll leave debating what system has the best graphics to those who have.

I was thinking of a single player RPG, myself. If someone tried an online multiplayer version, you're right. Throw in Druid Heirarchs, High Priests, and Master Mages into that 30 Sui'kun picture and you have utter havoc.

The really nice thing about the idea of Sennadar as an RPG (online or not) is the huge extent of the world. Fel's done a good job of including some unique cultures, though there are some that I'd like to see expounded upon. From technological animal people, nomadic desert warriors, a wizard centered pirate nation, lizard 'noble savages', and dragons, to European like knights and all the gods and goddesses you could want. And *then* you get to the unique characters...

Even if you built a storyline that stayed away from Tarrin's world-shaking footsteps, there's enough in Sennadar to satisfy any RPG style gamer.

It's too bad so few people know about the saga. We're all happy to have it, but for the most part Fel's work remains tucked away in a small corner of cyber space. All that potential... *sigh*

Re: What Story would make the best Movie?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:26 pm
by Fiferguy
If someone were to create an RPG out of Sennadar, it could be the largest, most comprehensive RPG ever created. Oblivion couldn't even hold a candle to it, and I think Oblivion is the best one that's ever been made.

Re: What Story would make the best Movie?

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 7:01 pm
by Metatrone
Mark_Reed wrote: It's too bad so few people know about the saga. We're all happy to have it, but for the most part Fel's work remains tucked away in a small corner of cyber space. All that potential... *sigh*
How about we do a promotion campaign after the tasks Spec has set up to be done?

I could try the torrent community.

Re: What Story would make the best Movie?

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 3:06 pm
by Mark_Reed
*Raises and eyebrow* I tend to recomend Fel's works to whomever will listen to me, but you're suggesting an add campaign?

Intriguing. How many people would be willing to join in?

Re: What Story would make the best Movie?

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 4:13 pm
by Andygal
Movies based on books are never (or at least very seldom) as good as the books themselves.

Of course, that could just be the fact that I prefer reading a book to watching a movie.

I agree that trying to squeeze even one book of Sennadar into a movie is a bad idea. Too complicated.

Re: What Story would make the best Movie?

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 4:14 pm
by Metatrone
Well not an add campaign per say, but recommendations on other boards, the userbar thingies people like so much...I run a coulple of boards and so far I've convinced about 20 people to at least start reading the books. Though as for as I know no one has registered on the board yet. I have a friend who has several sites I might be able to convince him to run a banner or something - though they're mostly designer oriented.

Re: What Story would make the best Movie?

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:26 pm
by Sbudda
Subjugation would make a wonderful film - maybe Luc Besson would do a good job with it...

A Perfect World would make a wonderful Larry Flint film, especially the club scenes. (Was it called boching? It's been awhile...) The stealth ship scenes would be hella expensive though.

Greenies would be a good CGI movie, like blue submarine #6, Lucas could pull it off live action though, since he didn't write it...

Tarrin's stuff would make the finest anime ever created. I'd like to see a series done by the Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust people. I would love to see a Peter Jackson version of it too, no one else (that I've seen) can pull off a fantasy movie so well.