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Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 9:09 pm
by Hearly
ANTIcarrot wrote:"Maybe we should plant more sensors around English."
Silly faey.
"England," Molly corrected.
Silly yankee.

That's the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

10 points for featuring the capital city of London. -10,000,000 for getting the name of the country it's a capital of wrong. :P
heh, I think it's along the lines of, Someone saying something wrong and just correcting what they said, If someone said that to me, I'd probably say England, even thou I know it's the UK, English = England.. If I said the UK, then I'd get into a 1/2 hour conversation about what the UK means/Is...

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 9:12 pm
by Lochar
Metatrone wrote:Yeah, but a lot of the Americans I know that geography ends with the names of the US states. :lol: Don't use it as a base example ;)
I'll have you know I know the names of most of the countries over there. Couldn't tell you 'where' over there is, but hey.

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 9:46 pm
by Texfire
During the last scene did anyone else hear the sound of the of maniacal laughing coming from the bush the author was hiding behind? Or was that just me?


Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 9:51 pm
by Spec8472
Lochar wrote:And those little isles? Just a part of it. :D
I'm sure the Welsh, Scots, and Irish will be glad to know you've reassigned them.

And, btw - <a href="">England</a> <i>is</i> a country -- <a href="">The United Kingdom</a> of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the name of the (wait for it) Kingdom/Political Authority which happens to rule them.

So, it's quite valid to refer to England, if you're actually talking about going to London. I don't hear you calling the English Cricket Team "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Cricket Team"... I can just hear the cricket commentator... "And (so-and-so) has just bowled a magnificent over for the United Kingdom of great bri... oh, stuffit,".

For what it's worth - in the Subjugation universe, all existing political authorities have been disbanded (it says so right on chapter 1) - so, technically they'd be back to their own country names as regional designations (so, Scotland, England, Ireland, Wales, etc). There <i>is</i> no United Kingdom of (etc).

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 9:53 pm
by Spec8472
Lochar wrote:I'll have you know I know the names of most of the countries over there. Couldn't tell you 'where' over there is, but hey.
I've gotten a lot better with my placing names on places since I actually went and did some travelling. Highly recommended :)

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:00 pm
by Sbudda
Metatrone wrote:Yeah, but a lot of the Americans I know that geography ends with the names of the US states. :lol: Don't use it as a base example ;)
I think you mean, geography begins with US states. One of these days I'll learn me where Texas be...I knows it's round Alabama somewhere...

Retarded American education system aside (where a TA told a friend of mine that Anarchy and Monarchy was the same thing - and would be graded as such regardless of the rest of the class telling him he was an idiot)...Fel is still a bastard.

That's right Fel...

I could thank you for posting a new chapter immediately after finals (actually thanks for that). I could thank you for writing one of the best/worst cliffhangers thus far (really, it was good). I could thank you for putting into cannon the theory you've posted about Jason being a relative of a lost House (which is always nice). Instead, I'm going to be shallow and question the legal status of your father; or imply that you are a type of middle age sword. Its a very flexible curse.

When I read Spec's post on the announcement that you were evil, I thought that you made Jason do something evil in the new chapter. I second his statement. Evil. Maybe even Wayne's World style, E-Vil.</sarcasm>

You know you've written a good chapter when you get 2 pages of responses like this. 8)

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:08 pm
by ANTIcarrot
Spec8472 wrote:For what it's worth - in the Subjugation universe, all existing political authorities have been disbanded
Ah, so no more United States then? :P Personally I'm not so sure. The UK is pretty integrated. It might be more trouble than its worth to split it up. And that's before you get to countries like France and Germany. There are advantages in retaining the national borders as admin areas.

And what happened out of interest to all the companies, big and small? Were they all force purchased for a single credit or forced out of business in some other way?

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:42 pm
by Spec8472
ANTIcarrot wrote:Ah, so no more United States then? :P
That's correct - it's the "North American Province", remember? :)

ANTIcarrot wrote:It might be more trouble than its worth to split it up. And that's before you get to countries like France and Germany. There are advantages in retaining the national borders as admin areas.
I'm sure, as the "North American Province" thing goes, that they did split up the Faey administrative regions based on the pre-existing borders. I'd imagine the majority of the EU countries would have gone under one Zarina (again, re-read some of the earlier chapters for the background on this).
ANTIcarrot wrote:And what happened out of interest to all the companies, big and small? Were they all force purchased for a single credit or forced out of business in some other way?
Well, for a part answer, re-read the first part of Chapter 1.

My take on that would be that most of the organisations were simply shut down (and their staff sent off to work on farms), unless they were providing a useful service/product (So, a Mechanic shop, or Corner Store, or something like that would be kept - companies like AOL/Dell/etc would have been disbanded).
Things which would become obsolete would have their staff re-trained in new technologies as the adoption of the new technologies started.

Fel doesn't really spell out all of this - and there seems to be room for a few short stories about the period following the Faey arrival. How people reacted to the arrival, the uproar after the surrender was demanded, the further uproar when it was given, and the shock/disbelief/riots that broke out when it turned out that the Faey were telepathic.
It's hinted at that this thing happened (the Opera Theatre that Jason and Jyslin went to on their first date, for example was burnt down in riots).

Remember that as of the start of Subjugation, the Faey had been occupying Terra for about 3 years, so things had a while to settle down.

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:45 am
by Lokis Advisor
So now Jason is in the hands of the empire in the form of the Black Ops squad. :cry:
What is Myleena Merrane going to do when she comes down with the 1000 year old immune system virus ? :?:
Will Jason save her life with the cure once he realises she is a relative?
Will this effect their unconfortable working relationship? :idea:
I wonder if the rebelion can use an entire squad of imperial Black Ops people in their endevors against Trillane?

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:59 am
by Texfire
What a disarming attack on our hero!
Is this the end of the Legion, or is it the beginning of something larger?
Has Trillaine cleaned Doc's clock or is his block still ticking?

Tune in next week for:

"Myleena Makes Trillaine Tremble",

or "Can I Get A Hand Over Here?"

Don't miss another episode, it'll blow you away!
Same bat time, same bat channel!

Tex :twisted:

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:06 am
by Spec8472
Texfire (Who obviously has way too much time on his hands) wrote:"Myleena Makes Trillaine Tremble"
I see someone paid attention when they were teaching alliteration in English class :)

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:11 am
by Spec8472
Lokis Advisor wrote:Will Jason save her life with the cure once he realises she is a relative?
Will this effect their unconfortable working relationship? :idea:
I wonder if the rebelion can use an entire squad of imperial Black Ops people in their endevors against Trillane?
(I have no inside knowledge on this one - so it's just wild speculation) - but given that Myleena's (more than likely) the sister with the sword that Miaari was referring to, I'm guessing she will come over.

Oh, and I was thinking about the "Babes" comment she made... Whats the bet that she ends up <a href=" ... ooting"</a> Jason? *ahem* :)

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:19 am
by michaelsuave
Spec8472 wrote:
Lokis Advisor wrote:Will Jason save her life with the cure once he realises she is a relative?
Will this effect their unconfortable working relationship? :idea:
I wonder if the rebelion can use an entire squad of imperial Black Ops people in their endevors against Trillane?
(I have no inside knowledge on this one - so it's just wild speculation) - but given that Myleena's (more than likely) the sister with the sword that Miaari was referring to, I'm guessing she will come over.

Oh, and I was thinking about the "Babes" comment she made... Whats the bet that she ends up <a href=" ... ooting"</a> Jason? *ahem* :)
Rooting Jason? How do the faey feel about incest? I also think that Fel, you are an evil twisted bastard. I understand the stress that finals can put you under, but to vent on you poor devoted readers, thats just down right mean! Come on man, throw us a bone, give us a spoiler so we can at least sleep tonight!! :evil:

~Michael :shock:

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:31 am
by Spec8472
michaelsuave wrote:Rooting Jason? How do the faey feel about incest?
The amount of shared DNA is probably not far off the difference between me and Angelina Jolie. We're talking what, 1,000 years of divergence?

Re: Subjugation Chapter 16 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:40 am
by michaelsuave
Spec8472 wrote:
michaelsuave wrote:Rooting Jason? How do the faey feel about incest?
The amount of shared DNA is probably not far off the difference between me and Angelina Jolie. We're talking what, 1,000 years of divergence?
Wait! Angelina Jolie is your sister! Awesome... um I mean, sorry to hear you can't hit that... whats her number by the way...? :roll:

~Michael :shock:
(after that chapter it is no longer 8) , but :shock: )