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Re: Al Steiner, A Perfect World/Greenies...

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 7:36 am
by OpticNerve
I couldn't really get into A Perfect World as much as I wanted to. I stopped at around chapter 10 or 12 and just never continued on. On the other hand, Intemperance has me utterly and rabidly hooked. It's one of my current favorite reads and I eagerly await new chapters.

After a few chapters in, I really enjoyed Doing It All Over. At first it seemed like the usual time-traveling SOL story, but once it delved into trying to force the past to change and undoing death, I just couldn't stop reading. Fortunately the whole thing was finished but I was so absorbed that I stayed up reading it all till the wee hours of the morning and my eyes were droopy and burning. Much to the annoyance of my girlfriend at the time :P

And yeah, I did the same thing for the first book of Sennadar :lol:

One thing's for sure, Al Steiner is quite the talented and versatile writer.

Re: Al Steiner, A Perfect World/Greenies...

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:29 am
by Downdude
Lokis Advisor, thanks for recommending Accidental Martian on SOL. I love the greenies universe and it was a fun read. I see in the blog that a book two is on the way. Yay!

Re: Al Steiner, A Perfect World/Greenies...

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:10 am
by tyx2
i read both mostly cause once i start ill force myself to finnish
A Perfect World was to me more an idea then a book i did not like it but i loved the idea it was well writen but i dont know it seemed to miss something for me maybe it was to perfect
Greenies - this was great there was no force need to keep me reading yea ok so i love the struggle but not the results (lol) i really felt srry for the marine stuck in a losing battle with ppl that had no idea what was going on trying to run things, i could relate to the greenies struggling for a better life eing kept down by the "man" i could taste the dream at times very good read and i would surjest giving it another try
the idea we can rule ower sevles has been cryed for with the blood of americans, english, russan, and every other courtys solders for cencuries you could see it in ww1 and ww2 and any other conflick, a great idea exceptwould evert one use used common sense but then again Communism was a great idea till you included human nature.
basicly was same thing state own everything only thing that changes it was limited terms, but please people are just not that nice/honest/trustworthie and a hunderd other nagative words
as for the idea that one day company will rule threw goverment
wake up why do you think were still using fossle fuels