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Re: Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 9:34 pm
by Phantom
I like the idea of a story based on Eron Tarrins Son

He seems to have a lot of Potential...

But i would realy enjoy seeing some ( short ?) stories
Concentrating on Kimmie and Mist's Lifes before Tarrin

Such as the History of Kimmie's Turning  

As well as Mist's life,Capture,escape and taking of her bond daughter.

I think these would be very interesting.  finding out facts such as did the god's have a hand in these event's molding them to be companions for tarrin. in much the same way Miranda was for Keri.

Maybe not Avatars but Molded and guided by unseen hands.  

Even back stories on Haley and his turning.

Also the Unspoken fact that Spyder as well as some of the katzh-dashi Knew at the moment of Tarrin and Jenna's Birth's

Maybe only Spyder knew what they were and could one day become.  
But the others surely must have felt the change in the weave caused by their births.  
Plus what if the rumor that the Firestaff is a Test created by the Original God are true.  

Just what is the test testing?  

The Elder God's ?

If so will the Elder Gods of Sennadar Past the test or fail it ?  

and if they Fail what happens then?  

Is it testing Tarrin ?

Will he pass the test if it is?

If so will the Original God step in and Help Tarrin ?  

After all so far tarrin has only done what the Elder Gods asked him to do. as well as his duty

I sure some of these last questions will be answered in Demons Bane.


Re: Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 2:22 pm
by Addicted
Wow, I hope we dokn't overwhelm Fel with all these ideas.  I can just see it now, "NO!!! Too many good ideas!!  Don't have time to write about all of them!!"

Re: Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 11:32 pm
by Super_C
Some stories are better left untold. The best works in history don't sweat the details. Those that try fail miserably (ie, star wars 1 2 3). Although it IS tempting...

Re: Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 10:50 am
by Shadowhawk
super_c wrote:Some stories are better left untold. The best works in history don't sweat the details. Those that try fail miserably (ie, star wars 1 2 3). Although it IS tempting...
Hmmm... it depends, if you like "Silmarillion" or not (history book for "Hobbit" and "Lord of the Rings", written by J.R.R. Tolkien, with the help of his son, Christopher, as he didn't finish it).

Re: Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 12:53 pm
by tyx2
Ive been thinking for a bit that there are some great possibilities for other storeys in this universe, it would be great to see some very different character as main in this universe, but what about this stories ok first I think the thing with Kimmies turning is already a story I think with the way Fel teases us with it he has a point to make later so far very little half information has been given most the time it just not used right away. Obviously I dont now but think about it Terrin and Kimmies turn together has not started look how long he hinted about Dolanna and Haley relationship you now there going to get it on but how will Dolanna give up her humanity or what then you see Terrin had a plan not just to help her find what ever its suppose to be but for him and his family
I would love to see one of use there but please not a short they just dont have the life, would mans machines destroy some part of magic, would Terrin or his family interact with this character, could he find a life there or would it be the continues hunt for home only to realize that he had nothing here or what he had does not matter when your saving the lifes of the innocents

Re: Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 8:42 pm
by rick
Shadowhawk ,I don`t know about Fel but Tolkien had the basic Idea and outlike of the history of MiddleEarth worked out long before the Hobbit or Lord of the Ring where printed. I`ve read his bio where tell about the work that went into it.He worked on middleEarth for over 20 years before ithe first book was plublished.and even then all he covered where the major events.

Re: Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 1:01 am
by Phantom
super_c wrote:Some stories are better left untold. The best works in history don't sweat the details. Those that try fail miserably (ie, star wars 1 2 3). Although it IS tempting...
I don't know if they had been filmed back when they were suppose to be done originally and not waiting 20 years then thing's might have been different.  
Star Wars was always meant to be a six film deal.

Just the studios, finances or Lucas being burnout on it. keep it from being so.  
