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Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 10:46 am
by Javna
Two things that struck me.

First If he can make money on ides that are posted on civnet, that they gave up on or that they thought were to primative. Then he don't nead to spend alot of time and effort on creating it from the begining. To make alot of money.

Second. Try and recrut more Egg-heads from feal schools, to take some burden of his back and help to become a bigger pain in the butt.

Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 12:44 pm
by Blyker
Javna wrote:Two things that struck me.
Second. Try and recrut more Egg-heads from feal schools, to take some burden of his back and help to become a bigger pain in the butt.
Why would they want to join him? Brains often thirst for knowledge.

Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 7:35 am
by Javna
Blyker wrote: Why would they want to join him? Brains often thirst for knowledge.
Yes but there might be others like jason.Others that are not happy with the faey.Probably a 1 bilion or so. And sins jason is telephatic he should not have any problem finding them. Jason can always steal/hack the school to get the knowledge if he can't find it on civnet.

Knowledge = power . yes But jason also offers to make things better for his fellow man by makeing humans more the just slaves/ cheap work force.

It's eating the cake and keaping it. :twisted:

Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 12:16 pm
by Journeywoman
Javna wrote:
Blyker wrote: Why would they want to join him? Brains often thirst for knowledge.
Yes but there might be others like jason.Others that are not happy with the faey.Probably a 1 bilion or so. And sins jason is telephatic he should not have any problem finding them. Jason can always steal/hack the school to get the knowledge if he can't find it on civnet.

Knowledge = power . yes But jason also offers to make things better for his fellow man by makeing humans more the just slaves/ cheap work force.

It's eating the cake and keaping it. :twisted:
He could but the real question is would he? It would mean invading peoples inner most thoughts. If he did, they would likely find out and it wouldn't necessarily make him that popular, what with him 'knowing' peoples deepest darkest secrets and all!

Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 3:12 pm
by Hearly
Blyker wrote:
Javna wrote:Two things that struck me.
Second. Try and recrut more Egg-heads from feal schools, to take some burden of his back and help to become a bigger pain in the butt.
Why would they want to join him? Brains often thirst for knowledge.
Well, playing devil's Advocate here, Why would someone (upper crust here) want to rock the boat, I mean if your "smart" it seems like you would love the faey system as for the most part it isn't who you know vs what it is today, Yes there is the nobility part, and slaving etc, but none of that touch anyone who's smart enough to be trained by the faey in there tech, And the Faey did not care where the smart people came from, be it from the welfare rolls or the richest person in the world, hence it does kinda remove the "class" struggle, granted it turns it to the "farmers" vs the other employed, but thats a different story, esp if you were a poor person or lower middle class before the invasion, and now you were being trained to be a highly qualified tech person (hence more money/prestige)

Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 5:16 pm
by codewarrior
I was going to say it appear that most of theup and coming eggheads are trying to get knowledge so they can go in to research so they can have a stable job. most it would seem do not care so much about the morality of working for the faey. Most of the egg heads probaly feel that working for the faye cant be that bad cause in research they would not realy be like slaves like the farmer workers are. So finding those that would want to join jason would become harder. So yes their might be some that would want to join the rebelion but i think iw oudl be better for jason to spend his time on every thing else than recruting. If his mission are sucsessfull more poeple will slowly find out about the rebelion and those that want to join will start to show up. Cause as of right now most of earth think that rebiolion is impossible. cause of telepathy but when they see that it can be done people will slowly start to fight back. So I think it would be better for Jason to get the rebeilion going thatn trying to search for a needle in hay stack, and be forced to inved the privacy of other to find them.

Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 10:24 am
by Javna
But hopefully when the terrans finds out that x% of the population are telephatic and if trained the can resist the feay and fight for what ever freedom the emporor might grant.

And the feay will probably be a little astonished by what some of the humans, that were ranked as people that where not be suitable to lerarn feay tec, will come up with some clever ideas. Just look at Jasons crew. The cocktails they think up. 25% terran tec 50% feay tec 25% crazy inventive.
But as Terrin says "Some times Crazy works"

Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 12:36 am
by ANTIcarrot
I mean if your "smart" it seems like you would love the faey system
Historically, the first thing a Faey like government does it round up all the really smart people and kill them or send them to slave labour camps, because smart people are smart enough to pose a threat.

Besides which, you assume the Faey think any human is smart by thier standards.
And the Faey did not care where the smart people came
Normal Faey probably don't. The ones in charge want Earth to be a quaint farming colony - and nothing else. They will probably care if the smart person has blue skin, because if they don't they're a threat to the system.


Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 2:01 pm
by Wolfee
Was really excited to see chapter 13!! Had read chapters 1-12 a month or so ago and then checked yesterday...and Weee! Chapter 13 was available!

Really enjoyed it Fel, keep up the great work.