Bored? Beat my time!

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Re: Bored? Beat my time!

Post by Fiferguy »

metalchk04 wrote: So far I can only get to 35.354 seconds.
Keep'll give you something to do while we're waiting for Fel to get his new computer up and running, and post an update to SOMETHING!!

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Re: Bored? Beat my time!

Post by J-Man5 »

You expect Fel to start writing after getting his new "toy" up and running......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! That was funny! ROFLMAO funny. The first thing he probably loaded was EQ and it was probably the first thing he tested and used and is still using. We probably won't see him surface for a few weeks now. Haven't you figured out that both Jason's and Tarrin's OCD type personalities are extensions of Fel's. He like most authors writes what is familiar. I'm guessing here but Fel can easily slip into a 18 HR fugue on EQ or other projects just like our favorite heros. SO Fel hurry up with the EQ raids and such and please come back to the "real" world and then work on our "fantasy" one.

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Re: Bored? Beat my time!

Post by Saetan »

FIfirst try for me = 42.391 secs ;P