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Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 5:35 pm
by Lochar
Fel wrote:Yes, I do read this.

I just finished a week that included 3 tests.

My Everquest guild defeated Uqua and is in Qvic, so I've played more EQ than normal the last couple of weeks because of this push, but I'm feeling a bit burned out...I have 1 obligated weekend this weekend to camp signets with my friends, then I think I'm gonna take a breather and only log on for raids for a few weeks.

I'm up to page 12 on the next chapter, and just to tease you, Tarrin has engaged the Borg--er, the Deva. The writing's been a bit slow because the battle I'm currently writing is taking place in what is for me is unusual the treetops and branches of massive three hundred span tall trees, so the combat has been truly three dimensional. I've done quite a bit of backtracking and rewriting, trying to make it both creative and believeable.
Sounds good to us. Keep up the good work. And at least this means EQ won't be absorbing ALL of your time then. Grats on Uqua. Qvic is easy compared, I've heard.

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 5:12 pm
by Were_Fan
Fel wrote:Yes, I do read this.

I just finished a week that included 3 tests.

My Everquest guild defeated Uqua and is in Qvic, so I've played more EQ than normal the last couple of weeks because of this push, but I'm feeling a bit burned out...I have 1 obligated weekend this weekend to camp signets with my friends, then I think I'm gonna take a breather and only log on for raids for a few weeks.

I'm up to page 12 on the next chapter, and just to tease you, Tarrin has engaged the Borg--er, the Deva. The writing's been a bit slow because the battle I'm currently writing is taking place in what is for me is unusual the treetops and branches of massive three hundred span tall trees, so the combat has been truly three dimensional. I've done quite a bit of backtracking and rewriting, trying to make it both creative and believeable.
To: AC/DC (Angel Control/Deva Control)
From: Were Fan

Dear Diva,

It has come to my attention that you are currently waging a battle with a Were Cat in the treetops. Trust me .... this is NOT a good idea. I sincerely hope that your "battle" is only for show and that there have been no serious injuries ... hahahahaha!

Jim/Were Fan

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 5:46 pm
by J-Man5
Attn: WereFan
From: Deva Control

Now its PERSONAL!!!! If we weren't so loyal to the GoG Tarrin might think to move to the lower planes for about FOREVER. But all will be well. We are only concerned with a human with the nickname of Fel. He seems to have to much knowledge and insight into our realm. We may have to investigate more fully.

***loging correspondance to PTB tracking file***

Attn: Deva Control
From: Tracking and monitoring division

Also add to the watch and monitor list: Lochar, Were Fan, Spec8742, ShadowHawk, Mommy Doom and all other high posters on the human information board addressed at

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 6:07 pm
by Phantom
J-Man5 wrote:Attn: WereFan
From: Deva Control

Now its PERSONAL!!!! If we weren't so loyal to the GoG Tarrin might think to move to the lower planes for about FOREVER. But all will be well. We are only concerned with a human with the nickname of Fel. He seems to have to much knowledge and insight into our realm. We may have to investigate more fully.

***loging correspondance to PTB tracking file***

Attn: Deva Control
From: Tracking and monitoring division

Also add to the watch and monitor list: Lochar, Were Fan, Spec8742, ShadowHawk, Mommy Doom and all other high posters on the human information board addressed at

It's always good to be a Phantom in these sitituations fade right in under the radar <grin>

looking at J-man when did you get to 230+ messages .....hummm guess i need to step up my posting efforts ...8)


Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:33 am
by Osamodas
Fel wrote:Yes, I do read this.

I just finished a week that included 3 tests.

My Everquest guild defeated Uqua and is in Qvic, so I've played more EQ than normal the last couple of weeks because of this push, but I'm feeling a bit burned out...I have 1 obligated weekend this weekend to camp signets with my friends, then I think I'm gonna take a breather and only log on for raids for a few weeks.

I'm up to page 12 on the next chapter, and just to tease you, Tarrin has engaged the Borg--er, the Deva. The writing's been a bit slow because the battle I'm currently writing is taking place in what is for me is unusual the treetops and branches of massive three hundred span tall trees, so the combat has been truly three dimensional. I've done quite a bit of backtracking and rewriting, trying to make it both creative and believeable.
Speaking of MMORPGS has anyone ever played the French MMORPG, Dofus? In relation to the "Is it called obsession when..?" post, I believe it's obsession when I use their werecat class and name it Tarrin and give it a staff. Too bad there's no spells like the ones Tarrin can use but you can use a sword or staff and have angel/devil wings. Excited to see the latest chapter in DB, good health to you and your writing ventures.

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 4:41 am
by kal_phoenix
Were_Fan wrote:
To: AC/DC (Angel Control/Deva Control)
From: Were Fan

Dear Diva,

It has come to my attention that you are currently waging a battle with a Were Cat in the treetops. Trust me .... this is NOT a good idea. I sincerely hope that your "battle" is only for show and that there have been no serious injuries ... hahahahaha!

Jim/Were Fan


Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:45 pm
by Fiferguy
J-Man5 wrote:Attn: WereFan
From: Deva Control

Now its PERSONAL!!!! If we weren't so loyal to the GoG Tarrin might think to move to the lower planes for about FOREVER. But all will be well. We are only concerned with a human with the nickname of Fel. He seems to have to much knowledge and insight into our realm. We may have to investigate more fully.

***loging correspondance to PTB tracking file***

Attn: Deva Control
From: Tracking and monitoring division

Also add to the watch and monitor list: Lochar, Were Fan, Spec8742, ShadowHawk, Mommy Doom and all other high posters on the human information board addressed at
Glad I'm not a high poster yet... It lets me get away with oh so much more...:twisted:

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:49 pm
by Lochar
Fiferguy wrote:
J-Man5 wrote:Attn: WereFan
From: Deva Control

Now its PERSONAL!!!! If we weren't so loyal to the GoG Tarrin might think to move to the lower planes for about FOREVER. But all will be well. We are only concerned with a human with the nickname of Fel. He seems to have to much knowledge and insight into our realm. We may have to investigate more fully.

***loging correspondance to PTB tracking file***

Attn: Deva Control
From: Tracking and monitoring division

Also add to the watch and monitor list: Lochar, Were Fan, Spec8742, ShadowHawk, Mommy Doom and all other high posters on the human information board addressed at
Glad I'm not a high poster yet... It lets me get away with oh so much more...:twisted:
Sorry, but you do qualify. You're in the top 15 poster list.

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 4:41 pm
by Hearly
Lochar wrote:
Fiferguy wrote:
J-Man5 wrote:Attn: WereFan
From: Deva Control

Now its PERSONAL!!!! If we weren't so loyal to the GoG Tarrin might think to move to the lower planes for about FOREVER. But all will be well. We are only concerned with a human with the nickname of Fel. He seems to have to much knowledge and insight into our realm. We may have to investigate more fully.

***loging correspondance to PTB tracking file***

Attn: Deva Control
From: Tracking and monitoring division

Also add to the watch and monitor list: Lochar, Were Fan, Spec8742, ShadowHawk, Mommy Doom and all other high posters on the human information board addressed at
Glad I'm not a high poster yet... It lets me get away with oh so much more...:twisted:
Sorry, but you do qualify. You're in the top 15 poster list.
Posts just to see post count to see if I'm being watched too.. dang black helicoptors keep following me........ :P

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 4:52 pm
by J-Man5
Hearly wrote:Posts just to see post count to see if I'm being watched too.. dang black helicoptors keep following me........ :P
Nah they're following you for different reasons. You should know why... :twisted:


Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 5:53 pm
by Were_Fan
Hearly wrote: <snip>

Posts just to see post count to see if I'm being watched too.. dang black helicoptors keep following me........ :P
The black helicopters quit following me after an unknown person made them think they were locked up on radar. <snicker> Handheld radar guns do wonders! LOL

In real life, don't ever point radar at ANY aircraft. Besides being a felony, it could get something dropped on your head. Case in point, you might not know who or what you are pointing at. After 911 when no planes were supposed to be in the air, I saw the Predident and two escorts fly over. Anyone stupid enough to light up that flight with radar would have been at the center of a big smoking hole in the ground.

Jim/Were Fan

edit: PS- please do NOT correct the spelling of Predident. That spelling is ignored by Carnivroe.

PPS- Carnivroe slips through the net also.

PPPS- Using the correct spelling of Carnivroe, Predident, bommb, exploeshun will get you on the black helicopter list. Having them all in one post merits a visit from the Men In Black.

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 11:05 pm
by Drivr
I read that some fool "Painted" a plane landing at Logan in Boston, MA with one of those high powered green laser pointers. He got caught and suprise it was a federal offense.

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 11:32 pm
by Were_Fan
Drivr wrote:I read that some fool "Painted" a plane landing at Logan in Boston, MA with one of those high powered green laser pointers. He got caught and suprise it was a federal offense.
Yup, pointing lasers at aircraft gets you locked up. Actually, pointing a laser at anything or anyone is a bad idea unless it is specifically permitted. A guy in a closeby city decided to "paint" a cop car with a laser pointer and he is now doing time for assault with a deadly weapon. So is the dumbass that spit on a cop after 911. That is a felony called "assault with a biological substance". Depending on your local laws, it can be entirely reasonable to send a spitter to the morgue, especially if they make threats about giving you AIDS.

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:54 am
by Fiferguy
Lochar wrote:
Fiferguy wrote:
J-Man5 wrote:Attn: WereFan
From: Deva Control

Now its PERSONAL!!!! If we weren't so loyal to the GoG Tarrin might think to move to the lower planes for about FOREVER. But all will be well. We are only concerned with a human with the nickname of Fel. He seems to have to much knowledge and insight into our realm. We may have to investigate more fully.

***loging correspondance to PTB tracking file***

Attn: Deva Control
From: Tracking and monitoring division

Also add to the watch and monitor list: Lochar, Were Fan, Spec8742, ShadowHawk, Mommy Doom and all other high posters on the human information board addressed at
Glad I'm not a high poster yet... It lets me get away with oh so much more...:twisted:
Sorry, but you do qualify. You're in the top 15 poster list.
B...b...but, I wasn't on the list!! That's interesting to know though, I didn't realize I was a top 15 poster... should I be watching my back?

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 3:10 pm
by J-Man5
Fiferguy wrote:B...b...but, I wasn't on the list!! That's interesting to know though, I didn't realize I was a top 15 poster... should I be watching my back?
Nah. But if you break top 10 or higher poster list then you should. At least that's what my Deva Control officer said.


p.s. his name is Frank and he likes coffee but not donuts.