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Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 4:13 pm
by Journeywoman
phantom wrote:Guessing but i didn't say Jason was Part Faey..
I said he was part Kimori.
I had previously read that Jason was related to faey many generations back and I didn't realise you didn't know.
j-man5 wrote:We have 3 of the 7 races of the Imperium
Your forgeting Humans

Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 5:00 pm
by Hearly
hmm... hmm....

The  Kimdori, seem to be a bit weird in the "structure" of the Faey Universe (not sure what else to call it..) Why are Faey so quick (from what we have seen so far) to follow  Kimdori's orders? I bet the Emperess would also follow the orders of a  Kimdori....

That being said... Could the  Kimdori's be the "first" race, hence seeding all the other races, meaning Faey, Humans, etc could if tried trace there heritage all the way back to the  Kimdori?

Now the Why, Why is it important to find out that all Human's who have talent are related unless it would allow Jason to give all Humans (which would be a disaster IMO) talent? Why is that One event so Important to the  Kimdori's that she hints it to Jason..

Edit: Or the Why being a way to Find all those who might have the talent, but I'm not sure that would be any easier for Jason than trying to scan everyone's DNA....

I think the Why is... Why did the Faey come to Earth that long ago and then Leave.. could it be the  Kimdori told them to?

Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 5:08 pm
by XavierQuinn
Jason and the other telepaths DID NOT get their genetic disposition for talent from the Kimdori.
I don't know who this Fel guy is, but obviously he is a guessing amateur.  I think he needs to leave the spoiler speculation to us professionals.

It's SOOOOO obvious that Jason is part Kimdori.  In fact, I am nearly 100% sure that the author will reveal in later chapters how during 1000bc and for a 150 year span of time, the planet Earth became THE trendy place to be for any and all "in crowd" Kimdori.  Furthermore; it's obvious the Kimdori would get it on with the local clubbers.  I mean just look at it, hairy dog faced aliens and dirty hairy party going humans.  I think the Kimdori travel agents marketed a campaign to bring the Kimdori here with a tag line that read "Come to Earth and dip your wick in the barbarian hoards".

And for this Fel character....keep trying newbie

Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 6:10 pm
by Hearly
Just found something else really interesting..

Kimdori said to Jason The Faey have made the same mistake when talking about the How and not the Why he has the talent...

To me that Imply's at one point the Faey didn't have the talent and then they did, but that they never found out Why they had the talent....

That to me means that the Kimdori might be responsible for the Faey having the Talent....

Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 7:24 pm
by Phantom
xavierquinn wrote:
I don't know who this Fel guy is, but obviously he is a guessing amateur. I think he needs to leave the spoiler speculation to us professionals.

It's SOOOOO obvious that Jason is part Kimdori. In fact, I am nearly 100% sure that the author will reveal in later chapters how during 1000bc and for a 150 year span of time, the planet Earth became THE trendy place to be for any and all "in crowd" Kimdori. Furthermore; it's obvious the Kimdori would get it on with the local clubbers. I mean just look at it, hairy dog faced aliens and dirty hairy party going humans. I think the Kimdori travel agents marketed a campaign to bring the Kimdori here with a tag line that read "Come to Earth and dip your wick in the barbarian hoards".

And for this Fel character....keep trying newbie
Sorry to be the one to break the news to you but
That Fel guy .........He's the Author of the Story ;)


Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 7:43 pm
by Hearly
phantom wrote:
Sorry to be the one to break the news to you but
That Fel guy .........He's the Author of the Story ;)

heh, I think he knew that and was being sarcastic

Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 8:36 pm
by Phantom
fel wrote:Goodness, look at all the scrutiny. ;)

I feel like you're writing a term paper, hahaha.
------- Cut -------
But I must say, that was a BRILLIANT theory. ;)

Reading back through it the way Phantom posted it, I can see where it might read that way, but I didn't mean to mislead.

*ducks the thunderbolts from on high
Make whatever conclusions you me, I love watching you try to figure it out. ;)

It's a lot of fun for me. Sometimes you're right, sometimes you're wrong, but it's always interesting.

I think that means that I need to be more unpredictable or something. ;)
Damn I Missed that chat on IRC so what else did we miss that we should know ? :o :o ::)

Oh well I guess i need to research and get the next term paper ready
As for being unpredictable don't worry too much I cut my teeth on Stories such as Nick Scipio's Summercamp as well as Al Steiner and other Stories. Watching for Clues in the story is fun as it plays it's self out.

More to come later
j-man5 wrote:
We have 3 of the 7 races of the Imperium


There is also the reptilian race the Faey are battling but they "don't have telepathy" but humans "don't have telepathy" either.

Hrmm. It's getting real interesting boys and girls.

Later all,

Sorry J-Man the Kimdori aren't a part of the Imperium

Kimdori are shapeshifters, she answered. They can look like anything they want, but they look like big dog-like animals in their natural form, so they favor those kinds of shapes. They feel closer to home, Ive been told.
Theyre not part of the Imperium, but theres plenty of them around. Just about every noble has at least one Kimdori on staff. For obvious reasons.

Now that leaves us with

The Faey
The Makati
The Menoda
The Humans

Oh the Reptilian Race the Faey are in a Dispute with are called The Skaa
journeywoman wrote: I had previously read that Jason was related to faey many generations back and I didn't realise you didn't know.
Humm I hadn't read that
Can you remember where it was at ?

Now i'm peaked
I do have some other Ideas
but the Kimdori/Human one fit the best at the time.
hearly wrote:
heh, I think he knew that and was being sarcastic
Yea I got that feeling too LOL
but you never know ::) ::)


Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 1:37 am
by J-Man5
phantom wrote: Kimdori are shapeshifters, she answered. They can look like anything they want, but they look like big dog-like animals in their natural form, so they favor those kinds of shapes. They feel closer to home, Ive been told.
Theyre not part of the Imperium, but theres plenty of them around. Just about every noble has at least one Kimdori on staff. For obvious reasons.

Now  that leaves us with

 The Faey
 The Makati    
 The Menoda
 The Humans

Oh the Reptilian Race the Faey are in a Dispute with are called The Skaa
Ah thanks that makes it clearer.


Edit due to: I can't type.

Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 5:37 am
by Phantom
j-man5 wrote:
Ah thanks that makes it clearer.


Edit due to: I can't type.
No problem

I was rereading chapt 11 and noticed the Jason and Kiaari are making a Grave Tactical Error thats sure to come back and bite them in the butt.

"Kiaari speaking to Jason"
Now, when do you want me to go after Trillanes communications?
Later. Right now, the move is top priority, he answered. Im not sure how much you can help with that,
but that matters more right now than anything else.

They should be making breaking Trillanes Communications their Number one Priority...

From a purely Millitay Stand point being able to know what the House Trillane is doing to find him or against their comunity is as important if not more then then moving it.

The Advanced warring they could gain in case of an attack could be the diffrence between Life and death.

Jason making this mistake i can understand but Miaari and Kiaari should know better and should have  at least told him so or questioned it.

The only reason I can see for not doing this is Jason might be tempted to intervene if they should find out about another slave shipment.

But i feel the Trillane that are involved with doing this are laying low for the time being.
Waiting for the investigations go away before resuming their illegal opperations again.


Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:43 am
by Plshade
True but Miaari specifically told Jason to continue with the move. Also I would guess that Miaari and Kiaari know exactly what is being done to protect Jason's whereabouts so they feel comfortable in letting Jason continue with the timetable that he set up for his plans.

Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 6:13 am
by Phantom
plshade wrote:True but Miaari specifically told Jason to continue with the move. Also I would guess that Miaari and Kiaari know exactly what is being done to protect Jason's whereabouts so they feel comfortable in letting Jason continue with the timetable that he set up for his plans.
But Miaari also said to Jason

We wont be here long, Miaari.

You will be there long enough, she retorted. You have made enemies within Trillane, Jason. If they find out where you are, they will try to kill you. Others are trying to stop them from finding you, but they might get lucky. So be wise and prepare your people for an attack. Use that infamous clever bent to come up with something that could repel an assault.
You plan to go to war, Jason Fox. Start preparing for it.

Part of what you told me about earlier?

Yes, she said, shifting her grip around his waist and putting her muzzle closer to his ear. I told you, theres much going on that you cant see.

I dont see why they cant find me, he said, thinking a moment. Just about everyone in the preserve knows about me, and where I live.

Yes, you would be very easy to findif there werent people interfering, she said pointedly.

I guess I wasnt as clever as I thought, he grunted. I thought they couldnt find me because of the things Ive done to hide us.

No, Jason Fox, those did help, immensely, she told him. Your tricks prevent them from finding you with their technology. They must rely on intelligence, and so long as they must rely on intelligence, they will find their efforts thwarted.

Because the Kimdori have a vested interest in me, he reasoned, paraphrasing her earlier words.

For that very reason, she stated. Continue as you have done, Jason Fox. Continue to prepare your people
to move, but make sure that your new home is as protected from sensors as this one. But also prepare for disaster.Should one of your enemies get lucky and find out where you are, they will attack your community.

From the above we know Miaari wants Jason to continue with the Move but to also Protect where he is currently..
Tactically the best defense is Intel Knowing what your enemy is going to do..or trying to do before they can do it is the best defense possible.

And Remember The Kimdori are a race of Spy's and secrets. they deal in Info and communications they should know this better then anyone.

An Interesting little Tidbit here also.

Miaari is Kumi's Best friend... Kumi is House Trillane
Miaari also Sees Jason as a Friend now too.
But Jason wants to remove House Trillane.
House Trillane wants to remove Jason.

But Miaari has stated the following
Loyalty is a trait we much admire, Jason Fox, she told him. I wont need to walk around. To see it as we
pass over should be enough. I want to make sure youve taken all the necessary precautions, thats all.

Symone Stated the following
Most likely. She asks that Kimdori to find out, and she finds out. Kimdori will do almost anything
for a friend. Theyre very loyal. Pack mentality.

So that brings up the real big question.
Who are Miaari and Kiaari Loyal to? Kumi? Jason? The Empress? ??? ???

What pack is Jason now apart of ?


Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:00 am
by Hearly
I don't think it's Kumi, She told Jason that if Kumi knew what he was planning she'd kill him....

Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 1:00 pm
by ANTIcarrot
> They should be making breaking Trillanes Communications
> their Number one Priority...

Think of it this way. You're fighting in a huge violent battle near the front lines with lots of bullets flying all around you. Do you decide to:
A) Break the enemy encryption and then duck?
B) Duck and then break the enemy encryption?

And somemore pointless speculation...

We have five alien races with near enough the same level of technological. (The Faey are fighting a war with someone, and their computers are probably only a centuary or so in advance of ours.) Logically this points to an Elder Race who's been playing silly bugers. It doesn't have to be the Kimdori though. It could be someone/something we haven't yet seen.

The kimdori are a loose match for werewolves, but they seem a muth better match for some kitsune legends. Though if you think about it they are also a good match for any nmber of super-hacker urban myths.

They can break anyone's mental bariers completely, have conditioned the entire Faey Imperium to help them do this (the traditional greeting) and have managed to keep it a secret! There would be a tremendous backlash to them if the Imperum ever found out, and hence the Imperium is potentially a very serious threat to their race.

If Jason succeeds in what he's doing then it might undermine the Imperium's powerbase by demonstrating to its citizens that they don't have to do what those in authority tell them to do. It might do to the Imperium what the fall of the berlin wall did to the USSR.

Or maybe not. But who cares? Speculating is fun. ^.^


Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 1:05 am
by Phantom
anticarrot wrote:> They should be making breaking Trillanes Communications
> their Number one Priority...

Think of it this way. You're fighting in a huge violent battle near the front lines with lots of bullets flying all around you. Do you decide to:
A) Break the enemy encryption and then duck?
B) Duck and then break the enemy encryption?
But the bullets aren't flying yet.  
The point is know before the bullets start flying.. When and which way they will be flying.

Think about it Kiaari has already said she can help move boxes  and with some site prep as far as setting up emitters.  
I don't know if we will see her with a gun repelling invaders..  
She Might but we don't know that yet...
Currently Her biggest asset to Jason and the community right now is What she can do!.... Infiltration and Spying   INTEL..INTEL...INTEL

Helping to haul box's ...... that's just stupid no matter how many she could help carry  having the INTEL on House Trillane is much much more beneficial at this point.  

Beside's we are missing something important here as well.

Miaari is already inside House Trillane.  
She is already in a position to break the codes and give jason the info needed.  
Kiaari dosen't even have to go any where her Sister can do it for her and give her the info.

And somemore pointless speculation...

We have five alien races with near enough the same level of technological. (The Faey are fighting a war with someone, and their computers are probably only a centuary or so in advance of ours.) Logically this points to an Elder Race who's been playing silly bugers. It doesn't have to be the Kimdori though. It could be someone/something we haven't yet seen.
This is along some of my thoughts some one Else is a Big player in the Game.  
Humans and Faey are being Groomed for something bigger.  
Jason It would seem is at the head of what ever is going to happen, Bring molded into a Strong leader,  Guided along some unknown path.
Remember Jason is in the wilderness right now and I think that means more then just his Physical location. it's the whole Jason/Faey/House Trillane thing.

Miaari said And what you believe is both right and wrong. You set a dangerous path, but its a path others are helping to carve from the wilderness. Youll find your sister behind you, wielding your sword, helping you find your way.

Now at first look it seems like she is talking about Kiaari here as being the sister but I'm still not sure of that.
The kimdori are a loose match for werewolves, but they seem a muth better match for some kitsune legends. Though if you think about it they are also a good match for any nmber of super-hacker urban myths.
or other legends through out history Werewolves, Faries, Angels Maybe even Devils and Vampires.
They can break anyone's mental bariers completely, have conditioned the entire Faey Imperium to help them do this (the traditional greeting) and have managed to keep it a secret! There would be a tremendous backlash to them if the Imperum ever found out, and hence the Imperium is potentially a very serious threat to their race.[/quote
They don't break the mental barriers they By pass them by becoming one with the person.  
Making the mental barriers a part of themselves.
But if you remember Miaari was Surprised (feigned) and pleased that Symone knew Kimdori customs.

That leads me to believe that the general Faey population don't know Kimdori customs.  They know of the Kimdori as a race but that's a far as it goes.
(Side note: I get the feeling Symone knows as much about the Kimdori as Jason does and is also a keeper of secrets too)

As far as conditioning the Faey I think your right but not in their customs
If Jason succeeds in what he's doing then it might undermine the Imperium's powerbase by demonstrating to its citizens that they don't have to do what those in authority tell them to do. It might do to the Imperium what the fall of the berlin wall did to the USSR.
I don't think what Jason is doing will undermine the Imperium.. Remember Kiaari ( Or Kate )  Said "we must find a way to force Trillane to relinquish control of Earth by any means necessary, short of invoking the wrath of the Empress.

undermining the Imperium's powerbase would most likely invoke the wrath of the Empress.  so it wouldn't fit the criteria set for what they are to do.

Besides I don't think we are seeing the big picture yet.
The Faey are only a small part of it. Important but small it seems.  Jason as well as the Empress, the Kimdori, Kumi, Symone, Tim, Jyslin as well as others have their parts to play.  all are just small parts in the bigger whole.

Why?  that's what Miaari asked Jason to find out.
She knows but he doesn't yet but it's important why?

It's also an answer from the far past.  
this game it would seem has been in play for a very long time.
Or maybe not. But who cares? Speculating is fun. ^.^

Building the Jigsaw puzzle
Putting it all together until we see the big picture.

Hum Calendar I wonder?


Re: What is the Creature with Kumi?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 5:08 am
by jnormg
Fel says, " Jason, and all other human telepaths on Earth, can trace their lineage back to a single village in southern Scotland, INCLUDING Temika."

Perhaps that is why in Chapter 1 Professor Ailan makes the following remark: "Well, so glad you could join us, Mister MacKenzie!" the voice of Professer Ailen boomed across the room, followed up by the laughter of twenty others.

Does Prof Ailen/Ailan know something the rest of us don't know, or is this a Freudian slip by Fel, similar to his referring to Jason as Tarin in a later chapter or his numerous other mispelling of names. Unless it was an unintentional mistake by Fel, Jason and the rest of the class did not seem to react to the name 'MacKenzie'.

BTW, is it "Aunt Lorna" or "Aunt Loma"? It appears both ways. Personally, I think "Loma" sounds more like a Faey name than "Lorna", but it's not my story.

Norm Gober ;)