Anyone hear anything from Fel lately?

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Re: Anyone hear anything from Fel lately?

Post by Lochar »

wildph wrote:
Hurrah!  Sub12..  Can't wait to read it.   Hope Fel doesn't take too much longer.

Not sure about Demons Bane.  One one hand I'd like to read it, but on the other, I'm kinda hoping for a completion on fel's subjugation storyline.

*maybe* fel could work on both, at a comfortable pace for him, releasing sub chapters as necessary, until it's finished... Meanwhile, behind the scenes, he could collect up 5 or 6 chapters of Demons Bane rather than releasing them immediately.

Being ahead on the writing of DB could allow DB chapters to be posted, say, monthly, without being affected too much by day-to-day workloads or fel having a mental block on the next chapter.

Or new EQ drops that he simply MUST have.  :D
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