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Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 7:14 am

Sorry for the confusion lady, I was casting both ways but primarily as an adult spectrum of actors to play the characters.

Fell free to send me a private or personal message and I will explain who they are to you if you would like. I am not an anime fan so i didn't think much in that facet of this fantasy. For that matter at least as by name I dont know who John Rhys Davies is?


Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 10:54 am
by Journeywoman
miser wrote:MD
For that matter at least as by name I dont know who John Rhys Davies is?
He played Gimli the Lord of the Rings. And the voice of Treebeard.

Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 10:56 am
by MommyDoom
miser wrote:MD
For that matter at least as by name I dont know who John Rhys Davies is?


John Rhys Davies is best know for the following parts:
Professor Maximillian Arturo on Sliders

and Sallah (Indie's Egyptian friend) in the Indiana Jones movies.  "Indie, why does the floor move?"

Work is nuts right now, but I'll message you soon to talk about some of the actors you put down.  How cool to see someone else's mental image of the characters!


Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 10:45 pm
if we are talking about voices for characters how about cybill sheperd for miranda. just the right sort of voice for that sexy but cheeky character

Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 9:26 pm
by leprechaun
I don't know if doing it as a movie would work. :-/ They'd have to make several, preferably one for each book.  They'd have to all be filmed at the same time and then it'd take a while to do all the cgi and such.  I can see a good span of time between the release of each one and, personally, i don't know if i could stay sane waiting all that time between the release of each one.  Something as big as this and with this much inner struggle and emotion would be best done using anime.  Unfortunately, America can't make any anime worth more than crap, so it'd be a bit harder to get it done right.  But if you could, anime WOULD be the best.  It could be done as a big series and it could be done right, limiting what would end up left out in a life-action movies.  -Just my trime.  :-*

By the way, MISER, if you're not an anime fan it's because you just haven't seen the right anime.  ;)

Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 12:23 am



Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 10:57 am
by negativecow
sorry if im stepping on your argument but i have to side with LEPRECHAUN here

to say i dont like anime is like saying i dont like books or movies for that matter (  ok so i know a lot of people who say they dont like books and some who say they dont like movies but IMHO its just naturel to ansewer like LEPRECHAUN)

sorry for my spelling but my skool comps are onely meant for surfing so they dont have eny other programs instaled and they dont let you instal them

Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 1:32 pm
by Weresmilodon
negativecow wrote:p.s
sorry for my spelling but my skool comps are onely meant for surfing so they dont have eny other programs instaled and they dont let you instal them
Well, you could always read what you write yourself and see if you can make some corrections.

Oh, and have you seen One Piece? Anime. Higly recomanded. (

Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 2:47 pm
by MommyDoom
guardian_mike wrote: Well, you could always read what you write yourself and see if you can make some corrections.
Mike, it DOES make sense to him, that's why he writes it like that. It looks correct to him. That's the insidious thing about spelling, if you don't learn it correctly the first time around, you don't always KNOW what words you don't spell correctly.

Let's all lighten up on the kid and just encourage him to keep trying, ok? With luck and with time, he'll learn how to recognize the correct way to spell words and work to adopt that spelling, rather than whatever his brain is telling him now.

And negativecow
*MommyDoom frowns and waggles her Spoon at negativecow* just because I'm going easy on you doesn't mean that you don't have to WORK on your spelling. It's hard work, reprogramming your brain... but you aren't going to get off easy. If you aren't careful, I'll start doing to you what I do to my husband... CORRECT him. (i.e. - SCHOOL, not SKOOL). ;D Believe it or not, it works. My husband's spelling has drastically improved in the 6 years I've been correcting him. ::) And, though I've been calling you "him" and reffering to "his" and such... let's just make it clear. Are you male or female? he he he...


and as an aside, I'm sorry if any of these related messages sound unnecessarily stringent... I have an overactive protective instinct. It is NOT to be confused with an overactive maternal instinct, as I have done this since I was a kid. I despise derisiveness and delight in standing up for the underdog. Call it a character flaw. ;)

Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 6:04 pm
by kenposey
tarrin-tom wellington

Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 6:43 pm
by Forbidder
perhaps they are typos?  Like sometimes when I type really really fast I start to make all sorts of spelling and gramatical errors just because my fingers can't move fast enough and my brain and fingers sometimes miscommunicates.  Perhaps not.

Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 8:57 pm
by Weresmilodon
forbidder wrote:perhaps they are typos? Like sometimes when I type really really fast I start to make all sorts of spelling and gramatical errors just because my fingers can't move fast enough and my brain and fingers sometimes miscommunicates. Perhaps not.
That's what i assumed it was. In wich case rereading what you write helps a lot as you can see what you need to correct.

Personally, i use the 'Preview' button everytime i write something here on the board, so i can see if there's something i need to do about my text... Belive me, it helps a lot.

Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 10:11 pm
by negativecow
na i have dyselexia (its a reading and writing disorder)

for all the 5 languages i have studied (including my native language ) i can barly spell my name right
it took me 6 yeares to learn how to read properly , 6 yeares in witch i only studied reading

and i am male btw

Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 4:39 am
by Uncle_Rand
As far as the voices for the characters go, if it was anime, I think 2 people should do Tarrin. Someone like Worf from Star Trek (Michael Dorn is his name I think)  for were-cat Tarrin, and someone with a real innocent sounding voice as human Tarrin. Let's face it, with the change into a were-cat, his voice is definitely going to change. (Would that be were-cat puberty?? ;D )

Uncle Rand

Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 6:38 am
by Fel
3 voices. ;)

The human Tarrin's voice, in my mind, has always been something of a young John Cuzak. That not quite boyish, not quite manly voice with that minor lilt of charm lurking within it. It would need to be a deeper voice, because remember, even the seventeen year old Tarrin wasn't small. He was a very tall young man.

The second voice would be Tarrin's Were-cat incarnation after Jesmind bit him. It would be deeper, because he's larger now. I've never heard a voice that makes me think "Tarrin," but a deeper Harrison Ford would come close.

The third Tarrin voice would be after Shiika's kiss, when he became huge. Now his voice is even deeper, but not as deep as someone like James Earl Jones, because it's a deeper version of his original voice. Again, I have not a clue as to who would fit it best.

I never really thought about any other voices either.  The only voices I've heard that I immediatley associated with a character were both from the Harry Potter movies.  The actress who played McGonogal would be perfect as Dolanna.  And the woman who played Madam Hooch would be a killer Triana.

Although, after seeing Spider-Man, I think Tobey McGuire would be good as Dar.

Oh, and Eron Kael:  SEAN CONNERY.  ;)