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Re: What are you reading currently - What Series / Authors are you actively watching?

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 6:17 am
by SoronelHaetir
I've been enjoying "A True History" by Starfleet Carl currently being posted on SOL, a new chapter every couple days. It's a sort of take on the Superman theme only with arriving as a teen rather than infant. I don't find the sexual content particularly exciting but there is little enough of it that it's easily passed.

Re: What are you reading currently - What Series / Authors are you actively watching?

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 6:33 am
by trodrian
Just finished rereading FEL's Kit.

Re: What are you reading currently - What Series / Authors are you actively watching?

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 6:19 am
by boballab
Just got done with a series that is a little different, it is in the Lit/RPG genre (sorta) but it riffs on anime tropes. The MC is stuck in an anime world and tries to subvert all the tropes while trying to find a way back home. ... in+Atwater

Now I'm going back and re-reading Mackey Chandler's April series and the sorta congruent Family Law series. Family Law takes place in the same universe but hundreds of years in the future...but the MC's from the April series (series still ongoing) are still alive. You really should read up to April #9 before starting Family Law so you have the proper foundation and no spoilers occur if you want to try them out. ... ext&sr=1-5