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Re: Retribution Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 2:08 pm
by kyli
Fel wrote: Sat May 26, 2018 6:50 am Just to clear up some of the speculation about the Ruu:

--They haven't been working on the drives, they've been trying to solve the equations that Cybi and Cyra solved that allows a computer to govern a drive to maintain a translight state in hyperspace. Though, now that they've seen what those equations lead to, they'll devote a lot more resources to it.

The irony here is that the Ruu had no intention of building a translight drive until they saw from the Karinnes that it could be done.

--The Ruu wouldn't share the drive or its technology with anyone. They have almost the exact same policies the Karinnes do when it comes to sharing or giving technology to races they see as aggressive, warlike, or unenlightened, just for different reasons. This is why the Karinnes are really just about the only empire the Ruu engage in trade. Remember, they won't trade ANYTHING with empires they deem unworthy, not even stuff like raw materials, toasters, or food. Since the Karinnes came along, the Ruu now have a trading partner that can get them all those things they previously had a hard time getting on their own, due to their strict trade policy.

--The Ruu know better than to ask the Karinnes for help building a drive...but Observer A sees nothing wrong with asking the Karinnes if the work they've done on the math of the equation is so far is correct or incorrect, to see if they're on the right path or the wrong path. And Jason's respect for Observer A and the Ruu will cause him to do that much for them. As chapter 8 stated, the Ruu are the ONLY empire that Jason would not have grave misgivings about having drive technology. He'd be very reluctant to give them the technology due to his oaths, but if they develop it on their own...more power to them.

--The Ruu will eventually build their own translight drive. But given they don't have Myleena, it's going to take them a LOT longer to do it. But, you'll eventually see them succeed within the story's plotline.
Well there go some of my half serious conspiracy theories about the Ruu. ;)

Re: Retribution Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 11:32 am
by CRYUnicornClear
Going back to Jason's speech could it not be also aimed to the Andromeda galaxy also especially with some dreamers and other precogs out there? Sending a message further afield or maybe Zaa gave jason a heads up of some rumors of possible betrayal and is trying to cut it off before it can be a big problem. If you wave a big juicy steak in front of a starving man and say you cant have it he is going to take it but if you have a big stick and a guard dog he would be less likely to go after it. After all a lot of these rulers are after arid planets to grow food for massive populations. I just do not think we are being told the whole story Jason usually has a pretty good reason for doing what he does and he is a very smart cookie. He had some time to come up with the best approach as he has been thinking about it since the drives development, therefore, I believe he has to have a thought out plan or he was plain pissed off and said this "techs ours keep your grubby hands off or else I have other important stuff to deal with". Or I am super tired and am reading way to much into it and am prematurely going into withdraw waiting for a new chapter I swear my symptoms include checking Fells twitter page daily with increasing frequency checking this page and watching to see if he has loged on. I just realized I have become a stalker. But I digress I believe we fans of Fell are all stalkers just waiting to pounce on a new chapter so at least I have some company. LOL Seriously though just wanted to add that I appreciate Fells work.

Re: Retribution Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 8:08 am
The conflict with the syndicate kept some of the nations in check, but with a potential resolution in sight, they might fall back on old views and practices. So a big reminder of potential concequences would curb their infusiasm.

Re: Retribution Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 12:42 pm
by Not a ID
Wolfee wrote: Wed May 23, 2018 5:22 am The whole section dealing with the reveal of the drives seems out of character for Jason to some extent. Jason is no push over... but the total asshole way he went about this announcement will go a long way toward undermining Jason's plan of "make money not war". He could still used the carrot and stick approach and have been just as pointed as to the consequences, without the whole total Fing assholishness. This to me does not feel true to the character of Jason that Fel has spent all these years creating.

Personally I wouldn't mind seeing a rewrite of this... all Jason had to do is explain his position and he should have started with the carrot not the stick, along with assurances and reminders that House Karinne is not out to own the universe.
Eh, I'm inclined to think "The Stick" in this case was warranted, and the valid approach, particularly given he provided "the carrot" in the actual memorandum. Certain parties needed to hear that there would be dire consequences if they pushed for access to the information in question. Rather than have that need communicated to them in a report they very well may have had somebody else read.

The approach used definitely isn't a good way to win friends and gather allies. However, it is a very good way of finding out who your friends and allies truly are. 8)

Also on that note, given the speech that was just given, I bet I know what the title was alluding to. Somebody is going to test that resolve, which means a beatdown("retribution") will be in order for somebody. Even while they continue their operations against the Benga and extracting the Dreamers.

Re: Retribution Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 12:54 pm
by Not a ID
Fel wrote: Sat May 26, 2018 6:50 am Just to clear up some of the speculation about the Ruu:

--They haven't been working on the drives, they've been trying to solve the equations that Cybi and Cyra solved that allows a computer to govern a drive to maintain a translight state in hyperspace. Though, now that they've seen what those equations lead to, they'll devote a lot more resources to it.

The irony here is that the Ruu had no intention of building a translight drive until they saw from the Karinnes that it could be done.
...and knowing what is possible, from the Karrine reports certainly provides no small incentive in that respect.

Of course, everyone else is likely to do the same as well even though they've been told it is "beyond them" in every way at the present time, even if the purpose is to try to determine just how far beyond them it may actually be.

A very common thing in R&D on Earth, very little interest in actual research until somebody has an inkling of what the potential payoff could be, and if the payoff is big enough and the resources are available, the "slow drip" can turn into a deluge, even without espionage being in play.

In the short term, I expect that there is going to be a run on the market for operational translight drives across the Galaxy, even if they cannot be used in hyperspace, knowing what can be done with them "in the future" is going to make establishing, and then maintaining that particular technological skill set something the other empires are going to see as something of a priority I'd suspect.

Re: Retribution Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 12:21 am
While a translight hyperdrive is beyond nearly all the races, I can see all of them attempting to improve their own translight engines. To at least try to match the karrine version of 54 ly speed. I think there was a mention of house karrine attempting to create an indication system aimed at translight. That way to maintain the balance of power amongst the confederation, since it is partially held together by the fact very few races can breech the current indicators. Only a couple can pass through freely, a few more can jump out but that is limited.