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Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 5:40 pm
by kyli
expedient wrote:(b) true transference into a bionoid along with psionic abilities, (c) astral projection over to other galaxies.
I've though of possible ways to do that. Only thing I've come up with that might have the smallest chance of success, but is most likely impossible anyway, is to clone a brain, including psychic abilities, but without the memory or internal consciousness, and link it with a bionoid and allow a person linked to the bionoid and use the psychic abilities. But it sounds a bit creepy to me though. :shock:
Fel wrote: Oh come now, you've read my work long enough to know that even the most innocuous little blurb might come back to reveal its true meaning three books down the line...if I'm not laying down red herrings to keep you guessing, anyway. ;)
Yea, but to bring up an old subject, that rail gun not having a sonic boom has been something unexplained for nearly 7 books now. And it has been mentioned somewhere in a later book, when Jason noted that he had yet to figure that out. Unless that was a red herring just to keep us guessing too. :shock:

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 6:41 pm
by Wolfee
kyli wrote:
expedient wrote:(b) true transference into a bionoid along with psionic abilities, (c) astral projection over to other galaxies.
I've though of possible ways to do that. Only thing I've come up with that might have the smallest chance of success, but is most likely impossible anyway, is to clone a brain, including psychic abilities, but without the memory or internal consciousness, and link it with a bionoid and allow a person linked to the bionoid and use the psychic abilities. But it sounds a bit creepy to me though. :shock:
Fel wrote: Oh come now, you've read my work long enough to know that even the most innocuous little blurb might come back to reveal its true meaning three books down the line...if I'm not laying down red herrings to keep you guessing, anyway. ;)
Yea, but to bring up an old subject, that rail gun not having a sonic boom has been something unexplained for nearly 7 books now. And it has been mentioned somewhere in a later book, when Jason noted that he had yet to figure that out. Unless that was a red herring just to keep us guessing too. :shock:

People do need to reproduce you know. Having a non organic body doesn't allow for that. Not to mention it is not natural so the faey would not go for it. Being non organic could very easily head down some very dark roads. Being non organic removes the humanity from being human.

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 7:23 pm
by Wolfee
Chapter 13 Correction

Fel - the speed of light is 299,792 kilometers per second - thus 1/3 of the speed of light is 99930 Km per second or 100k per second but its not 100k METERS per second!


Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:00 am
by kyli
Wolfee wrote:
kyli wrote:
expedient wrote:(b) true transference into a bionoid along with psionic abilities, (c) astral projection over to other galaxies.
I've though of possible ways to do that. Only thing I've come up with that might have the smallest chance of success, but is most likely impossible anyway, is to clone a brain, including psychic abilities, but without the memory or internal consciousness, and link it with a bionoid and allow a person linked to the bionoid and use the psychic abilities. But it sounds a bit creepy to me though. :shock:
People do need to reproduce you know. Having a non organic body doesn't allow for that. Not to mention it is not natural so the faey would not go for it. Being non organic could very easily head down some very dark roads. Being non organic removes the humanity from being human.
I actually wasn't talking about "complete transference" of the consciousness into an bionoid. I was just thinking of possible ways to use psychic abilities through a bionoid. But if it were possible to do it like i said, then i see no reason it won't work for, say a non-telepath human linking with a bionoid with a clone Generations brain and having all the Generations abilities through the bionoid. If this were possible, the possibilities would be endless but I'm kindof hoping it isn't possible. It still creeps me out a bit, and the only reason i mentioned it was cause its the only way I've come up with to use a persons psychic abilities through a bionoid. Unless, they discover how to produce psychic abilities artificially. Technically they already did this though. With biogenics, they found a way to artificially create similar abilities to telepathy and telekinesis.

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 2:39 am
by Steve.K.Bates
So am I the only one who believes the Pegasus using the FTL mode 1 when leaving was a serious error in judgement??

I have a large pot... I'm stirring...

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:58 pm
by geeksalad
step 1: Give a Muri particularly versed in finding a jack
step 2: hook that Muri to the one way wormhole console
Who needs a beacon?

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 1:09 pm
by geeksalad
Steve.K.Bates wrote:So am I the only one who believes the Pegasus using the FTL mode 1 when leaving was a serious error in judgement??

I have a large pot... I'm stirring...
Idk, personally I would be really bothered if they managed to convert to FTL when their entire home empire is having a hard time. Since they managed to convert their weapons in such a short time frame i'm assuming they have a genius level R&D on board, so maybe.

Even if they do it, it presents problems. You cant do long range calculations, the Kimdori have the sensors jammed, you'll run into a planet. Even then, meteors are already an established problem with ships this size, if you thought they were bad at 1/3 light speed, imagine at FTL.

But sure, they convert to FTL avoid planets and meteors, and do it. FTL isnt anything compared to the drive, the Kimdori pick up their movement and Jason mobilizes to put ANYTHING in front of their ships and they're dead. They wouldn't have the systems to predict this, the ships aren't native FTL.

Jason doesn't even have to reveal drives, he already established hes going over Lorna's head if they do anything but full surrender.

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 2:28 pm
by kyli
geeksalad wrote:
Steve.K.Bates wrote:So am I the only one who believes the Pegasus using the FTL mode 1 when leaving was a serious error in judgement??

I have a large pot... I'm stirring...
Idk, personally I would be really bothered if they managed to convert to FTL when their entire home empire is having a hard time. Since they managed to convert their weapons in such a short time frame i'm assuming they have a genius level R&D on board, so maybe.

Even if they do it, it presents problems. You cant do long range calculations, the Kimdori have the sensors jammed, you'll run into a planet. Even then, meteors are already an established problem with ships this size, if you thought they were bad at 1/3 light speed, imagine at FTL.

But sure, they convert to FTL avoid planets and meteors, and do it. FTL isnt anything compared to the drive, the Kimdori pick up their movement and Jason mobilizes to put ANYTHING in front of their ships and they're dead. They wouldn't have the systems to predict this, the ships aren't native FTL.

Jason doesn't even have to reveal drives, he already established hes going over Lorna's head if they do anything but full surrender.
I dont think they will come close to succeeding. Two more chapters left at most so the conclusion is almost here. And Jason doesnt have to reveal the drives. They almost got the stargate there. Sha Ra thinks she has a few days but she actually doesnt unless the Confederation sits on their hands.

In any case, i dont expect the drives to be a secret for too much longer. And i wont be surprised if Jason willingly announces it. If the karinnes plan to take the war go Andromeda, they will have to explain how they got a stargate and/or ships there that fast.

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:42 pm
by baengi
i've been thinking for a while that oye trees are like antennas arrays, or tactical gestal you know....boosting one's projection and reception power

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 8:02 pm
by expedient
Yes. I think that this has been speculated on a little before, at least that the oye trees help in some way.

Over the last day or so I've kept coming back to the idea of the parallels between the Parri and the oye trees and the Old Karinnes and the CBIMs. As if they very much have built/established a similar symbiosis with a different purpose. The Phoenix Karinnes will have both oye trees and the new CBIMs though and that will make them different...

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 9:13 pm
by dstar
expedient wrote:One thing I've suspected about the oye trees from the beginning is that they are doing something very similar to the Kimdori and the CBIMs by preserving useful knowledge and insights from those under their protection.
...and once again I'm reminded that my mind doesn't work the way everyone else's does.

I thought it had been fairly clear for a while that the Parri might well not have been the only sentient species on their planet....

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 9:44 pm
by artreus
as far as i remember, the reason for the oye trees was stated as a defence against the clairvoyance beings with the consortium,

but there will be probably a deeper or more generic reason if fell still wants to keep some mystery about this

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 11:11 pm
by expedient
dstar wrote:I thought it had been fairly clear for a while that the Parri might well not have been the only sentient species on their planet....
I think here it is a matter of the degree of intelligence that the oye trees might have. They are certainly demonstrably sentient from their shown interactions with Jason but are they sapient? That is uncertain. Or they may have an exotic kind of intelligence which revolves around their connections with the shaman or whatever force/energy they tap into.
artreus wrote:as far as i remember, the reason for the oye trees was stated as a defence against the clairvoyance beings with the consortium,
It was the Parri shaman who were acting as a defense against the clairvoyant beings. The oye trees are only currently on the Parri homeworld and Karis IIRC.

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 11:37 pm
by dstar
expedient wrote:
dstar wrote:I thought it had been fairly clear for a while that the Parri might well not have been the only sentient species on their planet....
I think here it is a matter of the degree of intelligence that the oye trees might have. They are certainly demonstrably sentient from their shown interactions with Jason but are they sapient? That is uncertain. Or they may have an exotic kind of intelligence which revolves around their connections with the shaman or whatever force/energy they tap into.

I _know_ the difference between 'sentient' and 'sapient'.

And yet, despite having read H. Beam Piper's _Fuzzy_ stories, I _still_ use 'sentient' when 'sapient' is the correct term, because popular usage gets them wrong.

Everyone dies. Oh, the embarrasment.

(Bonus points for getting the reference....)

Re: Conviction chapter 13

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 11:56 pm
I wonder if the shaman can use their mysterious power to heal the damage inflicted on the dreamers. They were able to hear the girl to begin with. Do we know how the imperium perceives precogs? I could see them ascribing divine properties, so they will be pissed when they discovered a bunch are enslaved and tortured. Imagine if the whole race is now dreaming of Jason face coming to free them all. While there are those likely broken by the benga, the chance of freedom might be enough to keep them providing the warning unasked.

I wondered about what additional talents they could attempt to gain. The colonists have empathy, shio have psychometry ,jakkans have clairvoyance, the way finders have their direction capabilities. Those panthers have that tiny awareness gift. Faey do have empathy and precogs, just super rare. The way finders and psychometry are forms of clairvoyance. The information gathering aspects could improve telekinetic abilities.
Imagine if they adapted Parri and Oye DNA, to create pseudo shaman abilities.

If Jason builds a wormhole station at Oasis, he can open them any where in the home Galaxy. Imagine next time they fire weapons through it.