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Re: Conviction, Chapter 8 (spoilers)

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 3:46 am
by kyli
SYED wrote:The smaller ships can be intercepted by general confederation ships.
Not necessarily. In order for any non-karinne/kimdori ship to catch a courier, it needs to be ahead of the courier ship and also have an interdictor. If any CCM ship could intercept a courier ship, then i doupt any courier ships would survive. The karinne and kimdori ships with translight drives could tow more karinne ships but unless they use a stargate, the courier ships will be able to stay ahead of the rest of the CCM ships.

Re: Conviction, Chapter 8 (spoilers)

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 4:19 am
I think that confederation warships have real time jumping, even if they can't by pass the indication effect. Also, they have catapults for some deployments.

Re: Conviction, Chapter 8 (spoilers)

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:47 am
by Belgarion213
Catapults work almost like Mass Relays from Mass Effect and are basically non mobile, they operate on a Point A to Point B approach. Which is great for speeding up trade in your empire, and not so great for catching fast courier boats (which are probably unmanned so there's no concern about extended Hyperspace deployment (remember the Syndicate system for long hyperspace is everybody going into statis, rather than the cyberjack system that the Confederate is operating under).

However yes you are right, now most of the confederate have real time jumping...but that just means you need to have a ship in range to intercept, and with only the Kimdori and the Karines having the Hyperspace tech to really intercept the ships your still left with towing a intercepter around, and then getting in front of the ship.

I to feel that some of the smaller empires might be discouraged with how the battle went with only the Karines doing noticeable damage That being said, assuming they can capture one of the battle moons they are going to be in a good long as nobody gets any funny idea's of running a Death Star scenario of their own. I mean even Jason saw that the Empress was going to try and weasel as many of the battle moon's as possible for the Imperium. With only Karine tech able to do damage to it and the Karines being firmly neutral....people are looking for what happens AFTER the Consortium and the Syndicate are kicked out is again a theme.

Re: Conviction, Chapter 8 (spoilers)

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 7:33 am
Those moon ships are epic, but refitting would take time and resources. For a while, the confederation would have to pool their efforts. It likely will be an academy project to refit the ship with the latest of the shared confederation tech base. It might appease the majority of races unable to take out these ships will their warships. I suppose I can see the kimdori, coalition and imperium making an argument that if their existing warships are a threat to the benga fleet, imagine their own super ship fitted with their gear. We all know a karrine version would be epic. They have a ship that is the equivalent of one shot and one dead ship. Their own super ship would make sure no one in the confederation would ever consider making a move against them.

Re: Conviction, Chapter 8 (spoilers)

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 8:08 am
by Belgarion213
That's a good point. I think it was the chapter before this where we got the Karines touring that super ship over in Andromeda and it was mentioned that the Syndicate was filling like 70% of the interior with just the hyperspace engines, and then it was mentioned that the Karines could reduce that massively. Which means more area for power plants to power more powerful weapons, and more hanger space for Space Fighters and things like that.

Yeah, a Karine super ship would be all but unassailable but would take a absurd amount of hard work to set up. Similarly yeah refitting one of the super ships for the individual empires is going to take time and effort...but then people are willing to put quite a long time in there if they think they can get an advantage of it.

Hmm... I do think its interesting that the Benga are going to try to blocke 'commune' as Fel metnioned as it raises the question of how they are going to do that. Though I guess six thousand years of warfare has probably put a lot of focus on militarising Benga Telepaths...especially with things like the Energy Beings of the Consortium to contend with. Wide area jamming or something?

Re: Conviction, Chapter 8 (spoilers)

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 10:55 am
Imagine a super ship that also carries a Cybi class biogenic mainframe.

If the kimdori can access their technical specifications for benga ship, they could start to plan how they would refit those ships for either the confederation or Karrines. The issue is each ship is tailored fitted by the benga, so it will make renovations tricky.

Re: Conviction, Chapter 8 (spoilers)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 7:41 am
by Steve.K.Bates
Coderunner wrote:They could possibly also try to find out where these advanced ships are coming from, and then send a massive portion of their fleet to try and deal with Karis at some point.
You have forgotten the interdictors surrounding Karis. They can't get close enough to be a threat...

Re: Conviction, Chapter 8 (spoilers)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 8:25 am
by Coderunner
Heh, seems I did, somehow. Well, at some point they may try, and fail miserably. I don't think the Syndicate has had any experience with interdiction technology yet, so it'll probably be a shock.

Re: Conviction, Chapter 8 (spoilers)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 1:16 pm
Did any one get the impression that no actual ship was sent in to confederation space? If they had, they would experience indication so vulnerable to being taken out. With all those deployments, one must have been sent to test the enemy.

Re: Conviction, Chapter 8 (spoilers)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 6:27 pm
by kyli
SYED wrote:Did any one get the impression that no actual ship was sent in to confederation space? If they had, they would experience indication so vulnerable to being taken out. With all those deployments, one must have been sent to test the enemy.
You fail to comprehend just how many stars there are in a galaxy. I don't remember any numbers here so i'll just make a guess. Assume that 20,000 enemy ships devided into task forces that average about 25 ships per task force. Thats enough to visit only 800 star systems out of hundreds of thousands. I would say millions but the majority of the systems can be disqualified because they are to close to the galactic core. But like i said, i can't remember any numbers here. So any confederation systems that they enter will be by pure and wild luck. But i think it did say in the previous chapter that one group of ships was heading to the Coalition home system.

Re: Conviction, Chapter 8 (spoilers)

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 7:15 am
by Belgarion213
And you are underestimating the number of stars there. There are approximately 100,000,000 in the galaxy. now granted, as you say, a lot of them can be ruled out by being close to the core but that's still a staggeringly large area...and really drives home the how large the Consortium and the Syndicate are with them having split Andromeda between them.

Re: Conviction, Chapter 8 (spoilers)

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 9:07 am
I thought the kimdori was using jamming tech on the incoming fleet, so would only have minimum intelligence on the Galaxy. They were then scattered and deployed, then sent on to whole new missions, based on data they got outside of the jamming.

The unnamed third FTL system is currently only known in catapult form. I think it could be adapted into a ship based system. Karrine had the fastest hyperdrive and translight engines. I am betting their form of the third system would have a significant improvement in speed. It would be cool if it could be hybridized with one or even both of the known FTL available. I keep on mentioning this system due to how it grants a form of shielding. It could be useful in battlefield conditions granting craft extra defences whol able to quickly move around the battlefield. Could someone post the data provided about this tech on the threat, or at least in which chapter and story that contains it?

Re: Conviction, Chapter 8 (spoilers)

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 9:29 am
by Belgarion213
It's in Inception chatper 10 when it's introduced I believe.
“Actually, they have trans-light drives,” Miaari noted as she looked at the results. “They utilize light hyper-modulation to shroud the ship in a field of hyper-light, separating it from three-dimensional physics. That allows the ship to exceed the speed of light. It’s the most efficient and fastest of the assorted FTL drive technologies.”
This is how its described. In this way they can accelerate faster than light. The Karines already have it on their 'new' ships, as its the same theory that let them do the insane speeds in their Trans-light hyperspace ships. However it an be used to do things like move a ship from orbit to jump distance in seconds, or move around the system in a way that Hyperspace Jumps don't allow, even if its much slower than Hyperspace on a Point A to Point B way.

Re: Conviction, Chapter 8 (spoilers)

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 9:50 am
I was talking about the other FTL system, it is talked about in the first chapter of succession.

Re: Conviction, Chapter 8 (spoilers)

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 5:59 pm
by kyli
SYED wrote: The unnamed third FTL system is currently only known in catapult form. I think it could be adapted into a ship based system. Karrine had the fastest hyperdrive and translight engines. I am betting their form of the third system would have a significant improvement in speed. It would be cool if it could be hybridized with one or even both of the known FTL available. I keep on mentioning this system due to how it grants a form of shielding. It could be useful in battlefield conditions granting craft extra defences whol able to quickly move around the battlefield. Could someone post the data provided about this tech on the threat, or at least in which chapter and story that contains it?
I remember the other FTL system but i don't think it could be hybridized as you say. If i remember it correctly, it puts ships out of phase. Thats the defence you are talking about. But any multi-phase weapon could still do damage. Since you watched Stargate, you probably remember that in one of the episodes, they put the entire planet out of phase in order to protect it. I doupt that would be possible in subjugation though and it won't protect anything quite as effectively since there are still weapons that can be used against it. And that type of FTL is very, very slow compared with the translight drives. And if it could be used as a defencive system, it would limit the weapons the protected ship could use to multi-phasic weapons as well.
Belgarion213 wrote:And you are underestimating the number of stars there. There are approximately 100,000,000 in the galaxy. now granted, as you say, a lot of them can be ruled out by being close to the core but that's still a staggeringly large area...and really drives home the how large the Consortium and the Syndicate are with them having split Andromeda between them.
You're right. I was quite a bit conservative in my estimate but i didn't look up any numbers. And it only reinforces what i said