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Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:16 pm
by Phantom
I Vote for More Tarrin ..............err Sennadar

Err opps...more Subjugation yea that's it Subjugation.

Please :shock:

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 3:34 pm
by Fel
Phantom wrote:I Vote for More Tarrin ..............err Sennadar

Err opps...more Subjugation yea that's it Subjugation.

Please :shock:

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:12 pm
by Greymist
Fel wrote:
Phantom wrote:I Vote for More Tarrin ..............err Sennadar

Err opps...more Subjugation yea that's it Subjugation.

Please :shock:
What about Dragon Star or Alpha Project? ;)

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 4:58 am
by Fel
Greymist wrote:
Fel wrote:
Phantom wrote:I Vote for More Tarrin ..............err Sennadar

Err opps...more Subjugation yea that's it Subjugation.

Please :shock:
What about Dragon Star or Alpha Project? ;)

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 6:47 am
by Darksparkru2
Can I say I would love seeing more Kit? I love slice of life stuff, and it is ever so hard finding good stuff. In the past 4 years, I have probably read Kit a good 8 times.

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 2:52 pm
by wathman
I think subjugation was halted at a good place. I do want to see more of that world, but I'd want another epic story that is up to par with what has been written to date. On the other hand, I would like to see more of Kit in the near future. Though Fox and the Hawk is a nice story too, just feels a bit more unoriginal since it pulls heavily from the forgotten realms universe.

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 4:06 pm
by bjeane
Fel wrote:It's been a while since I've got you guys up to speed on things, so here we go.

First off, the new chapter. I'm about 3\4 done with it and hope to get it finished soon. I know it's way late, but my "I should have more time to write" turned out to be a double-edged sword. I HAVE had more time to write...which I've been spending sitting in front of my laptop staring blankly at it.

After I made an utterly ridiculous error that cost me 7 pages of work, I got frustrated on top of aggravated. Writing Path is harder for me than other works, not because of its dark nature, but honestly because it's more "epic" in scope (multiple large armies moving sumultaneously) and I've had to do a lot more background work learning how armies from the corresponding historical eras fought. I do try for believability. ;)

Between the rougher go of Path and me moving on from my chaotic and insane first half of the year, I think I've been suffering from minor burnout.

We're going to fix that.

So, after I finish chapter 6, I'm going to table Path for a little bit, give myself a short break from it. I'm NOT just dropping it, I fully intend to finish it. I just feel that with my struggles with chapter 6, I need to step back a short while and redeploy my little internal mind army men. In the interim, I'll be doing a chapter or two on either Fox and the Hawk or Earth Bond, which for me will be more like taking a little break from "serious" writing.

To think of it, I should have done this in the first place. You guys are a LITTLE familiar with the epic fail that was the first half of this year for me. Between work problems and family problems and car problems and my house being robbed, maybe trying to move from that straight into Path, which is not easy content for me to write, wasn't the best idea. I should have decompressed first or something.

So, to review:

-Path6 will be completed, and hopefully soon.

-I'll be TEMPORARILY tabling Path so I can take a break from it while also regathering myself so I can come back to it without feeling like writing it kills my brain cells.

-As "filler" while I take a comparative vacation, I'll be doing a chapter or two in Fox or Earth Bond.

I think that about sums things up. Hopefully doing something different can refocus me in Path. Guess it's just burnout, but nothing I can't fix by just stepping back a little while.

This is why having more than one story in the queue can be a good thing. ;)

And pardon the typos, posting from my phone, cause I'm too lazy to turn on wifi on my laptop.
For me, I would chose Fox the Traveler. :)

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 3:38 am
by Byte Storm
out of the provided options I would put Earth Bond up front.

However, my true choice is always Kit.

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 2:51 pm
by Mark_Reed
Fox the wanderer for me. He's so awesome, and the story feels pretty low stress and vacation-like.

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:44 pm
by Fel
Yeah, so...I finally got my new gaming desktop today!!!!! It's fairly awesome. I'm still setting it up right now.

Least this time I have an alarm system in my house to protect it, lol.

What it is:

ASUS i7 4950
-16gb ram
-128GB SSD drive
-GeForce 970 4GB graphics

This thing boots like BOOM, you're there. Can't wait to install Witcher on it and proceed to get blown away.

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 5:36 pm
by MartinK
Fel wrote:Yeah, so...I finally got my new gaming desktop today!!!!! It's fairly awesome. I'm still setting it up right now.
Oh, no! I have just gotten a dark feeling, something bad is going to happen!
This thing boots like BOOM, you're there. Can't wait to install Witcher on it and proceed to get blown away.
Witcher! Ah game! My fears have come true! ;-))

Not that an older computer wouldn't be able to keep the brains behind those lovely stories captive, old games might get older each year, but that doesn't make them less fun to play. I still like to occasionally take out one of those old games. Somehow i find less and less new games that aren't just exactly like one of those old ones. Where are all those interesting games gone?

Anyway, sounds like a nice setup, enjoy Witcher. :-)

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 3:30 pm
by boballab
The game I'm looking forward to, Crowfall, is still about 1.5 years away from release:

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 3:24 am
by chipum2
Truthfully, I don't care which story you work on next. I have yet to have a bad time while reading your work, I enjoy each and every thing you have written and hunger for the next submission. Write what you want, when you want, but post as much as soon as you can LOL how is that for no pressure LOL.

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 5:27 am
by Fawks
Fel wrote:Yeah, so...I finally got my new gaming desktop today!!!!! It's fairly awesome. I'm still setting it up right now.

Least this time I have an alarm system in my house to protect it, lol.

What it is:

ASUS i7 4950
-16gb ram
-128GB SSD drive
-GeForce 970 4GB graphics

This thing boots like BOOM, you're there. Can't wait to install Witcher on it and proceed to get blown away.
128GB is not large enough. You have been warned.
1TB is much better. :)
Or, maybe a 2TB... its ONLY 799.99 on Newegg. =| ... -_-UpTo1TB

Seriously, I quickly ran out of space when I had my OS and programs installed on a 240GB ssd. BF3, BF4, BF2142, Office and STEAM games quickly filled it up.

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:52 pm
by Wicketklown001
Fawks wrote: 128GB is not large enough. You have been warned.
1TB is much better. :)
Or, maybe a 2TB... its ONLY 799.99 on Newegg. =| ... -_-UpTo1TB

Seriously, I quickly ran out of space when I had my OS and programs installed on a 240GB ssd. BF3, BF4, BF2142, Office and STEAM games quickly filled it up.
I've been using a 128GB for awhile now and it's doable. I have literally just the OS and a few basic programs on it. Games for the most part don't need an SSD (a few exceptions) so all of them go on my 2TB HDD instead.