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Re: Inception 12 [Spoilers]

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 8:26 am
by MartinK
SYED wrote:Terra is an independant system, with nominal ties to the faey imperium. THe thing is if mars and venus become property of faey nobles houses wont that change the status quo. I am all for terraforming planets, but this seems like it could become a big political issue. It would be better if the planet belong to house karrine, or even better belong to terra it self. THe confederation would love more habitable systems in terra, and more food available, but the thing is this will turn in to a political issue.
Indeed, i agree. Although for the duration of the food production contract terra is still nominally under the overview and management of one of the smaller noble houses of the Faey, it has become the defacto capital of the confederation. I wish i would remember more about that contract, i certainly hope there was a time frame specified as well as the option to negotiate an entirely new contract with Terra as an independent Entity.

Even while reading about the terraformation of Venus and Mars, i was already thinking how Terra could become the owner of those planets while not hindering or - god forbid - stopping the terraformation. Since humans have access to Faey technology and possess enough manpower to terraform planets as well, perhaps they should look for a suitable system with at least three planets that are both good enough to terraform in the first place and not good enough to fall under the Faey contract process. Uhm... or could Terra simply first claim a planet no matter its condition and then trade for another planet from one of the noble houses without any of that contracting involved? After all, it wouldn't be a newly discovered planet anymore, just a trade.
One of the races was said to be an expert at shields, both hard and soft shields, so I was wondering if they could help advance the terraforming of planets. THe core is too filled with radiation to be properly habitable, but what if better shields are create to negate that radiation. Then using plants and ecosystems that feed on radiation, clean a planet of it, to allow those less immune to it able to colonise it. Sort of like how that radioactive moon was covered in a shield to keep the planet near it protected from the radiation. It is likely that the planet will never be as safe as any other habitable planet, but it should become an easier option to colonize it.
Whyever should anyone be interested in shielding barren planets from giant amounts of radiation? There are roughly 200 billion stars in our galaxy. The thousands of systems claimed by any empire, kingdom, republic or whatnot are insignificant compared to that number. For every system with a colonized planet in it, there are hundreds if not thousands without anyone interested in it. And they are right next to the colonized systems and thus there is no need whatsoever to invest massive amounts of manpower and energy into first building and then upkeeping giant protections against radiation.

For that matter, how far does this inner radiation belt go anyway?

Re: Inception 12 [Spoilers]

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:59 pm
We know that crystals like for rook can be accidently made, can they be made on purpose? So more like him could be created. it seems to me he is a near sentient if not actually sentient artificial creation. I dont mean mass produce him, but having more of his type around could be very .

Re: Inception 12 [Spoilers]

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 3:20 am
by kyli
I'm just wondering if its possible to build a smaller stargate and put it on a planets surface? I think that if you could do this say. . . on the planet the karinnes just discovered with all those heavy metals, they could ship the containers right through the stargate without having to have ships come in to tow them out of the atmosphere. A gate between karis and kosigi might also be useful if its possible.

Re: Inception 12 [Spoilers]

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 2:03 pm
by The Thing
SYED wrote:We know that crystals like for rook can be accidentally made, can they be made on purpose? So more like him could be created. it seems to me he is a near sentient if not actually sentient artificial creation. I dont mean mass produce him, but having more of his type around could be very .
I had a similar idea but with a different outcome for a different reason. I was wondering if multiple boards such as this could be done and a certain bandwidth of the communion space was reserved for the communication between such boards only. Then give the individual boards the idea of a CBIM. So then, these boards using that reserved bandwidth could get together and work as a CBIM with presence all over the planet. The advantage of such a device would be that, in Cybi, just because of a small problem in one of her output arrays (which lead to Root) made the whole network go down, where as in this case, you can just disconnect that specific board(s) and go ahead and still be a CBIM but with a bit lesser processing power. Possible ?

Re: Inception 12 [Spoilers]

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 11:36 pm
by Wolfee
kyli wrote:I'm just wondering if its possible to build a smaller stargate and put it on a planets surface? I think that if you could do this say. . . on the planet the karinnes just discovered with all those heavy metals, they could ship the containers right through the stargate without having to have ships come in to tow them out of the atmosphere. A gate between karis and kosigi might also be useful if its possible.
BAH!! These are KARINNES!!! Think BIG thoughts! Build HUGE stargates and move planets!!!

Re: Inception 12 [Spoilers]

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 5:43 am
I am not imagining a small gate you can walk through, I am thinking a sort of interstellar train service. That seems far more capable system, than one designed for pedestrian use. The carriges go back and forth through planetary gate ways, either railed or hover ones

For terraforming, any chance karrine science will create a way to alter gravity on a planet, or establish a usable sustainable EM field. I knows that it depends on the mass of the planet, it could be possible. Anyone remember the movie, "the core", they had an under ground vehicle able to travel to the earth core, and they built machine that destabilised the planetary EM field. An EM field that a planet can produce it self with out a shield system would be a long term solution, and provides security.
The idea of a digger like that is very cool to me at least, also could have potential mining application.

We know the mining in systems is a big thing for the varius metals, what about a SAPL system? From the troy rising series. They have ftl comms, they have advanced computing, power generations, and advance mirrors and optics. We know that the karrines can replicate a lot of lower elemental material, but they still have material needs. Also, it would be an awesome defence system. They created a weapon that used ambient energy and mass produced it already. There was this skaa system, where the consortium wiped out every one just to show it could. It would give dead yet profitable mining systems a possible defence, make it too costly to attack.

We know there is light in hyperspace and it can be seen, so what would happen if you merged one of those hyperspace telescopes with one of those ambient energy lens arraay. It could be an interesting experiment.

WIth the syndicate having a higher than average tlepathic percentage, we will se the other races recruit their telepaths to the war, and i see them interacting with the faey and house karrine. A great deal of them will be drawn to being with other telepaths, so I can see this recruitment project casusing a great deal of migration of telepathic members of other races to move to earth or even join house karrine. Once they experience the telepathic community created by the need of telepathic personel, they might choose it to being the odd one out among their own people.

Re: Inception 12 [Spoilers]

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 2:38 pm
by kyli
SYED wrote:I am not imagining a small gate you walk through, I am thinking a sort of interstellar train service. That seems far more capable system, than one designed for pedestrian use. The carriges go back and forth through planetary gate ways, either railed or hover ones.
Stargates have to be a certain distance apart to operate. I'm not sure how many you could put on a planet. I would guess only one or maybe two if their on oppisit sides of the planet, but i don't really know.

Re: Inception 12 [Spoilers]

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:06 pm
by kyli
kyli wrote:
SYED wrote:I am not imagining a small gate you walk through, I am thinking a sort of interstellar train service. That seems far more capable system, than one designed for pedestrian use. The carriges go back and forth through planetary gate ways, either railed or hover ones.
Stargates have to be a certain distance apart to operate. I'm not sure how many you could put on a planet. I would guess only one or maybe two if their on oppisit sides of the planet, but i don't really know.
Inception chapter 4 wrote: . . . . . about 10,000 kathra from the gate leading to PR-371, which was the minimum distance two active gates could be without interfering with each other.
Subjugation chapter 13 wrote:A kathra was a unit of measurement the Faey used that was roughly half a mile, a bit smaller than a kilometer.
I did the math to see how many stargates can go on a planet.  On a planet with an 8000 mile (16000 kathra) diameter, it should be possible to place 4 stargates along the equator, each between 5000 and 6000 miles (10000 and 12000 kathra) from the next closest stargate.  And we can put 2 more stargates at the north and south pole as well.  That’s a maximum 6 stargates on a planet about the same size as Earth, if I did my math right.  Now if you create a subway system that uses the same type of magnetic catapult system that is in a rail gun, you can get people and materials moved between star systems very fast.

Re: Inception 12 [Spoilers]

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:47 pm
I wonder if the agressive members of the confederation could convince the others that invading that slave empire is a good idea, while they do argue a lot, they all agree that slavery is bad, so eliminating it from the region would be important.

Re: Inception 12 [Spoilers]

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:23 pm
by MartinK
SYED wrote:I wonder if the agressive members of the confederation could convince the others that invading that slave empire is a good idea, while they do argue a lot, they all agree that slavery is bad, so eliminating it from the region would be important.
Unlikely, since things are never just black or white. If the confederation talks its members into invading one country based on how they do things without being aggressive against members of the confederation - why should that not happen with other empires/federations/... as well? And if its slaves this time, why not.. say, not feeding half of your population enough next time? There are literally unlimited number of things that any one species would find bad.

The humans waste perfectly good source of carbon by simply burying our dead. Such a good source of fertilization. Surely, criminal behavior for any species that lives on a world without abundant resources.

Earth should definitely be conquered. Half of our population does not get enough to eat and goes to bed hungry daily. We are still fighting and intentionally killing thousands each year. We are not even capably of teaching all our children to read! Such a simple thing, but still 20% of our population does not even know that much. And lets not get started with our self-destructive behavior in how humanity treats the world around us. We should definitely be conquered and controlled. ;-)

But, we are in luck. The Confederation does not attack others without being attacked first. I wonder what happens if some third empire attacks a member of the confederation first. Or if that third empire attacks because a member of the Confederation did provoke them so that they had no other choice to attack. Hmmm...