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Re: Inception 4 [Spoilers]

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:58 am
THey do have ftl comms, and they could create the mirrors and other parts of the SAPL, they already have those solar units that literally burn through heavy spaceship armor. To set up a system, you would need an awesome computing to track, control and calculate. CYbi could do it, and it would provide karis a great system defence.
If they can warp space, could they warp it enough to create a lens effect? That could assist the light effect

ANy chance the JAcks, can they allow for pilot to control their ships remotely say from a mother ship? If they can keep the comms secure, then it would be useful. They could jack into ship system to speed up reactions and control of systems. They could potentially pilot the missiles. also the repair and work bots can be directly controlled.

I know that they have battle mechs, but with the minituised tech, and jacks, can they have powered armor that is smaller yet more effective in some cases.

Re: Inception 4 [Spoilers]

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:13 pm
by ettoren
Fel has already established that it can be done remotely, at least on a small scale. Myleena gave Rann a Miniature Gladiator in chapter 8 of Secession that was fully functional and able to be merged with in a "Rigger" mode that would allow Rann to experience being a Non-Generation Gladiator Rigger. Rigger mode could also be switched off and a full Merge enacted which would give him the experience of a Generation Rigger.

Myleena also stated that she had some Ideas on how to utilize the process for other applications but we have yet to see anything come from that train of thought.

I'm sure with the Advent of Jack technology that we will be seeing Unmanned Wolf and Gladiators. I picture a Carrier craft packed full of Unmanned Wolf Fighters and Gladiators with the pilots and riggers in rows upon rows of couches.

"Crap, my wolf just got blown out of the skies. Let me merge into my backup and get back out there..."

Re: Inception 4 [Spoilers]

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:28 pm
by Wolfee
SYED wrote:THey do have ftl comms, and they could create the mirrors and other parts of the SAPL, they already have those solar units that literally burn through heavy spaceship armor. To set up a system, you would need an awesome computing to track, control and calculate. CYbi could do it, and it would provide karis a great system defence.
If they can warp space, could they warp it enough to create a lens effect? That could assist the light effect

ANy chance the JAcks, can they allow for pilot to control their ships remotely say from a mother ship? If they can keep the comms secure, then it would be useful. They could jack into ship system to speed up reactions and control of systems. They could potentially pilot the missiles. also the repair and work bots can be directly controlled.

I know that they have battle mechs, but with the minituised tech, and jacks, can they have powered armor that is smaller yet more effective in some cases.

No need to... Jason and team already have the solar concentrator... create a few thousand of those would raise the difficulty of taking a star system by and order of magnitude!

Re: Inception 4 [Spoilers]

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 6:27 am
The one he build only had a minor energy power source, what if it had something better? THey wont be able to used restricted karrine science, but the best imperial race power generation, could make a really powerful weapons array.

Will we see Bomb pumped lasers, that would be very cool? THe other explosives used are I think omnidirectional, so I wonder how focused explosion would compare. THe most explosive material they have is antimatter right, so can another powerful explosive be focused by such a degreee, that they can create more resulting damage than an antimatter strike. It would have the advantage of penetration.
I wonder if the different aspects of the Electromagnetic field are amplified by stimulated emission, they can be turned into weapons.
Gamma radiation -G.A.S.E.R.
X-ray radiation - X.A.S.E.R.
Ultraviolet radiation - U.A.S.E.R.
Visible radiation - L.A.S.E.R.
Infrared radiation - I.A.S.E.R.
Terahertz radiation - T.A.S.E.R.
Microwave radiation - M.A.S.E.R.
Radio waves - R.A.S.E.R.
We know lasers can be used in combat can the others, possibly in different forms and locations.

Re: Inception 4 [Spoilers]

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:21 am
by kyli
lapland wrote:The Kerrines have the money to build all the ships they need. Problem is they don't have the people to man them. But I do wonder.... if a CBIM can be put on a Capital ship couldn't it control a whole fleet of ships automatically if its near centient AI? You could have one Generation connected from Keris through communion boosting when needed. Otherwise its patrolling an area and enforcing rule of law. Put a couple dozen of these battle groups together and watch out.
I don't think a CBIM would have to be on a ship in order to command a starship fleet. CBIM's are like telepaths in that they can communicate in real time no matter what the distance if it has enough transmitter. A CBIM could receive information and send commands during battles in real time and if it had supplies on board and robots under its control ranging in size from nanites to bug sized to human sized robots, the CBIM could repair the ship just as well or better than any men or women in deep space. And the CBIM should be able to do all this from Karis.

I also think that a CBIM on Karis could be set up to run the Terran Academy just as well as if it were located on Terra. It would probably require a lot of biogenic equipment on Terra, but at least they won't have to put a CBIM out there.

On another note, when will Jason invent something new and awesome again? Myleena and 3D seem to be doing all the inventing since the first book and it would be great to see him getting him hands a little dirty again.

Re: Inception 4 [Spoilers]

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 7:32 am
I hope Jason will help create more tech.I wonder if thye can build a quantum computer, or even a jupiter brain. It might be very useful to have such computer capability. The next level of computing, great academy project.
If they can mass produce clones, why cant this tech be used for farming meat animals? especially since they can feed them using replicated food.
Much of these are likely discovered by the faey already. It possibly just an alternative use of existing tech. Even not useful, they could be useul projects for teching in the academy.
You know those giant cannons, like the one on the hollow moon, and the command ship. They are are long distance weapon but slow firing rate. what if you put one at each la grange point in the karis system, that way no matter which direction, the enemy would be under fire.
There was an idea to create a particle accelerator that circled a planet or a moon, but I forget why it would be useful. The scale allows large scale production, or usage. It allows greater experiments that ever.

Re: Inception 4 [Spoilers]

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 11:58 pm
by Seastallion
Fel wrote:
kyli wrote:Why not just use a wormhole to get all the way to Andromeda? Just send a few unmanned ships through, each towing a biogenic stargate that will let Cybi link them way faster. Only one ship needs to make it through and no lives would be lost. It would let them send more Kimdori and even warships if they are needed. And it could be a way of retreat. I know the cost for the stargates would be high, especially if you risk losing them, but in my opinion, the benefits outwiegh the risk. :D
A stargate is a frightfully large and dreadfully expensive piece of very delicate hardware, they wouldn't be able to fit one into a wormhole even if they were willing to risk it.
Don't they have smaller stargates, that they could use initially, to send parts through to build a larger version? If so, one of the scout ships could carry one to Andromeda.