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Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 9:00 pm
by TheFanatics
Definitely looking forward to this, going to have to go re-read that now ;)

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 9:05 pm
by mjkj
Wow, I am looking forward to more Earth Bound. I really liked that story.

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 1:30 pm
by Belgarion213
Love to see more Earth Bond, its a really nice setting, and your new story concept sounds pretty cool.

That being said, I would think it would be rather interesting if it wasn't the Acardians (in the forms of the Shifters) who are attacking or the like...but the other way around. You said that a human person from our world who moved into Arcadia would live for hundreds of years. There's always an abundance of arrogant rich guys who would pay a lot and screw over a great many people for the prospect of a life expectancy ten times greater than they have now....

Not saying 'Earth is Bad and Arcadia is good' or saying you were going to do 'Earth is good and Arcadia is bad', because the point of view of somebody on earth finding out that they have this amazing power and learning about Arcadia would be awesome...I just like the duality of both sides doing 'unpleasant things' to each other...

The 'shifters' are fascinating. As I understand it, they have ties to both temporal frames, and can pass freely between them. (Well you outright said that). Does this mean for example mean that they just age 'normally' for wherever they are....or can they play around with their temporal interaction to say live to hundreds of years old in Arcadia as if they were from Earth?

....And Ill stop asking questions for now because I could probably keep going for a couple weeks and be half way through plotting fifteen plot points before I realized I was stepping on Fel's toes...

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:27 pm
by qcboss
Definitely Looking forward to more Earth Bond. I know you'll make the Chinese invasion of the island interesting. Also the new plot line sounds interesting, it should definitely give you plenty of room to operate with two worlds to discuss. How Earth reacts to this new character and then all that you could do with Arcadia. Looking forward to this new one.

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:36 pm
by Mizriath
Interesting concept Fel. I like the idea. The physics does not matter. Magic exists in the mind. Why not physics eh.

Earth Bond is good for me too. A continuation of the story is in the works.... I am all ready at the front row. Waiting to see when Mother Gaia wil wake up to talk to you know who.. :)

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:52 pm
by maxthegap
I just finished spending all weekend re reading earth bound and i cant wait for new chapters keep up the great work Fel

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 2:39 am
For the whole Arcadian unable to survive on earth, there are 2 loopholes. They could potentially posses human as hosts, or inhabit areas temporarily altered to allow them to survive, sort of like the area was running on Arcadian time instead of earth time. Shifters are human/arcadian hybrids, can the Arcadian or human aspects ever be diluted enough, that the hybrid only belongs to one world.

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 2:44 am
by dellstart
This feels like its going to be one of those thrillers. Like having to survive the night from the vamp attack. Your only safe for so long . Beware night doeth cometh...

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 3:41 am
by ahaines
So Arcadia is either out of phase with Earth or it's in a different dimension.
The different dimension would be easier to pass off and would allow for other plot devices to be explored.
You could use a "guidestone" of sorts as an anchor for the portal.
The method of creation of the guidestones is of course lost to time (allowing a sub plot of finding the lost tech).
These guidestones can be activated for a set duration (i.e. 24 hours) then require a "recharge" (i.e. 36 days).
These guidestones are quantum linked and only exist in pairs.
The tech behind them locks the user into their original reference frame so aging is not apparent.
The guidestones can be destroyed thus a person can be stuck.
They can be built into a structure (i.e. a doorway, a mosaic on a temple floor) thus hiding their purpose.
They can be relocated without losing their pairing (you acquire one and then capture anyone using it from the other side).

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:46 pm
by Dreamer
Fel wrote:
boballab wrote: If the Arcadia and Earth occupy the same physical space in the Solar System but out of phase, that means they are both orbiting the Sun at the same distance, that in turn means that time runs faster on Arcadia. That is why 10 years pass in Arcadia for one Earth year because they circle the sun 10 times to our 1. So time can't be faster on Earth and orbit the Sun slower than Arcadia.
I wrote down what I had in mind wrong, lol. I wrote it backwards.

I was trying to come up with a viable theory why the Shifters can't just move back and forth between the worlds at will, forcing them to only be able to move between worlds at set intervals and specific times that can be predicted, mainly to use it as a plot device. The idea that the two planets orbit at different speeds due to the time difference made sense, but I got twisted up because originally my idea was for Arcadia to be the "fast" frame and our world the "slow" frame. That won't work given the plot devices I have in mind for the story. Arcadia has to be the "slow" frame for it to work. If Arcadia is the "fast" frame, then yeah, the two planets intersecting every 36 days would work.

So, yes, to make it make actual sense, Arcadia orbits ten times SLOWER than Earth in relation to Earth's temporal frame, and the two planets only intersect once a year, when Earth "laps" Arcadia and passes through it. It's that one day that the Shifters can move back and forth between temporal frames, and when it's over, the Shifter is stuck on whichever world he happens to be on when this conjunction ends.

EDIT: and I'll edit the original post to fix this error, so more people don't point out my dorkinosity.
Not trying to be too nit-picky about details, but the earth would need 1.09 years or 1 year + 39-41 days (assuming almost perfectly circular orbits and doing some rounding of figures) to match with Arcadia. So it would match only 10 times (if start with and including an initial match) during a 10 year period. If it always matched on the same day of the year, the ratio would have to be 11:1, and not 10:1 (meaning that if starting with a match, it would match 11 times within a 10 year period).

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:06 am
by nicolai
I'm looking forward to new chapters of Earth Bond, it's one of my favorite tales.

The new tale sounds intriguing. If you really want to have the physics right, there are lots of geeks around to help you. I wouldn't have the physics be a significant part of the storyline, though, just background.

Although ... perhaps a scientist or three, on either (or both) side(s) exploring what's happening, that would make the science part of the storyline, and would place it inside the story, instead of being something handed down from some pontifically superior watcher, ala a narrator. Handled with your usual aplomb, that would work. Just make the scientists characters in the story, maybe even major characters.

Looking forward to this tale, too.

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 10:39 am
by Cadre
If you want to cut details short, you could propose that the two planets have a perpendicular orbit path around the sun. If the orbits are perpendicular then they only have 2 places to intersect, and therefore you can time it how you want.

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 8:11 am
by avalanche_man
I like the idea. Relativity would allow for the earths to occupy the same space indefinitely... I get the concept, but wouldn't it be easier to just use quantum mechanics loosely, combined with string theory, to allow for a different time stream(dimensional coordinate)? Then for different limited gate times, you could always go for quantum entanglement... they are in synch for so long, every blankety blank, and they accidentally connect as a result of occupying the same space in every way but time coordinate, leaving a very short distance move in time through a wormhole? I dunno, just seems there are easier ways to connect the worlds. Another thought on the timing thing, perhaps a non tidally locked moon in the other world?

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:42 am
WOuld it not make more sense to simply start a new topic, specificly for the proposed story?

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:13 pm
by kylarios
yay more Dragon Bond
the Arcidia story sounds cool looking forward to that