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Re: update?

Post by nicolai »

Actually, Path Walker would be more consistent with the earlier books.

For myself, any release is good news, although I must admit a definite preference for Earth Bond or Kit. Or Legacy, that's been languishing for far too long. Beyond that, and despite my preferences, you will write whatever you do, and I will enjoy the result.

Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do!
An objective definition of "Political Correctness":

"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical, liberal minority, and
rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the
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Re: update?

Post by arargh »

Fel wrote:I was getting around to it.

I'm about 38 pages into the last chapter of Secession, and I'm not entirely sure when I'll be finished. I have family in from out of town this week, so I don't have much writing time.

After Secession, I'm going to take a week or so off to do some home repairs, then I'm not entire 100% sure what I'm going to do next. I'm undecided as to doing another chapter of Fox and the Hawk, writing a few more chapters through Earth Bond, or starting Walker of the Path (book 3 of the Walker series). Or, I may start something entirely new, who knows.

So there. You will take your update, and YOU WILL LIKE IT.
I would like to vote for 'Fox and the Hawk' or 'Legacy', then maybe 'Kit' or 'Earth Bond'. :)
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Re: update?

Post by probe »

yes, I would also like to see continuation of 'Fox and the Hawk' or 'Legacy'...
or sequel to "Earth Bond"...

but if we are alowed to ask...continuation of "Dragon Star" would be also most welcome