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Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:18 pm
by stoneguard
weavespinner after countless internet searches for stories to read.

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:24 am
by Dreamer
I was a follower of Dark Icon and a few other online novelists, but they all took a break from writing at about the same time a few years ago. I did a google search for online writers / stories and found this site fairly early in my search and started reading the Sennadar series. By the time I finished that, Fel was just starting with Kit and a few other stories. I've been reading ever since (currently rereading Honor and Blood).

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:39 am
by gnume
stoneguard wrote:weavespinner after countless internet searches for stories to read.
same i think

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 12:43 pm
by expedient
I first came in the early 2000s via a link on EWPub. Sennadar/Pyrosia wasn't complete. I read a random sample (featuring a cat attacking a city from the air carried in a basket) and thought that I should come back and read the rest. I saved a link and came back again when "Axe Of The Dwarven King" was in-progress and thought 'I really should read this stuff'. I returned once more when "Demon's Bane" was on chapter 6 or so and still delayed my reading. I finally began reading all of Sennadar/Pyrosia in late 2007, years after first visiting.

As if to punish me, my laptop's power supply blew up when I was half was through "Honor and Blood". I had to resurrect an old desktop and blurry CRT to keep reading until I could get a replacement power supply. Ironically just after I'd reread the scene that had captured my attention years earlier [the attack on Torrian in Honor and Blood, chapter 27].

I joined the forum sometime after I'd read Subjugation and Insurrection in early 2008.

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:19 pm
by crxbnt
I have been trying to remember for the last few days.

I am not sure the world wide web even existed when I first heard of Tarrin Kael, and started trying to find the story and the author. I was trying to connect to different bulletin boards, connecting to sources of infornmation (I was and am a geek) and learning more about computing and communications. I was given the first chapter by some one, and spent months trying to track down more. (First chapter was given to me on the old fan fold paper, printed by dot matrix). Late in the 90s I discovered an early site that had maybe 100 members, that had the first story as it was posted. Maybe half of the first book was there. I was accessing via a dial up line and a high speed US Robotics modem that was providing a blindingly fast 9600 baud with some compression. I joined, and later re-joined, as my computers, connections, and IDs were replaced. I have no idea how often I have joined, or how many different IDs I have used. I have been Crxbnt for about 10 years now.

It has been a fascinating journey with Fel and others. I have shared the story and the links with many others. Some have even joined the group.


Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:32 pm
by Fel
Holy crap, you must go all the way back to my days on IRC, Crx. If you got a chapter on paper, then you must know either Rebawho or one the guys from #night in person. They were the first ones to ever see my work, they used to critique it for me.

Given Reba lived in Boston at the time, you must know one of the guys from #night. We had a few canucks in there.

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:40 pm
by DragonFlu
I met Fel on IRC a long time ago...geez I feel , I had no idea for awhile he even was writing, but once I found out I read and still try to read everything I can from him :)

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:37 pm
by Fel


Hiya! Long time no see! ;)

Now if only lid will show up.....

***WARNING: the resurfacing of old IRC friends may cause Fel to undergo periods of intense nonsensicalness, entropic silliness, and aggravated randomness. Only on IRC did the truly demented, fractured mind of Fel shine through, like radioactive silly putty wrapped around an angry cat.


Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:03 am
by Fawks
Hmmm... Sounds like we need to beg the Sys Admin to add an IRC chat room. :)

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:34 am
by Greymist
Fel do you know what happened to DustyX by any chance? He's not one of the guys here going by a different name?

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 2:30 pm
by dbryant78244
I first heard of Fel in 2002, while working at a call center. Sadly I lost the link to his stories shortly after and didn't find them again until 2011...

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 9:49 pm
by hermit-bob
I first found Fel when looking for good stories online back in 2005, I think it was during the 2nd or 3rd book of the Pyrosian Chronicles maybe? I devoured Sennadar and Subjugation. Then I read the other stories that were posted. I was really hoping Alpha Start was going somewhere, but alas, nothing.

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 10:10 pm
by Phantom
To tell the truth I don't remember where i first learned about Fel

It could have been On EWP I remember I lurked around for quite a bit .....On that old Forum that got Spam from hell.
then decided to join right after the move to the new one .....that was like what 3 diffrent forum updates ago. ?

I remember Dustyx from IRC but barely I remember that was the time when no one had access to the Old Sennadar and we were using
for the forum and hanging out on IRC waiting for Fel to show up and deliver the new chapter updates.

and sometimes I could get Fel to give me Tid bit's and inside info on Subugation damn Now i feel old too.

That was back in 2003 or maybe 2004 i can't remember.

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 4:04 am
by Fel
Greymist wrote:Fel do you know what happened to DustyX by any chance? He's not one of the guys here going by a different name?
Sadly no, Grey, I haven't heard from Dusty in like ten years. He just vanished. :(

Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 6:25 pm
by khms
Gmail to the rescue ;-)

This mail (and the follow-ups) sent me first to, then here (because the old URLs didn't work at the time ... I'm assuming I came to Weavespinner via Google):

To: <>
From: "Phantom" <>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2010 01:22:35 -0600
Subject: Re: Warlord's Erotic Story Forum looking for story on SOL

What are you looking for ?

What types of stories do you like?

Do you want Reading type storys or just looking for Stroke types?

Aside from DOaL on Sol/Asstr ....there are some others but for some other long stories
and if you haven't already read Fel's stuff try and
His Sennadar Series and His Subjugation Series of books are worth
reading. (the Sennadar Tarrin Kael Saga is over 8 books so far)
and his (Subjugation Series is at 3 books)

another long one worth checking out is Mike Cropo's-- A Spartan's war series
Starting with (A Spartan's war book #1 " A time of Eden and Elves ")
Don't let the title fool you it is and isn't what you might at first think from
just reading the title.
It's currently a 4 book series and except for book 2 they are looong books...
(book 2 is only about 264,000 words)
Currenty book 4 is almost finished (book 5 will start soon after)
it can only be found right now at ... ftheBlood/

((Warning these Stories while not stroke stories will fall into the NSFW category))

also you may want to check out
Monbade and several of his author friends post stories there.
other online sites are

they are several of the Story collection sites aside from Literotica

I'm sure others here can give lots more reading ideas as well


----- Original Message -----
From: "gkman" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 10:50 PM
Subject: Re: Warlord's Erotic Story Forum looking for story on SOL

Thanks Von,
Just getting into all this on-line story stuff apart from Literotica, and am looking for new
hotter things to read.
