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Re: sub9 released

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 1:29 am
by Spec8472
canisd wrote:lots of lightening that went through my area last night

Ah, understandable, I suppose :)

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 2:41 am
by locolobo1999
How would someone "else" know to contact Kumi to get to Jason? How would someone even know there was a connection? Unless she told them....
As to that question it could have been anyone who saw the picture that kumi took of Jason with the first shipment?

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 2:58 am
by Hearly
locolobo1999 wrote:
As to that question it could have been anyone who saw the picture that kumi took of Jason with the first shipment?

To a point but she showed it to her "girlfriends" I'd assume there the same age as she is. This person seems a bit older, and they just gave Jason around 1.2 million credits worth of stuff, (figure the food, and that black key..)

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 5:27 am
by TFF

Sorry to read your Mom isn't feeling well. I hope she's better soon.

Excellent new chapter of Subjugation. The twist at the end has me very, very curious. I think I'm more in to the story than ever now.

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 7:30 am
by Journeywoman
Oh, the possibilites... ;)
Loved the chapter, keep up the good work.
I hope your mother feels better soon and good luck with CCNA.

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 1:40 pm
by Weresmilodon
The fifth was another alien, an eerie looking kind of furry humanoid creature, something hed never imagined could exist.  Itshe, it was a shehad purple fur, with a short, boxy kind of muzzle on her face, sort of like a cat but not quite.  She had oversized, round eyes that were the color of turquoise, and she had strange little whip-like things growing out of her head, in front of a pair of animalistic triangular ears that were poking through a thick poof of wild hair that was a slightly darker shade of purple than her fur.  She also had small, diaphonous purple-tinted wings, chitinous wings like a dragonly, though they looked too small to be anything other than decorative.  That creature looked at him, and he had the weirdest sensation shiver up his spine.
Is it just me, or might the last bit mean something?
That creature looked at him, and he had the weirdest sensation shiver up his spine.
This might be one of those things that shows up way later and is meaningful. Fel does have a knack for doing things like that...

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 2:23 pm
by Hearly
weresmilodon wrote:Hmm...

Is it just me, or might the last bit mean something?

This might be one of those things that shows up way later and is meaningful. Fel does have a knack for doing things like that...
It could mean that the creature could detect telepaths, and that shiver was it sensing him..

Hey Fel, we close on any of these...?

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 3:47 pm
by Weresmilodon
Yeah, possible. And it wasn't said wheter or not they were telepaths, just that they were secretive and not a part of the imperium.

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 11:06 pm
by SenMasi
I think that they have to be somewhat telepathic. Hard to be spies if your target can sense your presence. My 0.02

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 4:16 am
by Shilo
Plots and more plots....
1. Who's to say the go between 3rd party isn't the actual 3rd party like maybe the Emperess herself.
2. Who has the clout to give someone a black key that lets you open anything up. Empress you say?
3. Kummi lives very close to the palace and likes to show off to her friends. I don't remeber if Fel has given the emperess's age or not but I would say she may be Kummi's freinds.
4. I find it strange that he felt something with the new race when it looked at him. But lets look at this in another way I think that he will be able to tell who is a shape changer and who isn't.
5. It is a given fact that they want to see what Jason can do with state of the art Fae military technoligy.

On another note I would like to say thank you Fel for all the enjoyment that you have given us and I hope they give you good news on your mothers condition.

P.S. I hope you ace your exams.

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 1:36 pm
by TFF
shilo wrote:Plots and more plots....
2. Who has the clout to give someone a black key that lets you open anything up. Empress you say?
Here's another good question. How did  ... whoever ... know that Kumi and Jason knew each other in the first place? They've both gone to a lot of trouble to keep that quiet. And Kumi is an upper level noble. So how did someone learn about the friendship?

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 12:08 pm
by Shadowhawk
Fel, do you plan to leave the "Subjegation" with this cliffhanger (well, kind of) at the end of chapter 9? How mean of you! ;) ;) ;)

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 6:04 am
by Uncle_Rand
Remember, the Imperium is a Feudal system, so not only is she Empress, but she is also the head of her House. As for having the ear of the Empress and knowing Kumi is in contact with Jason, how about the Empress' daughter, who would probably be a lot like Kumi, wanting to party and stuff, but as the Empress' daughter she would also have the power to negotiate for their House and in a Fuedal system, having a strong House would help keep the Empress on the throne, so getting Jason working for their House would be more important than him working for the Empire.

Uncle Rand

Was that as confusing to you as it was to me when I proofed it? Sorry, a little punchy here.

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 3:00 pm
by Hearly
The thing that keeps bugging me, They (the faey) have to know Jason is a telepath, from the other Humans showing the Talent, and his "history" of being resistant to the talent, Jyslin even said it, that he shouldn't be able to resist it unless he had the talent.. (can't remeber exact wording) Now knowing this, why would they give him a exomech(sp?) I mean he could cause all kinds of havoc if he choose to, and with Earth being a "prime" food provider, he could cause major shortages with there food supply.. Just imagine a larger railgun (one shooting maybe a foot long bullet) it could shoot down ships in orbit, or when he gets his cloaking device working, from space, he could pretty much prevent any ship from landing or taking off from earth at will..

Either they don't forsee him being a Threat, or Because of his dealings with Kumi, whoever supplied him with the stuff, doesn't think he would use it in a hostile manner..

Also, If he would take the "job" offer that was made to him, he could probably wing it that he can do it from his present location, and that area is under his "control" without Faey Interference.. I think if that was offered to him, he'd work for them in a heartbeat..

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 4:07 pm
by Hallmist
I dont know about a larger version of the railgun.  Its a really cool weapon, that fires rounds really fast (14,000ish MPH), but you've gotta remember that it fires normal matter.

Really effective against lightly armored units (i.e. infantry), not so effective against shields.  Fel has mentioned several times that Faey shields block matter, but only one quantum state.  Which is why metaphased plasma goes through; it is in multiple states.  However, the titanium coated iron round that the railgun fires is only in one quantum state, and would be completely blocked by shielding.  So I'm not sure how effective the railgun would be against Faey ships.

However, if whatever cloak Jason builds repels/reflects/cancels all energy, it could be possible to fly his skimmer inside a ship's shield, and fire from there.

Just a thought.